Goodafternoon everybody!
The last few days weren;t the best of summertime here. Temperatures have dropped with some speed, we had rain, thunderstorm(just one LOL), a day with a really fierce storm, today some wind but rainshowers off and on, all with temps around 18-19C, which isn;t really nice summerweather. But if all goes right, middle of next week it will be better and temps will go to 20-21C with lots more sun.
Speaking of training of Jan, last week he had two visits to hospital which went quite well. This week he had his check-up appointment with his doctor of Internal disseases, and we had to be quite early there, at 10.00 a.m. It went well, with the tram and walking of Jan, and oh luck, we even didn;t have to wait long before he was called in. All seemed to be okay, but still the doctor wanted to do an endoscopy, to be sure. So that will be coming week on Thursday.
Jan also had to give some specimen of certain stuff(LOL), so after visit we came home, he did his thing and i went back to hospital to drop off the stuff. As I alwready was halfway, I took the oppot=rtunity to go to city center, wanted to look for a lighter coat, something you can wear in summer/autumn, when it is frisk, but not cold enough for the winterjacket. Something with probably a hoodie and that could have a bit of rain. Well, the shop I wanted to check out, had a loooong line of waiting people in front of it, so I skipped the search and will go may be next week on another day and time. Instead I looked around in some other shops if i could find something for Christmas present, or some things I have on a list of things that I could use or need, but that aren;t in a hurry, understand?
Didn;'t found much, which saves of course some money hahahaa, but....... I did buy Jan a pair of shoed. Yes, I normally don;t do that, because it is a rather "personal"thing, but I wanted him to have some kind of sporty looking shoe, and lighter of weight than the one he is wearing the whole time. I saw a pair that i liked very much for a very low price(sale of 50% off). So I took courage and bought them.At first he was a bit cross that i bought the shoes, but he tried them on, they seemed to fit well, so I think he is still a bit happy with them(which he will not tell me now, perhaps ony after some time, I know him!!!).
I am happy to say that slowly it seems to go the good way up for Jan, he even walks at times at home without the rollator. Okay, he isn't yet to compare with a running hare, speedwise spoken, but it's progress. Outside will be another story. Better to go for safety and use the rollator there for some time longer.
Last Monday I had another burst of energy, and did a lot of things I had on the to-do list and it felt quite good. Next day I had in mind to do some more, but got a phonecall of Heidi if she could visit us with Séveru=ine. Of course she could, It was great to see her again and Jan was happy too to be able to speak to someone else but me, hahaha.
It's not looking too good outside. There is quite some wind and every now and then a rainshower(and that are heavy ones). It almost looks like Autumn, but I n=am not ready yet for that. It was even so chilly yesterday evening that we pt on the heating for a couple of hours, just to get the chill out of the house. May be it will be necessary this evening too. It seems so early for that, so hopefully later this week with more sun and a bit higher temperatures we can do without it again.
Not too much is happening around here, as you can tell. Oh, I hear the washing machine making it's noise, which means the programm is almost at the end. So time to hang out the laundry, and take a look at my stewing pot with some lamb meat. That's dinner for this evening. Stewed lamb, with some onion, paprika, and some seasoning. I will make us some potatoes to go with it and see, what veggies I have in a pot. The kind you only have to warm up for a bit in a little pan. Easy does it sometimes, don;t you think?
I wish you all a very good week, and stay safe!