Sunday, October 06, 2019

Another hectic week!

Good afternoon everybody!

Weather here at the moment, rainy, windy and not very warm.
during next week temperatures could rise again a little bit up to 14-15 C, and with a bit more sunshine. It definately is getting into Autumn weather.

Well, you know about Jan having to go to hospital. (thanks to everyone with good well wishes!).A little as a surprise he could go home again last Wednesday. The wound looked good, almost dry, so medical wise it was okay to go home the doctor said. I wasn;t all too happy about it, though it might be just a wee buit too soon, but nothing to do about it.
It went rather well Wednesday evening, next day too. of course Jan feels the wound when moving, and he is very tired, but he had something to eat several times(little portions to start with), he has to regain strength again.
Thursday evening we had small dinner, and then when just finished around 18.00 a.m. Jan looked at his dressing gown and it had at several places a very strange color and it felt wet.
So we looked further and at the wound with adhesive plaster and that was all red and tearing it off at the bottom of it blood. Oh dear, the wound was leaking!
First I dried it as much as I could but it kept leaking. I could the hospital first, and they said well, come over to us. But How? I have no car and I wasn't sure if a taxi driver would take us, but they wouldn;t send an ambulance.
All stressed up I called my friend Heidi and asked if her husband Danny could bring us to hospital. In 15 minutes they were there and off to hospital ER.
(I had a sheet of plastic I layed over the seats in the car).
To make it short, Heidi stayed with me till about 19.45, then she had to go, because she had to go somewhere with her daughter.
It all took till 1.30 at night till Jan finally was brought to a ward! He was completely worn out, but I was too!
Next morning they operated him again, and it seemed that in "stitching him together, they missed a little part, that opened again caused a hematome and that started leaking. How nice!
After operation I went to hospital at about 1.30 a.m., and Jan was already awake(well, more or less LOL). We wanted to know if he had to stay for another night, of course, it took till 7.20 a.m. that a doctor decided it was better he stayed another night.
Yesterday he could come home, after still long waiting for the decision! we were home at about 18.00 a.m.
Hopefully now it will all go well and heal as it should do etc.
The worst of all is the endless waiting you have to do before you get any results or answers. I know, it is very busy in a hospital, and the doctors have many patients, but there must be a possibility to cut the waiting times? I think it does no good to the patient as well as relatives. Very stressing.

But okay, we are home again. Jan cannot move around a lot, of course and has to be careful not to put too much pressure on his belly.
So this morning I helped him to take a shower, I felt better to be next to him, to avoid any problems.
He tries to do as much as possible himself, but I don;t want him to move around too much yet( he has to move every now and then, but by little bits), so I am very busy with all those little things, like bringing him something to drink, helping him to put his socks on,making him a sandwich, and lots more things you normally don;t do. Rather time consuming, but it will only be for some days and then he already will be able to do a bit more himself.
As long as he heals well, it is all okay for me!

You can imagine I didn't have much time to do anything else this week, than gooing to and from hospital, and actually running around like a headless chicken ROFL!. It wasn;t one of the best weeks of the year, I can tell you that.

Now I will finish the post, hopefully next week there will be some lighter news to tell. I have a luandry turning in the washing machine, that is almost ready. I will hang that out, then I will have a little time to sit down to watch some tv or do a little game on the computer and then I will have to make us some dinner. Time is running out very fast today.
Have a wonderful week to come, stay safe and healthy.


Grandma Sarge said...

I'm adding you and especially Jan in my prayers for this week. I have trouble with the digestive tract and it's usually caused by my terrible eating habits. I did have a surgery early in 2018 I think because a scar had latched onto the intestine and caused a nasty blockage. Then it was OK for a little time but my eating habits caught up to me again and I've been fighting still. These last few days have been nice in that way.

Yesterday a friend took me to a "Veterans Stand down" where there are all sorts of people lined up at different tables giving us Vets info of their services, usually paid for by the VA and if not then by our Medicare. A chiropractor was there and he did some adjustments on my back and I got up off the table and walked just fine. I was standing up straight to walk and it felt really nice. I just couldn't do a lot of walking because my lungs don't like that. So I just find a close chair to sit down and let the lungs get back to relaxed. These Vendors were giving out little things like a special bag from United Airlines that was filled with socks, a sleep mask, a small toothbrush with toothpaste and a comb and small wipes to refresh the face. But I'll probably never get on another plane again it's in my car for if I'm stranded somewhere, I can still clean up a little.

It was lots of fun. and I even got a free haircut out of the deal.

Sending Hugs from Washington and Prayers from GrandmaSarge.

Edna B said...

Oh my, I am so sorry that Jan had to go through all that. Hopefully, this time things will go much better and he will heal. He is very lucky to have you to take care of him. I'm so glad that your friend Heidi was able to take you to the hospital. She's such a good friend.

I know what you mean about being busy all the time and not having much time for yourself. So be careful to take care of you too my friend. I don't want to see you getting sick. Have you both had your flu shots? I hope so. I hope your week goes well my friend, big hugs, Edna B.

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for your update Kyra. You have both certainly had another tough time. It is good that Heidi and her husband were able to help. Wishing you both a quiet week ahead and wishing Jan a speedy recovery...

Grandma Sarge said...

I'm sorry to hear you had another scare again. I'll keep praying for Jan and you and God Bless Heidi for coming to the rescue!

I had a scare this week also and I'm not sure what is going on. But I have an appointment this week with the Cardiologist at our St Mary's hospital. She will be prepping me for what they call an Esophageal micro Cardio Gram. That means the camera or whatever they use for the pictures will have to go down my throat so they can see much closer to the heart. I've heard that I should be under and asleep for this since that will mean a whole lot of gagging and pain in the throat. I'm a little scared but if I'm asleep, it probably will be really smooth.

And don't worry about the kits. I have all of yours on my computer for the past couple of years. I made a scrapbook page yesterday with one of yours.

Here's wishing you a quiet week and lots of rest for Jan.
God Bless you both.

genie said...

Wow I am so sorry to hear about Jan, I can't imagine how hard it must be. I wish him well hopefully he gets better soon. Sending you prayers and hugs.