Sunday, June 07, 2020

And another week passed by

Goodafternoon everybody!

Last couple of days the weather is really sad. We have had some rain, a day also very strong winds, just a bit of sunshine, but the worst was that the temperatures have dropped about or even 10 degrees! Oops that is quite a difference with the week before and last weekend. My body cannot cope very well with these sudden and for all drastic temperatures changes, most when they drop.
I don;t mind some rain, it is necessary, because we had some very dry periods, and there will come more, but why does also the temperatures have to change to almost cold?????
Some good news there is, may be around next weekend temperatures will rise again and could go to 20C and later even more! I will hold on to that thought LOL.

It was a week as already many before, real quiet,  apart from the usual things I do.
Must say I had two days of a kind of energy burst again, those days I did as much as I could on the housekeeping and some small jobs that waited for me in the house LOL.
Life isn;t still yet the same as before that Covid 19 stuff, we might think soon it will be again going okay and we can go back to that, but I am afraid it will have still a big impact on our lives for a while longer. But we can do again some things more and that's already something.
Yesterday my friend Heidi had her birthday so I gave her a call, of course to wish her a happy birthday. If we really wanted we could have payed her a short visit, with restrictions, but we thought it better to stay home and keep as safe as possible. Specially for Jan, also bearing in mind his upcoming catheterization. We cannot take a risk now for him to suddenly catch the virus, can we?

You know what sometimes is hard to do? To come up every day of the week with a dinner. Yeah, you could do it easy and eat 3 times the same and perhaps take some junkfood etc. But although I don;t want to spend too much time cooking(at least not every day, hahaha) I try to have something different every day and if possible a little bit healthy too.
I catch myself, that often enoigh I end up with the same meals, or almost the same hahaha. Best is if I've made something that will last us for two days! Like some kind of stew. just like this week, I've made mashed potatoes with fresh spinach( or as we call it a stew). Half of the quantity of the spinach I kept as it was and half of it I fried quickly in a pan with lots of onions and a bit of garlic. Then all that stirred together in the mashed potatoes. Some seasoning with salt, pepper, bit of mustard and with it we had one day a little hamburger and the other day a piece of smoed sausage. And as almost every day this time of the year we had some strawberries with bit of cream as dessert.
Another day I cooked some rice and looked in the fridge what I had and came up with some bell paprika, onions, (onions go well with a LOT of things hahaha), bit of mushrooms. I let the rice cool down and when it was dinner time I only had to fry the rice in a pan, after first I first fried the veggies a bit. That was a nice ish mash and with some seasoning tasted very well, oh and i also diced up a chicken filet, fried that too and stirred into the rice stuff.
Next day, let me think....................oh yes, I made cannelloni, stuffed with minced meat,( the cannelloni were  ready to use ones), made myself a bechamel-sauce, poured that over the stuffed cannelloni with a bit of tomatoe sauce, and covered it up with a thick layer of grated cheese. That in the oven on ca. 200C for half an hour and ready! Had some salad with little tomatoes and green salad with it.
Another idea perhaps for you is the Saturday meal.
I bought some spareribs, marinated and well and only made myself a potatoe salad to go with it. Easy, quick and simple, but also tasty. Okay, not completely the most healthy meal, but hey, the potatoe salad conatined not only diced potatoes but also diced cucumber, some peas, some fresh chives and parsley, oh, and some capers and some diced apple.

May be I've inspired you with these meals for a meal next week???
It all isn't very difficult and most of it rather quickly done, so perhaps worth a try.

I wish you now a wonderful week, stay safe please!
Till next week.


Edna B said...

Happy Birthday to Heidi. I agree, things may not go back to quite the same as they were before the virus. It's still going to take a while to get back at least some semblance of what life was like before. Ah well, what will be will be.

Your meals sound very interesting and tasty. It's just me so I do as little cooking as possible. I do keep an eye on my sodium intake.

Thank goodness you have your lovely garden patio to sit out and enjoy the weather when it is nice. It's sort of like my little porch. A cozy place to relax. You have a wonderful day and a super week my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Grandma Sarge said...

It sounds like a good week to me. I'm still without my belongings. They left Washington on the 29th of May to come to Colorado and in the small print it said they have 30 days to get them to me. And my children, who did most of the packing did a lot of "downsizing" of my belongings. I got a mild case of IBS and after taking the Imodium AD they took me to the hotel they were staying at and I laid down worrying if I'd have anything left. I had to buy a new coffee pot, a new bed, sheets, and something to put the TV on. I lost some of my stuff from the kitchen and I'll replace them when I figure out what didn't get here. I had 12 extra boxes so that upped the final price of the move by $400.+ the original get the stuff here of $752. to over a thousand. But I'm happy to be out of Washington!

The new house is a 3 bedroom, 2 baths so I have the 3rd bedroom for my office. This is what I'm liking so much. I'm not stuffed into a corner of the living room anymore and I have a window to the front yard slightly obscured by the bushes but I can see the weather. I'm in the 'master bedroom' with an attached bathroom. Works for me! lol

The rest of my week is sort of on pins & needles waiting for my belongings to arrive in one piece with the right amount of boxes.

Hugs from Corrine (aka) Grandma Sarge!!