Sunday, April 24, 2022

All kind of things kept me busy.

 Goodafternoon everybody!

Our weather has been wonderful, pity today and coming days temperature is down for a bit(we had 18-19C, now it is around 15C). Most of it to do with a stronger wind blowing from the East and North. Nut all together we still cannot complain, it was sunny which already makes me feel better.

Touching wood when saying this, my stomach hold okay, that little pill seems to help indeed. Well, I continue for a while and make an appoinment with my doctor when the pills will be almost finished, he said to do so for evaluation. 

But there was not so good news from my friend Heidi, you know she had a respiration infection last week? Well, yesterday morning I received a whats app message from her that she has been in hospital last Thursday evening. After a CTA scan it came out she had pneumonia. She just had finished her antibiotics! It was that bad, they said, that she had to saty in hospital, so she came home that same evening late. It will take however quite some time to recover from it and regain again some energy. Lately she already wasn;t feeling that good, very tired, lacking of much energy, probably the infection was due to that for a large part and with her underlaying PAH disease that isn;t good of course. Now she just has to learn to do mostly nothing at all, which has been always something difficult to do for her LOL. I just think it will take weeks or may be even a month or two before she will be feeling comletely okay again. And cross fingers that the pneumonia will not get worse!

Was there any good news this week? Yes, nothing special but all was allright, I did some shopping, two days I was staying in, and had one day I did a lot of work in the house, I was happy wth myself abou that. Friday it was such nice weather, that I took the tram to go to the market. It has been such a long time I didn;t go there, so it was a bit a treat you could say. And yes, I did buy some plants there, not much, but I couldn't resist and I bought with the same stand I think 8 or 9 packages of seed od all different kind of flowers. The plants I bought were  1 Digitalis(pink color) and thre smaller Cosmea, in screaming purple color, like this

Nice hey? Now crossing fingers that all the seeds will become beautiful flowers too, It gave Jan some work, but that is good. It keeps his mind busy as well as his body a little bit.

The seeds I bought, if I remember well, were, Marigold(in dark orange, great), Columbine with yellow, red flower, Lupine, something called Fried Egg(isn;t that a wonderful name for a flower?)Indian Blanket flower, Wallflower and even one tomato. we still have a package with small petunias, but we will save that for next year, to sow it real early next year.

Gosh, it all of this will come up and grow well, we should have in summer and late summer a buch of flowers all around. 

I am still crocheting on the blanket, every day or two I make a few rows and I and making a pillow cover, but when i was hopping around on the web to look for some nice patterns for pillow covers, I saw soooooo much, that now I almost don't know which one to choose. I am quite sure I will try y hand on a cover with the Alpine stitch, and then I will see after that, hahaha. As long as I am busy with something it is okay with me, I guess.

I see that the sun is shining again in the garden, so may be it is time to take a cup of tea and take advantage of the sun.

Wishing you all a wonderful week, and stay safe.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter with lovely weather, whoo!

 Goodafternoon everybody!

Happy and blessedEaster to you all.

It is a beautiful day here, we have sunshine, nice temperature of around 16C, it is nice, to be able to sit in the garden in the sun for a bit. It will stay this kind of weather probably all week, so we cannot complain this year about Easter weather. I can remember other years, when we had terrible and cold weather. 

Still a bit busy with the stomach, although it is getting better slowly, just every now and then it is a bit akward. But hey, as long as this little pill works quite well, I should not complain and I am NOT! 

This week Jan and I finally got out to look for a new set of couches. We first though about a corner couch, could be nice, but at the end we chose two separate ones, 2 1/2 seats, not too big, but with enough space to sit and Jan can lie down on one of them for a little nap in the evening.

We chose for a beautiful upholstery fabric in a sumptious warm red color. I think it will fit great in our sitting room and with the new curtains. It will also make the room look a bit brighter. We also chose a new coffee table(it wasn;t completely my choise but I can live with it, hahaha). Onle delivery time is aweful, it will take at least 4-5 months. I couldn;t believe it, but although on a lot of furniture websites they clain delivery times of 6-8 weeks most of them seem not to be able to do that. May be we could find a furniture shop that could deliver faster, but we found one that suites us, so we will just wait a bit longer. 

Now we just want to find us a new rug for under the coffee table, and for now I think that is enough.I will be happy when we will have the new couch, it will sit a lot better and will give us better comfort.

I told you about my friend Heidi last week, it seemed to go okay with her, but now she is having a respiratory infection and taking anti biotics at the moment. Poor soul, she isn;t having good times lately. And for her this infection strikes harder in her condition. I really hope the antivbiotics will do a good job and that she will recover real soon. 

Still busy with the two afghans I am crocheting. So no news to tell about that. One is almost ready, and when so I will take a new photo of it, okay?

Now it is time to enjoy for a moment the sunshine. My dinner is about ready, we will have big shrimps(gamba's), marinated in some oil, with of course salt, pepper, tiny bit of chili and lots of garlic. I will fry them quickly in a pan and we will have baked potatoes with it. 

Wishing you all a wonderful week, stays safe and healthy.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

It looks as if slowly we will have spring time

 Goodafternoon everybody!

Today we have sunshine with temperature of 11C. Not really warm yet, but much better as last week and it will be even better. In one or two days we might reach 18C, then later on it will go down again to around 14-15C. Well, I can live with that if there is enough sunshine, with sometimes a bit of rain. 

Although may be a bit early I bought us already some spring plants, that will last, if all goes well way into summer, like some petunia's, busy lizzie, etc. Good for Jan, he has to plant them somewhere, LOL.

My friend Heidi had to go to hospital in Amsterdam this week, for two days, having some tests, a heart catharisation, MRI, and all those unpleasant things, because she wasn;t feeling really well lately, they still have no real answer to it, but it might be she will have to take another medicin for her condition But that's not sure yet. She now uses Flolan for her disease(pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH), a disease of the heart and lungs)., It seems she is one of few who still have this, there are now more and other medicins for it too. well, we will see what comes out of the research. Most important is, that she will feel not so terribly tired all the time. Nevertheless it would be smart of her to take it a bit more easy and this time she might even do that, hahaha. I know her, she always has a thousand things to do, but she has to think about herself better. we want to have her around for still many years.

She is home now already, she is feeling a little bit better, now it is waiting for answers.

I also had a telephone call with my doctor for the stomach business(it is going better, but wanted to know how long to use the extra medicin he gave me). Still have to take it till I made an appointment with him, which probably will be somewhere next week. I called him and his assistent told me he would call me back and of course I just was in a shop when he called. 

Oh, Jan and I also got our rehersal vaccination for Covid last Thursday. They had a mobile vaccination post just near our house and we could go there without appointment. So of course I took this advantage. With summer and better weather coming along Covid infections could drop, but better be protected than regretting it afterwards, don;t you think? Let's hope it will work good enough for at least half a year. I think we will have to take another vaccination by the end of the year, just like the one we have each year for the flu. As long as it helps not becoming ill, or too much at least, when catching it, I will take it.

Before making this post I was in the kitchen preaparing for our dinner, I've made us a sheperd's pie. We didn;t have that for some time and it is tasty. I still had some sald from yesterday, so this will be our dinner with some vanilla custard as desert. Simple, but good enough, don;t you think?

I am still crocheting and have photo's of the ongoing projects for you.two smaller afghans.

The color of the second one isn;t that good on this photo, I have a picture from the web, where you can see it better.

It is the one bottom right of the batch.

I still have some work to do, haha. The second one I am making with a "built -in border", it looks fine, may be I just wil make one or two rows of  single crochet stitches extra to it. don;t know that yet. For the blue one I will have to crochet a border around when finished. Hmmm, I could already look into some possibilities on the web for that. 

Okay, dear visitors, I am finished for this week. I wish you all great weather, a wonderful week, stay safe.

Sunday, April 03, 2022

After some winterdays, here a few Spring-photo's

 Goodafternoon everybody!

Today it looks much better than last Friday. Friday afternoo it started to snow a bit, but next day there was a cover all over, and it felt cold!!! Nights were rather cold with even some frost, but that will be over next week for sure.

Still it was a jump back after that lovely weather we had before. Today the sun is shining, although really warm outside it reaches around 8 C. All the snow here disappeared and I felt so sorry for my lovely tulips. They must have had quite cold feet and there leaves too, even their heads were bent, as if they were kind of depressive, hahaha. But.... snow gone, a bit of sunshine and they are bshowing the blooms in all beauty.

Hopefully that was all the winter weather for this year. We can do with some really nice temperatures, and we want to sit in the garden, in the sunshine, having a cup of coffee and sniffing up some fresh Spring air.

The whole week again it was a little bit trying out how the stomach would act, well, one late night and about all next day it wasn't feeling great, but the other days I couldn't really complain. I still am taking one pill of the one the doctor prescribed. If all goes well today again and tomorrow, I will quite taking it(as my doctor suggested) and see if all goes well without it. if not, I can call my doctor again. Cross fingers that will not be necessary.

I was in town one afternoon and in the sale I bought Jan 3 new pair of trousers, (he really needed a few new ones, that would fit as they should). Now I only have to take the length,, put in a little safety pin and bring then to a little shop for clothes repair etc. I brought lately already 2 pair of trousers and they did a lovely job. As I have no sewing machine, I would have to do it by hand but never would get it done as good as they did. It costs a small price and I am willing to pay that. 

I was in a buying mood that afternoon, also bought a few pair of trousers, leggings, (something in between those), very comfy to wear and for a real low price in sale too. Gosh, sometimes you just find what you are looking for, hahaha.

Next thing will be to buy us a new house phone. We have our mobiles, but still can do with such a phone, connected on cable. They call it here a DECT phone, it is one a charger and you can walk around with it, if you want. The one we have at the moment is already an oldie and is playing little tricks lately. I will try to find one with some larher buttons (or do you call it keys???), which will be easier to see and touch. Yes, it is also called a Senior telephone, hahaha.

In the evenings I am still crocheting, I finished a small baby blanket, it is more a cradle blanket I think, but I am quite happy with the result. Now I am making a larger blanket in a lovely blue color, I will try to make a photo when I have done some more rows on it.


Oh, I see it is already late afternoon, I will have to prepare a little bit for our dinner, so I say goodbye to you, wishing you a wonderful week to come, stay safe and don;t forget a little prayer for Ukrain, because that is still horrible and getting worse and will not be over for some time.

Till next Sunday.