Sunday, February 07, 2021

King Winter finally arrived here.

 Goodafternoon everybody!

Yeah, we have winter here. It started yesterday evening to snow(and it is that very fine snow like caster sugar) and at times real hard wind from the NE, which makes it feel colder . Lots of people seem to be happy with it, and you always have to admit that when the snow is fresh and untouched, it looks beautiful. But that's all because I could do without and without the colder temps that come next week. In our part we will have daytime around -4, at night it could go to -8C and eastern part some degrees worse.

Just one thing will be better next week, it will stop snowing somewhere tomorrow and slowly there will come more sunshine and less wind. So may be I can go out on wednesday and pick up my new pair op glasses. Yes, they called me yesterday afternoon, but I was busy cooking and the weather was getting not nice anymore, so I told them I would try to pick it up somewhere next week. 

Yes, yesterday i made a pan of chicken soup and backed a small pirog(that russian kind of meat pie), it all took a bit of time, but it was good for me to be busy with it and we had it yesterday for dinner, just as we will this evening. It all tasted good.

Last week it was quiet, and so happy with it. I did the usual things, nothing special, but we are happy with the new windows. We really feel the difference in temperature in the sitting room and the little bedroom. Our bedroom always will feel colder, because we have a wall that is an outside one and also under the staircasethat leads to above appartments. But still there is much difference, for all there is  no draft coming from the window part.(with the old windows, single glass and such, it was not nice).

Friday we had a visit from my friend Heidi, which was ever so nice. we didn;t actually see eachother for longer time and I missed that. I think we all miss near contact to our family and friends the most, but we have to hold on with the distancing for a while more to keep ourselves and the others safe. All will go better when everybody will have a vaccination, but that takes still some time.

Tomorrow will be the birthday of Séverine(Heidi's daughter) and she will already have 19 years. Gosh, I still can see her as little girl of 5 years old, who brought us our rings at our wedding, dressed in a beautiful pricess-like dress! And now she is a young lady, studying for speech therapist. It is something that suits her well, I think. She is helpfull, kind, quiet, has patience, all things needed  for such a job.

So, I will check now on my laudry, don;t think it is ready yet. Then also check in the garden, if there isnt too much snow on the outside of the the kitchendoor. I already sweeped away a thick pack of snow twice today. May be not directly necessary, but without a thick snowlayer in front, it will open easier.

Also will check on the birdfood, if there still is enough, the poor creatures will have a rough week, so we should help them a little bit, as well as other animals, specially when there is a lot of snow and frost. 

I wish everybody a wonderful week, please stay safe.


Edna B said...

It's really cold here too, and we have more snow coming. Yuk, yuk! It's amazing how quickly the children grow up, isn't it? I could use some of your energy. I started making a pot of corn chowder. After I managed to burn the corn, etc. I dumped it all out and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm not the cook I used to be.

I'm so hoping that the warm weather (when it ever gets here) will bring me some new energy. The warm temps and sunshine work magic for old bones. I also seem to breathe better when I'm outside.

I'll bet your visit with Heidi was wonderful. That's one thing we all miss. Getting together with friends and family for a sit down and chat. Maybe by summer time things will get better. If everyone has been vaccinated. We are still waiting for the vaccine to become available. Have you folks been able to get the vaccine?

I'm off now to wash my breakfast dishes and find some fun mischief to get into. You have a wonderful week my friend. Hugs and love, Edna B.

Grandma Sarge said...

Hello again. I'm going to finish my thoughts here. Yes the Lock down is miserable and it's a real good thing I have a speller on my computer or you might never find out what I'm saying.
I went to get some blood work done this week while I was there my daughter went to the next window to make an appoint with the Cardiologist to see how much damage has been done by the extra strength needed to get the lungs to work so they need extra blood or something to that little organ. It has to work harder if I'm up and about so I like to read and that gives the heart a little rest. Not too much because at 81 I run to the bathroom more often.
When I need things from the grocery store I can go online and order direct from our Walmart store and it's delivered right to our front door. Eliminates me going out because with my bad lungs and extra pressure on the heart getting out means having to put on a portable tank of oxygen and they are really heavy on the shoulder. I have a "canola" on my head to get me more oxygen than the lungs needs to be getting to the Heart.
I'm in the 'high risk population' being over 70 with an underlying condition, 'heart and lungs' so the VA posted a msg to all their Veterans that they can schedule their 1st shot any time because they are getting 200 vials per week. And that probably isn't very much considering how many Veterans are now over 70 yrs of age. WWII is only a small part of our numbers. I was in the Navy during the Viet Nam area for 2yrs 6 months & 15 days. But after my 3 daughters got to a safe age I rejoined the Navy reserves and ended with a 20 year total. Part of the trouble with the lungs is in the 60s when I was in Bainbridge, Maryland for boot camp and then for Radioman School. I purposefully messed up the Morse Code on the test for abilities but they informed me that it was a big need to have more Radiomen so they sent me to school to learn the code and how to build a radio out of parts around the house. That was so long ago I couldn't do it now. I just bought myself a a small radio that also has 9 short-wave stations on it. I'm going to be interested to see how it is in this day and age. I can't talk on it because I don't have a license but I can listen to them. My Executive Officer has one and he and I communicate on the internet but I'll look forward to hearing his voice again on the air waves.
Well I'd better get myself dressed for this doctor visit. And eat a little something. Maybe one of the "Replacement drinks" That will hold me until lunch.
You and Jan Stay Safe and only meet with people you know real well besides the shopping. Hugs and good wishes!

hummerdawn said...

Oh dear I hope your cold doesn't last too long. Here we are in the -47C at nights with wind chill. Already been a few days and will continue all week also. It is brutal and needless to say I am not a happy camper with it! Lol.
But, as we know, spring will still come eventually and we are moving forward to it!
Happy to hear those new windows make a difference especially during your bad days.
Take care and be safe.