Sunday, October 13, 2019

Slowly coming into sort of normal rythm again

Good afternoon everybody!

So far, so good. as you know Jan came home Saturday a week ago and till now, it seems to go rather well.
Of course he cannot do much, has to be careful not to put much strain or strength on his belly.
But he seems not to have lot of pain of the wound, only if he has to sit down or come up, that sort of thing, or reach for a mug on the table, he has to do that carefully and slow and then he feels it.
He has an elastic bandage around the waist and belly, to give more support there and he still have to use that for some more time. Only in the evening he takes it off, when it really starts to bother.
Last wednesday we both went to out doctor across the street and Jan could walk that distance without much trouble. We went there to get our flu shot.
Gosh, I think the doctor hit perhaps a muscle in the arm or so, because the place where i had the injection, still is hurting when I touch it or lie on it.
I will tell him to do better next time LOL!

Then Thursday morning we had to go to hospital for a control appointment for Jan with the surgeon. Oh my, we pensionados aren+t used anymore to get up very early, you know and we hadn to be there at 8.30 p.m. so get our of bed at about 07.00 p.m. to be able to get dressed and have a cup of tea and such not in a hurry. We went with the tram, yes, lucky Jan could sit sduring the ride, and then he walked all the way from the tramstop to the hospital and the the department. Quite a distance for him now, but it went well.
Wound looked good, we only have to put on an adhesive plaster every two days, as long as there is some wound fluid. Today it already was almost dry, so to be sure, I put on another adhesive plaster.
Coming Friday we will have to go to hospital again, to have the staples removed)yes, first time they closed the wound with thread, second time with staples too). Hope that goes without too much problems, and then, when all goes well, Jan has to return after 3 months for a control. Then they will make again an echo to see if all hold well and works okay.

It is a pity, that the weatherr isn;t really good now, it isn't really cold, but we have wind and lots of rainshowers, so not the best condition for Jan to go out and try to have a little walk. It would be good for him to do it, and build up again some condition. It doesn;t matter if it is colder, but at least it should be dry, if possible with a bit of sunshine and not so much wind.
However today, the temperatures were realy nice, around 19-20C so Jan did a little of work in the garden(with my supervising eye and help for lifting things!!!).
He placed some flower bulbs in two different containers, cleaned out a few smaller pots with plants that were finished, and after half an hour he he enough of it. He was a bit tired and I understood him completely.
Still it was a start and he has to build up from this to more.

This week his brother came for a visit and Jan asked him if he could help with some smal jobs in the house, that at the moment Jan cannot do(and me neither). That was no problem. so he will come on Tuesday to do it.
Most important thing is a handrail in our shower! It is a lot safer, when you can hold yourself and also for stepping in and out.
Specially now for Jan, but also in future. And there is some carpenter work to do also for Rob(Jan's brother).
And I want to ask him to come by another time, perhaps next week, to do some jobs in the garden. There is a bush, that has to go, but for me it is far to heavy to dig it out, here is needed some manpower, really.
And there are some smaller jobs to do in the garden that are also for me at the moment too straining and difficult. So I would be happy with the help of Rob.

That;s about it for this week, we both slowly come to a sort of relaxing and catching up some sleep. And I am happy with that.
Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers lately!
stay safe and healthy as much as possible, and till next week!


Edna B said...

Good morning Kyra. (I know, it's probably already evening there) I'm so glad that Jan is doing better. Just be sure that he goes slowly. You too, my friend. As we get a little older, we take much longer to heal. It's good that Jan's brother can come by and give you some help. One of the things I miss from getting older is that I just can't do a lot of the things that I used to do.

Have you thought about putting a shower chair in the shower? And use a hand held shower? It sure does make it a lot safer to shower. Just a thought. I have a shower chair and a hand held shower. It works just fine for me.

Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading before getting back to that pile of junk mail that I'm trying to get rid of. You and Jan take care of yourselves. I hope the weather is awesome during the week so that maybe you can sit out in the garden for a while. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Grandma Sarge said...

You both must take it easy. Small jobs and if at all possible let the bigger jobs wait till next spring. The garden elves won't mind. My Cardiac appointment went well. My Primary Care wanted to know if my heart was throwing clots. It seems the Heart is doing fine, no problems anymore.
Granddaughter can't decorate this house but she did her friend's house.
It's the only house in that neighborhood with a skeleton of a dragon on the roof. And a very large spider web she made from Paracord and put a large black spider in it. She isn't done yet. They have 3 teenage boys who think that's just the best thing going. No one else had a front yard like they do!
I made a loaf of Cranberry bread this morning and our friend came by to check on me so I made him take a piece home with him. If he's careful he might even get to eat it before the teenagers find out it's there and start wrestling over which one is going to eat their Dad's bread. Should be fun to watch.
Time to get busy with all the other chores. Have washed and sorted all my winter sweatshirts. Sent Mike to the Goodwill with 3 large bags of shirts that I've shrunk out of. And sent some trousers too. That was a funny thing to watch. I pull them up and they just fall right down. So they went to Goodwill also.
You and Jan stay safe and don't push the healing. It will heal in it's own time.
God Bless you both!

Hamm said...

Hugs to you and Jan, by Hamm