Sunday, February 14, 2021

A late post today.

 Goodevening everybody!

Yes, it is after dinner, so very late for me to post. It was just a lazy day and I woke up a bit later, than took ALL my time to wake up, then had something to eat, after that it was time for speedskating on tv, in between I even showered and prepared a it for dinner. So only now there is quiet time to write a short post.

 Valentine's day is a bit of special day for me. It is the day my mother passes away, now already 29 years ago. Yes long ago, but I always burh a little candle on this day. It always is hurting when a parent passes away, but I think my mother chose a wonderful day to do so, and meet her husband in that mystical place where all is peaceful and happy.

Our weather has been cold this week, although there was a lot of sunshine, but temperatures were not as I like them to be. But there is good news. Next week the wind will turn and temperatures will go up again even to 10C daytime. And no more frost at night. Now only the snow and ice on the sidewalks has to melt down.It is now very slippery and not always very easy to walk on. So I stayed in a lot this week.

I did go out to get my new pair of glasses. But I am not yet completely happy with them. The glass for the left eyeis okay(that's the operated one), but the right one is not as it should be. I cannot see real sharp through it, it distracts me, and it didn;t get much better after a few days. (Normally it takes a day or two to get used to new glasses). They also have to adjust the frame, it hurts behind the ears and a bit on the nose too. So there is work to be done. I will see if tomorrow is a good day to go to the shop. Let's hope that they can fix all and that I can be happy with the new pair of glasses(they are expensive enough, you know)

I will go watch a bit of tv now, and knit some more on a couch cover. 

Have a lovely week and stay safe.

1 comment:

Edna B said...

Happy Valentine's Day my friend. It's wicked cold here too. I talked with my friend Mary Ann in Wisconsin today and their temps have been all below 0 degrees. Brrrrrr! Keep taking those glasses back until they are just the way you want them to be. If they can't do it right, tell them you want your money back. They usually get things right so they don't have to return the money. You can't play games with your eyesight. Good luck with this.

Don't forget to take a photo of your new couch cover when it is finished. I'd love to see it. Now I'm off to eat my supper that Deanne made for me. You have a wonderful day and stay safe, hugs and love, Edna B.

p.s. Hapkido is like karate.