Goodmorning everybody!
Yesterday I was still a bit in the grip of the epilepsy stuff, but this night I had a wonderful night of sleep, and it definately feels a lot better again.
Well, hopefully that will stay away again for some time, so let's go on and see what happened, on the designing side I mean LOL.
As Minky is back again, though still with a painful finger, which causes real pain when typing, she can create again. And I did send her some new things for the blog.
The 3rd set of 'Mava Kyra's Adventures is there and I've made another quickpage with a mermaid on it.
Take a look:
I didn;t do very much yesterday, talking about things in the house there! It's better then that I take it real easy, so I only went out for a moment to have a snif of fresh air and do some little grocerie shopping, after that a while sitting on the couch watching some tv and a bit of designing. I started with another Christmaskit, which will be all different, I think from the other one I've made.
Oh yeah, I must not forget to go to the forum to post the last part of the weekly download of October, the Vintage Halloween! Did I tell you already that next month weekly download is beautiful? I am not giving you a peek of a part, but I will show you the logo for it, Snowy was the one to make it and came up with the colour scheme.
Blogger isn't willing at the moment to upload the picture LOL! I will try to do it in another way:
Oh, okay, Blogger did it's work, hahahaa
Let's see, this is about all for today. Not much interesting to tell this week, and still I have the feeling I've done a lot and could have done with some more time. Probably just a fantasy of mine, LOL, no, not all true, I've done a lot on emailing and preparing things and organizing too. And that takes time! So if all stays well with me now, as I think it will, I hopefully can do some more designing during the weekend. I need to, cause my "stock"is running out.
For today I have a nice kit for you in one colour scheme, named "After Summer". Have fun with it and have a great weekend!It should be it's Halloween!
Download HERE
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Late again today
Goodmorning everybody
I am up rather late today, like yesterday too. It's all due to the fact I am having a little bit of trouble from my epilepsie and then I have to take more sleep if I can. This just happens every now and then, so nothing to worry about, but I must take a bit extra care of myself in those moments LOL!
So I was up rather early, then took a coffee and then my eyes felt "heavy"again, and therefore I stretched out on the couch to take another nap. Oh, it must have been so sweet to look at, cause when I woke up again I found myself surrounded by my two cats. As if they felt I wasn't feeling allright, funny hey?
Well, I think it's gone again so we better forget it quickly.
There was a surprise in my mail yesterday, cause I received a mail from Minky! All typed with her left hand, the brave girl!! But it's good to see she's back, although with a handicap at the moment, not able to use her other hand because of the crushed finger. Yeah for Minky, don't you agree?
And to make her feel perhaps a bit happy I did send her some quickpages I've made, if you like them, justdo whatever is needed to receive the link for download. I though, that in fairy land there must be halloween too, so 2 quickpages for that, I personally like the second one a lot, because of the fairy ghosty, hahahaha!
You can imagine that I didn;t do much on the computer yesterday, not being 100%, and on top of that we were also watching the tv for the debat of parliament, so I think I must get back to "work"this weekend, LOL! However I had still a freebie in reserve for you, even have one for tomorrow, yeah, but then new things must be made. We'll see how far I will get then.
The one for today is also a fantasy one, named it "Children of fairies". One day I read that somebody is making a baby book with some of the fairy stuff I've made and that inspired me to make this.
Have fun with it and have a wonderful day.
Download HERE
I am up rather late today, like yesterday too. It's all due to the fact I am having a little bit of trouble from my epilepsie and then I have to take more sleep if I can. This just happens every now and then, so nothing to worry about, but I must take a bit extra care of myself in those moments LOL!
So I was up rather early, then took a coffee and then my eyes felt "heavy"again, and therefore I stretched out on the couch to take another nap. Oh, it must have been so sweet to look at, cause when I woke up again I found myself surrounded by my two cats. As if they felt I wasn't feeling allright, funny hey?
Well, I think it's gone again so we better forget it quickly.
There was a surprise in my mail yesterday, cause I received a mail from Minky! All typed with her left hand, the brave girl!! But it's good to see she's back, although with a handicap at the moment, not able to use her other hand because of the crushed finger. Yeah for Minky, don't you agree?
And to make her feel perhaps a bit happy I did send her some quickpages I've made, if you like them, justdo whatever is needed to receive the link for download. I though, that in fairy land there must be halloween too, so 2 quickpages for that, I personally like the second one a lot, because of the fairy ghosty, hahahaha!
You can imagine that I didn;t do much on the computer yesterday, not being 100%, and on top of that we were also watching the tv for the debat of parliament, so I think I must get back to "work"this weekend, LOL! However I had still a freebie in reserve for you, even have one for tomorrow, yeah, but then new things must be made. We'll see how far I will get then.
The one for today is also a fantasy one, named it "Children of fairies". One day I read that somebody is making a baby book with some of the fairy stuff I've made and that inspired me to make this.
Have fun with it and have a wonderful day.
Download HERE
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
USA be aware of danger to come! LOL
Goodmorning everybody!
You should laugh about the post title, it's concerning Snowy, who is on her way to the USA!LOL!!!!
I so hope that the travel goes well for her. And I really hope you will have a grand time!
Yesterday I wasn't poductive at all. We spent almost all day and even evening in front of the tv, listening to the speech of the minister-president of the government, and then the remarks and speeches of all the leaders of the opposition. I am not a person who follows politic all the way, but this time it was very important, cause it concerns everybody's life, the new program of the government. And today there is more, the president answers to questions ask to him, and there is a big debat taking place.!
I must restart my computer now, so I will be back a bit later.
Hi, back again, with not more news.
As I said, we are a bit glewed to the tv screen, hahahaha, which isn;t too bad, weather is not very nice, real autumn weather with wind and rain, grey, yak!
So I better keep this a short post and hopefully tomorrow I will be back into the real writing mood again.!
Still I have a little kit for you, named "Mini Pink and Lace."Hope you can use it for something.
You all have a great day!
Download HERE
You should laugh about the post title, it's concerning Snowy, who is on her way to the USA!LOL!!!!
I so hope that the travel goes well for her. And I really hope you will have a grand time!
Yesterday I wasn't poductive at all. We spent almost all day and even evening in front of the tv, listening to the speech of the minister-president of the government, and then the remarks and speeches of all the leaders of the opposition. I am not a person who follows politic all the way, but this time it was very important, cause it concerns everybody's life, the new program of the government. And today there is more, the president answers to questions ask to him, and there is a big debat taking place.!
I must restart my computer now, so I will be back a bit later.
Hi, back again, with not more news.
As I said, we are a bit glewed to the tv screen, hahahaha, which isn;t too bad, weather is not very nice, real autumn weather with wind and rain, grey, yak!
So I better keep this a short post and hopefully tomorrow I will be back into the real writing mood again.!
Still I have a little kit for you, named "Mini Pink and Lace."Hope you can use it for something.
You all have a great day!
Download HERE
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
First day of government and parliament
Goodmorning everybody!
So today will be the first official meeting of the parliament and the government. Hmmmmm, the governmental program will be "explained"and then the members of parliament(read, mostly the opposition) will come certainly with tricky questions.
I am very curious how that will be, it will be broadcasted directly on tv, so it's on and from time to time I will be in front of the tv.
We will see how it all will be in future, how the government will realize it's plans and how long they will stay in power!
Yesterday it was actually a very nice day, speaking of the weather. I went out for a moment and with some sun, very little wind, it was nice. If it could stay this way till April next year, you won;t hear me complain LOL!
I did a little bit of designing yesterday too, finished my first Christmaskit, yeah!, made some quickpages for Minky's blog, but they will have to wait for a while, cause she cannot post at the moment, due to her crushed finger, poor thing!
Also started already on a challenge for November, and also did another one, still for October. We had to make a layout with the element Fire. Took me some time to think how it could be, but yesterday it came out of my fingers LOL.
Simple, but I think effective enough. Oh, did another one, the black/white picture one. Had to use a black/white background and just one element in colour.
I think, perhaps today will be right for doing the laundry. May be even can do some ironing, very intersting this all, hahaha. Well, if you like it or not, those kind of things have to be done once in a while. Then my thoughts are of course with Edna, it will be for the coming days, and certainlyon Thursday when the funeral will be of her brother.
At the same time I am thinking of Snowy, who is leaving tomorrow for her trip to the USA. I so hope she will have a great time there!
Ad that's about all today. I am not very inspired for writing today, so I better finish the post, not after I left you with a freebie. It's a fantasy kit, some backgroundpapers and elements and I named it: "Build yourself a fairytale". Make something nice of it!! Have a lovely day!
Download HERE
So today will be the first official meeting of the parliament and the government. Hmmmmm, the governmental program will be "explained"and then the members of parliament(read, mostly the opposition) will come certainly with tricky questions.
I am very curious how that will be, it will be broadcasted directly on tv, so it's on and from time to time I will be in front of the tv.
We will see how it all will be in future, how the government will realize it's plans and how long they will stay in power!
Yesterday it was actually a very nice day, speaking of the weather. I went out for a moment and with some sun, very little wind, it was nice. If it could stay this way till April next year, you won;t hear me complain LOL!
I did a little bit of designing yesterday too, finished my first Christmaskit, yeah!, made some quickpages for Minky's blog, but they will have to wait for a while, cause she cannot post at the moment, due to her crushed finger, poor thing!
Also started already on a challenge for November, and also did another one, still for October. We had to make a layout with the element Fire. Took me some time to think how it could be, but yesterday it came out of my fingers LOL.
Simple, but I think effective enough. Oh, did another one, the black/white picture one. Had to use a black/white background and just one element in colour.
I think, perhaps today will be right for doing the laundry. May be even can do some ironing, very intersting this all, hahaha. Well, if you like it or not, those kind of things have to be done once in a while. Then my thoughts are of course with Edna, it will be for the coming days, and certainlyon Thursday when the funeral will be of her brother.
At the same time I am thinking of Snowy, who is leaving tomorrow for her trip to the USA. I so hope she will have a great time there!
Ad that's about all today. I am not very inspired for writing today, so I better finish the post, not after I left you with a freebie. It's a fantasy kit, some backgroundpapers and elements and I named it: "Build yourself a fairytale". Make something nice of it!! Have a lovely day!
Download HERE
Monday, October 25, 2010
Strange weekend
Goodmorning everybody!
It was really a strange kind of weekend. Not that we did much, or did extra-ordinary things, but just by events that happened and not all were very happy news.
Hope you read my extra post I made yesterday, about the passing away from Edna's brother. That swept me a bit of my feet, although we knew it would happen soon.
I was all day a bit feeling strange, thinking a lot of Edna and her family, because these days will be very difficult for them.
Then there came the news, that Minky would be away for a while of her blogs, because she had to undergo an operation on a crushed finger! Bad news never comes alone!
We didn;t do much this weekend, kept ourselves very quiet, and why not? I kept busy at the computer, started with a couple of kits and finished two. Did even a challenge for the forum, spread a bit the work for nect month between Snowy, Nana and me, so that Snowy had a bit more time yesterday, on her only day off before she travels to the USA!
We also have a new Creative Member who will help us with the weekly downloads at the forum! It is Miriam, from
We are giving her a bit time to get settled with us and she will start the collab with the January weekly download. I don;t know it you know her work already, but you should take a look at her blog. She is really making beautiful quickpages and also now and then she offers a free kit too. It's a lady with a lot of taste and charm in her work.
I will show you the layout I've made for the forum, for the word challenge. It was "adventure"and I found a beautiful quote for it:
That is about all there is to tell, seems not much happened and was done, but there was a lot of emailing to do and it's nice if you can find some time for it to do it properly LOL.
I have a one colour scheme kit for you today, in a favourite colour of mine, purple! It is named "Positive Purple"Hope you will like it.
Have a nice day and may be you can pass on Edna's blog to leave her some words of encouragement and compassion. Thanks.
Download HERE
It was really a strange kind of weekend. Not that we did much, or did extra-ordinary things, but just by events that happened and not all were very happy news.
Hope you read my extra post I made yesterday, about the passing away from Edna's brother. That swept me a bit of my feet, although we knew it would happen soon.
I was all day a bit feeling strange, thinking a lot of Edna and her family, because these days will be very difficult for them.
Then there came the news, that Minky would be away for a while of her blogs, because she had to undergo an operation on a crushed finger! Bad news never comes alone!
We didn;t do much this weekend, kept ourselves very quiet, and why not? I kept busy at the computer, started with a couple of kits and finished two. Did even a challenge for the forum, spread a bit the work for nect month between Snowy, Nana and me, so that Snowy had a bit more time yesterday, on her only day off before she travels to the USA!
We also have a new Creative Member who will help us with the weekly downloads at the forum! It is Miriam, from
We are giving her a bit time to get settled with us and she will start the collab with the January weekly download. I don;t know it you know her work already, but you should take a look at her blog. She is really making beautiful quickpages and also now and then she offers a free kit too. It's a lady with a lot of taste and charm in her work.
I will show you the layout I've made for the forum, for the word challenge. It was "adventure"and I found a beautiful quote for it:
That is about all there is to tell, seems not much happened and was done, but there was a lot of emailing to do and it's nice if you can find some time for it to do it properly LOL.
I have a one colour scheme kit for you today, in a favourite colour of mine, purple! It is named "Positive Purple"Hope you will like it.
Have a nice day and may be you can pass on Edna's blog to leave her some words of encouragement and compassion. Thanks.
Download HERE
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sad announcement.
Today is a sad day.
Artie, the brother of Edna, passed away last night.
His cancer took him away from this world, even in shorter time than we all hoped for.
But his death is not the end. I believe it is a start of a whole new kind of life, and a way to meet all the beloved ones that have passed away already.
My heart goes out to Edna and the family, because I know he was very much loved.
I have a picture of Artie(or "Moo" as he was called often) that I received of Edna of last Christmas, wearing the presents he received from Snowy and me. He liked to cook, as you can see.
Although I never met him in person, I have the feeling I did, by the things Edna told me and some pictures she sent.
May the candle, that is burning now for Moo, light his path to his new world.
Rest in peace, Moo!
P.S. If you would like to leave a little message for Edna, please do so, on her blog
Artie, the brother of Edna, passed away last night.
His cancer took him away from this world, even in shorter time than we all hoped for.
But his death is not the end. I believe it is a start of a whole new kind of life, and a way to meet all the beloved ones that have passed away already.
My heart goes out to Edna and the family, because I know he was very much loved.
I have a picture of Artie(or "Moo" as he was called often) that I received of Edna of last Christmas, wearing the presents he received from Snowy and me. He liked to cook, as you can see.
Although I never met him in person, I have the feeling I did, by the things Edna told me and some pictures she sent.
May the candle, that is burning now for Moo, light his path to his new world.
Rest in peace, Moo!
P.S. If you would like to leave a little message for Edna, please do so, on her blog
Friday, October 22, 2010
Shopping in town.
Goodmorning everybody!
It was rather nice weather yesterday so I thought may be Jan and I could go into town to look for a pair of shoes for him. Remember? Well, that didn;t happen, but then I thought:"why not go alone and look around a bit?".
So I did and looked around n different shops, to see if I could find a couple of nice and warm sweaters for the winter. There was some nice stuff, but ten it wasn't quit the right model or colour, or if I liked it I found it much to expensive LOL! So that was no success, but I found something different, which was really needed.
A pair of boots and a pair of shoes, for every day, comfy and warm. And a vest for Jan, finally! Years and years ago I gave him a vest, \ real nice one, completely with a lining, so you could wear it as a jacket outside. He enjoyed that one very muc, still has it, but its coming a bit at it's end. And now there are lots of thick vests but almost all with a hood and he doesn;t like that. So yesterday I found one, without a hood, and for a very reasonable price. I have made pics of my buys:
I liked the little chains on it and the pair wasn;t expensive, only € 25,00!
And this was actually the most expensive, € 39,95, but still is a good price for what you get. This kind normally are around at least € 55,00 and quickly going up in price till whatever, but most (in this kind of model € 80,00)
It looks as if it's a bit blueish but that because of the flash, the vest is of a nice light grey colour, so very neutral and can fit with everything.
So it was a rather succesfull shopping afternoon.
I spent a few hours in town, I think the worst is when you have to try some clothes on and shoes too, pfff, I rather don;t do it, but if you don;t you have the risk to bring it back again because it doesn;t fit.
After that adventure I was happy to go home again and take a break at the computer for a short time. I was lucky I didn;t have to make dinner, because yesterday I made macaroni, with minced meat and all kind of chopped vegetables in it and there was more than enough left for another day. Just put it i the oven and dinner was ready!
So instead of yesterday, I will have to do the house work, you know the usual stuff, today! Want to start with it not too late, so that it will be done with in the early afternoon and then I can finish up some kits I started with. I am still adding to a Christmas kit and have another one too just started and made a beginning for a freebiekit for next week too! And in between I even made 2 quickpages for Minky's. I think she will post them today on the special blog.
Don't fear I do have a freebie here too! LOL! I found an interesting colourscheme and it ended up in this little kit, "Petit Boudoir".
Oh, for members of our forum a reminder: don;t forget to take a look at the "Collect a kit weekly download". It's a contribution of Nana, and there is one more Friday to go in October, so next week it's my turn again.
And November is a real treat, theme and colourscheme from Snowy. Don't miss it.!!
Okay, time for a quick sup of coffee and then shower, clothes on and getting started here.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Dowbload HERE
It was rather nice weather yesterday so I thought may be Jan and I could go into town to look for a pair of shoes for him. Remember? Well, that didn;t happen, but then I thought:"why not go alone and look around a bit?".
So I did and looked around n different shops, to see if I could find a couple of nice and warm sweaters for the winter. There was some nice stuff, but ten it wasn't quit the right model or colour, or if I liked it I found it much to expensive LOL! So that was no success, but I found something different, which was really needed.
A pair of boots and a pair of shoes, for every day, comfy and warm. And a vest for Jan, finally! Years and years ago I gave him a vest, \ real nice one, completely with a lining, so you could wear it as a jacket outside. He enjoyed that one very muc, still has it, but its coming a bit at it's end. And now there are lots of thick vests but almost all with a hood and he doesn;t like that. So yesterday I found one, without a hood, and for a very reasonable price. I have made pics of my buys:
I liked the little chains on it and the pair wasn;t expensive, only € 25,00!
And here I was lucky too, normally they were € 39,95 but I bought them with reduction, only € 19,95!
Yeah I know, I have VERY small feet. LOL.
And this was actually the most expensive, € 39,95, but still is a good price for what you get. This kind normally are around at least € 55,00 and quickly going up in price till whatever, but most (in this kind of model € 80,00)
It looks as if it's a bit blueish but that because of the flash, the vest is of a nice light grey colour, so very neutral and can fit with everything.
So it was a rather succesfull shopping afternoon.
I spent a few hours in town, I think the worst is when you have to try some clothes on and shoes too, pfff, I rather don;t do it, but if you don;t you have the risk to bring it back again because it doesn;t fit.
After that adventure I was happy to go home again and take a break at the computer for a short time. I was lucky I didn;t have to make dinner, because yesterday I made macaroni, with minced meat and all kind of chopped vegetables in it and there was more than enough left for another day. Just put it i the oven and dinner was ready!
So instead of yesterday, I will have to do the house work, you know the usual stuff, today! Want to start with it not too late, so that it will be done with in the early afternoon and then I can finish up some kits I started with. I am still adding to a Christmas kit and have another one too just started and made a beginning for a freebiekit for next week too! And in between I even made 2 quickpages for Minky's. I think she will post them today on the special blog.
Don't fear I do have a freebie here too! LOL! I found an interesting colourscheme and it ended up in this little kit, "Petit Boudoir".
Oh, for members of our forum a reminder: don;t forget to take a look at the "Collect a kit weekly download". It's a contribution of Nana, and there is one more Friday to go in October, so next week it's my turn again.
And November is a real treat, theme and colourscheme from Snowy. Don't miss it.!!
Okay, time for a quick sup of coffee and then shower, clothes on and getting started here.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Dowbload HERE
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What a blessing, a dry toilet LOL!
Goodmorning everybody!
Pfffffew!!! It's done and over (we hope) with the leak at the ceiling of our toilet! Thank God for that, it's so much more comfortable again. Isn't it amazing to see how soon just little drops falling down in a slow but steady tempo can form a rather big amount of water?
Before it was over with I left Jan in charge of it all, to phone the owner of the appartment(not that he could do a lot of course) and to see if the neighbour was there to fix the leak. So I left to do some shopping, needed to put some bills to pay in the bank, and as I was near another supermarket I did some grocerie shopping there. I took my time, weather wasn;t even too bad, I stayed dry and even had some sunshine. Only temperature is down a lot. And that had the result of not rain but hail coming down in the evening.
Yes, winter is surely stepping closer to us.!
Soon I hope to give you some nice news about the forum of magickal scaps. I am not reveiling it yet, but something is happening there in coming time.
In a few days I will get a auick "manual"from Snowy, how to do some things as administrator, I am awefully bad in those things, always afraid doing something wrong, and suddenly loose some categories or worse LOL! But it would be handy if in case needed, more of the team know how to handle things, because in a week;s time, next Wednesday, Snowy is actually flying to the USA, and won't be connected to internet the whole time. But............ the most important is that she will meet the man of her heart! You can imagine she is getting a bit nervous, but mostly very excited about it , which I can imagine. She had to wait such a long time for this! Happy for you girl!!
Then there is a new set of Mavka Kyra's Adventures on Minky's special blog. Here the preview, you know how to get it.
Then I finished already the weekly download for the forum of December and am almost done with the one for January!!!! That's planning ahead, isn;t it? With all this, the challenges are left a bit aside this month, but there is still some time, may be I can manage to do some of them during the weekend.
I also hope there will be one nice day between now and the end of the month, because there is a place I want to visit. In The Hague we have a park/ wood where they have a part that is arranged and called as The Japanese garden. It's not so big but beautiful. It's only open for a few month a year, to protect it, but now in Autumn, the Japanese acer trees(is that like a maple tree?) have their spectaculair colours and I surely like to see it and take some pictures. So let's really hope we will have one day a bit dry and if possible with some sunshine, it would be marvellous.
Today I think it wil be mostly stay at home day, house needs some attention again(sooooo demanding a house LOL, even worse than a husband or children, whoooooooo), but it might also come to it that we take a quick tour into town. Jan needs a pair of new shoes, he never likes it too much when I go with him, he thinks I am too fussy about the model etc. He knows what he wants and that's it. Oh, whee MEN! I like to take time to look at a few shops first to see what they have and to compare a bit the price, but no....... he just goes and buys the first pair that is according to his idea. Hmmmmmmmm, we'll see if today is really the day.
Well, enough rambling done, time for a freebie again. I have a fantasy one again, you know I like to make them, so please bare with me, may be you can even use them LOL! It's named "Little Fairy Secrets".
Have a fantastic day!
Download HERE
Pfffffew!!! It's done and over (we hope) with the leak at the ceiling of our toilet! Thank God for that, it's so much more comfortable again. Isn't it amazing to see how soon just little drops falling down in a slow but steady tempo can form a rather big amount of water?
Before it was over with I left Jan in charge of it all, to phone the owner of the appartment(not that he could do a lot of course) and to see if the neighbour was there to fix the leak. So I left to do some shopping, needed to put some bills to pay in the bank, and as I was near another supermarket I did some grocerie shopping there. I took my time, weather wasn;t even too bad, I stayed dry and even had some sunshine. Only temperature is down a lot. And that had the result of not rain but hail coming down in the evening.
Yes, winter is surely stepping closer to us.!
Soon I hope to give you some nice news about the forum of magickal scaps. I am not reveiling it yet, but something is happening there in coming time.
In a few days I will get a auick "manual"from Snowy, how to do some things as administrator, I am awefully bad in those things, always afraid doing something wrong, and suddenly loose some categories or worse LOL! But it would be handy if in case needed, more of the team know how to handle things, because in a week;s time, next Wednesday, Snowy is actually flying to the USA, and won't be connected to internet the whole time. But............ the most important is that she will meet the man of her heart! You can imagine she is getting a bit nervous, but mostly very excited about it , which I can imagine. She had to wait such a long time for this! Happy for you girl!!
Then there is a new set of Mavka Kyra's Adventures on Minky's special blog. Here the preview, you know how to get it.
Then I finished already the weekly download for the forum of December and am almost done with the one for January!!!! That's planning ahead, isn;t it? With all this, the challenges are left a bit aside this month, but there is still some time, may be I can manage to do some of them during the weekend.
I also hope there will be one nice day between now and the end of the month, because there is a place I want to visit. In The Hague we have a park/ wood where they have a part that is arranged and called as The Japanese garden. It's not so big but beautiful. It's only open for a few month a year, to protect it, but now in Autumn, the Japanese acer trees(is that like a maple tree?) have their spectaculair colours and I surely like to see it and take some pictures. So let's really hope we will have one day a bit dry and if possible with some sunshine, it would be marvellous.
Today I think it wil be mostly stay at home day, house needs some attention again(sooooo demanding a house LOL, even worse than a husband or children, whoooooooo), but it might also come to it that we take a quick tour into town. Jan needs a pair of new shoes, he never likes it too much when I go with him, he thinks I am too fussy about the model etc. He knows what he wants and that's it. Oh, whee MEN! I like to take time to look at a few shops first to see what they have and to compare a bit the price, but no....... he just goes and buys the first pair that is according to his idea. Hmmmmmmmm, we'll see if today is really the day.
Well, enough rambling done, time for a freebie again. I have a fantasy one again, you know I like to make them, so please bare with me, may be you can even use them LOL! It's named "Little Fairy Secrets".
Have a fantastic day!
Download HERE
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oh joy, leaking again!!!
Goodmorning everybody!
I've told you about the dripping in our toilet. And that it has stopped. Well, yesterday evening IT STARTED AGAIN! And with mmore energy.! Very late evening Jan went upstairs to the neighbours, at least to see if somebody was there and he was lucky. Still it will not be fixed in minutes I guess. The neighbour promised to come over today to take a look, and it will have to be fixed and I am NOT the one willing to pay for it. So we will have to inform the owner of the appartment, who is in Spain at the moment I hope he will give us free hand to call his plumber and that it all will be done with somewhere today. Oh bummers, we don;t need this shit!
From frustration you sometimes have to go to the toilet and even that's no relief LOL because you are sitting in the line of the dripping so no relaxed time there, no, do it as quick as possible!
Over to a completely different subject, today is a day for awareness about anti gay bulling, and to express that wear purple. I read about it on Minky's blog and thought it was a good cause to pay attention to. I copied a part of her text so that you know what's it all about and you can read the rest on her blog. Don;t just skip this part of my blogpost, I think it is an important thing in having more tolerance and understanding for people who might not fit completely in your ideas, but they are human beings too, with the same dreams and feelings as everybody else.
*This event is designed to raise awareness about
anti-gay bulling and the desperate situation
youth (and adults) can be put into when they are
pushed past their capacity to cope.
By supporting this event you are not supporting
gays or approving of suicide,
you are simply saying that all human life
should be valued, not demeaned.*
It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010,
we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed
suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic
abuse in their homes and at their schools.
Then some more from Minky LOL! If you want to see some great pictures of the nature in their special garden from Sulina, hop over to The Continent of Sulina.
Pictures are taken by her husband Ian and I made the link directly to that page. Some really beautiful pictures he has made!
Can you imagine they even have a "house-snake"??? Yakk! I am not so in favour of snakes, LOL.
I think you have enough to think about and to read and watch, so I better finish my blogpost today, in the hope the leak will be over with soon! I have another Halloween kit for you, named "Spooky Night"
You'll all have a fantastic day!
Download HERE
I've told you about the dripping in our toilet. And that it has stopped. Well, yesterday evening IT STARTED AGAIN! And with mmore energy.! Very late evening Jan went upstairs to the neighbours, at least to see if somebody was there and he was lucky. Still it will not be fixed in minutes I guess. The neighbour promised to come over today to take a look, and it will have to be fixed and I am NOT the one willing to pay for it. So we will have to inform the owner of the appartment, who is in Spain at the moment I hope he will give us free hand to call his plumber and that it all will be done with somewhere today. Oh bummers, we don;t need this shit!
From frustration you sometimes have to go to the toilet and even that's no relief LOL because you are sitting in the line of the dripping so no relaxed time there, no, do it as quick as possible!
Over to a completely different subject, today is a day for awareness about anti gay bulling, and to express that wear purple. I read about it on Minky's blog and thought it was a good cause to pay attention to. I copied a part of her text so that you know what's it all about and you can read the rest on her blog. Don;t just skip this part of my blogpost, I think it is an important thing in having more tolerance and understanding for people who might not fit completely in your ideas, but they are human beings too, with the same dreams and feelings as everybody else.
*This event is designed to raise awareness about
anti-gay bulling and the desperate situation
youth (and adults) can be put into when they are
pushed past their capacity to cope.
By supporting this event you are not supporting
gays or approving of suicide,
you are simply saying that all human life
should be valued, not demeaned.*
It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010,
we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed
suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic
abuse in their homes and at their schools.
Then some more from Minky LOL! If you want to see some great pictures of the nature in their special garden from Sulina, hop over to The Continent of Sulina.
Pictures are taken by her husband Ian and I made the link directly to that page. Some really beautiful pictures he has made!
Can you imagine they even have a "house-snake"??? Yakk! I am not so in favour of snakes, LOL.
I think you have enough to think about and to read and watch, so I better finish my blogpost today, in the hope the leak will be over with soon! I have another Halloween kit for you, named "Spooky Night"
You'll all have a fantastic day!
Download HERE
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Couldn't help myself LOL!
Goodmorning everybody!
I did went out just for a quick little shopping, it was done in a minute, but though it wasn't that good weather, it was dry, and I made just a quick tour in some shops. And yes, I know it's early, but slowly Christmas thinking is creeping up sometimes.Still two months to go, but that time is over before you can say two times "pooped out"LOL! Already several shops are starting to display their Christmas stuff,so I looked around and came home with a snow blanket! I wanted one to display my Christmas village on and I found one that isn;t so thick, and I'm happy with that. The village will stand better on that one. And I surrendered to a garden magazine. Sigh! I don;t buy it every month, but sometimes just cannot resist it. And this one has a thick special with it, only about grimping plants. Some time today I will dive into that, yippee!
I also did a bit of ironing, it wasn;t so much, but better have done it now, easier to keep up with it. That was about all of my spectaculair acting yesterday.
Also found time to do some designing and came up with 3 bragbookpages for Minky's again.I told you often enough how to get them if you want, so I will not do that anymore. For the last time, just go to her blog, and mail her your email and you can get the links. She does it this way, because then she knows only people will download the stuff there who are really interested in it and are kind enough to leave a little thank you. It's a pity it has to be done this way, but I can understand her.
Here is the preview:
Oh, there is also some more news from Minky. She started two blogs, specially for children and they look wonderful. It's a safe cyber place for them as she calls it and I think kids can have a wonderful time there.
Here are the links:
Despite of the incomprehensible hard disk dvd player we have( well, we know how to record things and play them LOL) Jan is having some fun with it. He records several series , each week there is a part and put's them together on one dvd. It's become quit an administration LOL. It's a pile of about 8 dvd boxes under the table near the couch, and when some of the series will be complete I just wonder where we will find the time to watch them! That's mostly the trouvle with dvd and video! You record a lot of things, but you sometimes forget you will have to look at them too! Some of those series have 6 or even more parts and each one is at least taking an hour! Well, I suppose there will be evenings with not too much on tv and then we could watch one of the dvd"s, I hope.
So time now for another freebie. with great thanks to Cathy of
for her lovely animal posers! I've made 4 bragbookpages with them and found some quotes with it too. Hope you enjoy these, it was lots of fun to make them.
Have a wonderful day!
Download HERE
I did went out just for a quick little shopping, it was done in a minute, but though it wasn't that good weather, it was dry, and I made just a quick tour in some shops. And yes, I know it's early, but slowly Christmas thinking is creeping up sometimes.Still two months to go, but that time is over before you can say two times "pooped out"LOL! Already several shops are starting to display their Christmas stuff,so I looked around and came home with a snow blanket! I wanted one to display my Christmas village on and I found one that isn;t so thick, and I'm happy with that. The village will stand better on that one. And I surrendered to a garden magazine. Sigh! I don;t buy it every month, but sometimes just cannot resist it. And this one has a thick special with it, only about grimping plants. Some time today I will dive into that, yippee!
I also did a bit of ironing, it wasn;t so much, but better have done it now, easier to keep up with it. That was about all of my spectaculair acting yesterday.
Also found time to do some designing and came up with 3 bragbookpages for Minky's again.I told you often enough how to get them if you want, so I will not do that anymore. For the last time, just go to her blog, and mail her your email and you can get the links. She does it this way, because then she knows only people will download the stuff there who are really interested in it and are kind enough to leave a little thank you. It's a pity it has to be done this way, but I can understand her.
Here is the preview:
Oh, there is also some more news from Minky. She started two blogs, specially for children and they look wonderful. It's a safe cyber place for them as she calls it and I think kids can have a wonderful time there.
Here are the links:
Despite of the incomprehensible hard disk dvd player we have( well, we know how to record things and play them LOL) Jan is having some fun with it. He records several series , each week there is a part and put's them together on one dvd. It's become quit an administration LOL. It's a pile of about 8 dvd boxes under the table near the couch, and when some of the series will be complete I just wonder where we will find the time to watch them! That's mostly the trouvle with dvd and video! You record a lot of things, but you sometimes forget you will have to look at them too! Some of those series have 6 or even more parts and each one is at least taking an hour! Well, I suppose there will be evenings with not too much on tv and then we could watch one of the dvd"s, I hope.
So time now for another freebie. with great thanks to Cathy of
for her lovely animal posers! I've made 4 bragbookpages with them and found some quotes with it too. Hope you enjoy these, it was lots of fun to make them.
Have a wonderful day!
Download HERE
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's getting colder.
Goodmorning everybody!
Weather definately is changing a bit. You already can see it looking out of the window, but you can feel it too.
Saturday we had to go into town centre looking for a little birthday present for Rowena(the wife of the owner of the cafe). It's always a bit difficult to find something right for someone you actually don't know too well. But we managed to find something. We went into a big store where they sell all kind of things for a nice price too, and looking around we bought her a rather friendly looking witch! Doesn't seem to be such a nice present perhaps, but there's a whole story behind it. It would take too long to tell that all, but she really could laugh about it and so we did it right! In the same store I bought 4 kg. of washing machine powder for only € 2,95! I used it yesterday and it's good stuff! Did some things in the house and early evening we had to go to the birthday party.
They invited about 25 people and both of them like to cook and do it well. You know how big a billiard table is? Well, it was completely covered with food! There was warm food and cold, like rice, special meat, vegetables, soup, and then lots of salads, smoked salmon, other fish, ham, filled eggs, different kind of bread and toast, etc. I think there was enough food for about twice as much people!!! It tasted wonderful I must say, but they always make far too much.
It was nice, I met a few people Jan often talks with when he is in the cafe, we even dance a bit and then I went home a bit earlier than Jan.
Oh we also had a leak in our toilet and bathroom suddenly! Friday it was dripping slowly of the ceiling. It's not nice to have that and more annoying because when you took place on the toilet it just dripped onto your head now and then LOL. So I phoned the owner of the appartment above ours(herents it to people, not living himself there) hoping he would react quickly. Hmmmm, that took till late the other day, but fortunately the dripping had stopped too. The guy was on holiday in Spain, so heard his voice mail a bit later. According to him there was nobody yet living there, but then I wonder how we suddenly could have a leak. Well, I didn;t make a fuss about it, we agreed that he would come looking when he returned from his holiday. We never have problems with this fellow, so it will be okay.
That was about our weekend, apart from the fact that I managed to get a few kits finished and also some stuff for Minky's blog,
I told you about the lovely surprise of Cathy, of Coh's scraps? The Mavka Kyra poser girl? Well, I made a serie of 10 bragbookpages with her, named it "Mavka Kyra's Adventures"(LOL) and here I can show you the first set
Isn't she a lovely character? You know the drill, if you like to have them, go to Minky's blog and leave her your email addresss, then you will get a link. Read it on her blog.
Also made another quickpage for there:
Again in purple, but I can;t help, just love to work with that colour!
Now time for your freebie on this blog. It;s a little kit, in soft colours, I think you can use it for different kind of layouts. It's named "Delicate". Hope you like it.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Download HERE
Weather definately is changing a bit. You already can see it looking out of the window, but you can feel it too.
Saturday we had to go into town centre looking for a little birthday present for Rowena(the wife of the owner of the cafe). It's always a bit difficult to find something right for someone you actually don't know too well. But we managed to find something. We went into a big store where they sell all kind of things for a nice price too, and looking around we bought her a rather friendly looking witch! Doesn't seem to be such a nice present perhaps, but there's a whole story behind it. It would take too long to tell that all, but she really could laugh about it and so we did it right! In the same store I bought 4 kg. of washing machine powder for only € 2,95! I used it yesterday and it's good stuff! Did some things in the house and early evening we had to go to the birthday party.
They invited about 25 people and both of them like to cook and do it well. You know how big a billiard table is? Well, it was completely covered with food! There was warm food and cold, like rice, special meat, vegetables, soup, and then lots of salads, smoked salmon, other fish, ham, filled eggs, different kind of bread and toast, etc. I think there was enough food for about twice as much people!!! It tasted wonderful I must say, but they always make far too much.
It was nice, I met a few people Jan often talks with when he is in the cafe, we even dance a bit and then I went home a bit earlier than Jan.
Oh we also had a leak in our toilet and bathroom suddenly! Friday it was dripping slowly of the ceiling. It's not nice to have that and more annoying because when you took place on the toilet it just dripped onto your head now and then LOL. So I phoned the owner of the appartment above ours(herents it to people, not living himself there) hoping he would react quickly. Hmmmm, that took till late the other day, but fortunately the dripping had stopped too. The guy was on holiday in Spain, so heard his voice mail a bit later. According to him there was nobody yet living there, but then I wonder how we suddenly could have a leak. Well, I didn;t make a fuss about it, we agreed that he would come looking when he returned from his holiday. We never have problems with this fellow, so it will be okay.
That was about our weekend, apart from the fact that I managed to get a few kits finished and also some stuff for Minky's blog,
I told you about the lovely surprise of Cathy, of Coh's scraps? The Mavka Kyra poser girl? Well, I made a serie of 10 bragbookpages with her, named it "Mavka Kyra's Adventures"(LOL) and here I can show you the first set
Isn't she a lovely character? You know the drill, if you like to have them, go to Minky's blog and leave her your email addresss, then you will get a link. Read it on her blog.
Also made another quickpage for there:
Again in purple, but I can;t help, just love to work with that colour!
Now time for your freebie on this blog. It;s a little kit, in soft colours, I think you can use it for different kind of layouts. It's named "Delicate". Hope you like it.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Download HERE
Friday, October 15, 2010
Creative flow !
Goodmorning everybody!
So yesterday I did feel I was up very early! And early afternoon I just felt I had to take a nap. Did so and it did me well! And now I am trying to type, but it's kind of difficult with Brodski sitting on my lap. He is a bit different from Dikkie Dik. That one easily installs himself lying down, but Brodski doesn;t, he just wants me to caress him on his head and moves it towards a hand constantly! Okay, he's gone again, which makes it all a lot simpeler LOL! I can say that today I slept till a more "normal"time, I think I was awake at 07.30 o'clock, which isn't too bad. A person feels much better after such a good night sleep!
The creative flow is still working, I am busy to make something real nice with the Mavka Kyra posers, such a treat to work with it! Then I finished my parts of the December weekly download for the forum already! Finished up a little minikit and made something for Minky's blog again. On her special blog there is also a section for frames and clusters and I made her two.
As you can guess I didn;t do very much else yesterday, so today I should do a bit extra, hahaha. First have to fill the fridge a little bit for the weekend, should look also for a present for Rowena, the wife of the owner of the cafe. She celebrates her birthday on Sunday and we are invited. But I have absolutely no idea what I should buy for her. Jan already tried to find out yesterday evening, but without much success. May be he can give it another try this evening. But I suppose it will just come to up to me to find something nice and a bit out of the ordinary. That's hard at times, specially when you don;t know somebody too well.
Today also it's my turn to post the weekly download for October at the forum. It's still a bit funny feeling to only post once or twice a month, when you were used to do it for a week long or even more. But it has been a good idea to change this, otherwise it was really too much work for the small team we have.
I have the feeling I am forgetting something to tell, but cannot get a grip on it, hahaha. So I better hop on to your freebie, which is the result of the brush challenge of this month. Hope somebody can use it.
Have a happy weekend, everybody and see you back on Monday
Download HERE
So yesterday I did feel I was up very early! And early afternoon I just felt I had to take a nap. Did so and it did me well! And now I am trying to type, but it's kind of difficult with Brodski sitting on my lap. He is a bit different from Dikkie Dik. That one easily installs himself lying down, but Brodski doesn;t, he just wants me to caress him on his head and moves it towards a hand constantly! Okay, he's gone again, which makes it all a lot simpeler LOL! I can say that today I slept till a more "normal"time, I think I was awake at 07.30 o'clock, which isn't too bad. A person feels much better after such a good night sleep!
The creative flow is still working, I am busy to make something real nice with the Mavka Kyra posers, such a treat to work with it! Then I finished my parts of the December weekly download for the forum already! Finished up a little minikit and made something for Minky's blog again. On her special blog there is also a section for frames and clusters and I made her two.
As you can guess I didn;t do very much else yesterday, so today I should do a bit extra, hahaha. First have to fill the fridge a little bit for the weekend, should look also for a present for Rowena, the wife of the owner of the cafe. She celebrates her birthday on Sunday and we are invited. But I have absolutely no idea what I should buy for her. Jan already tried to find out yesterday evening, but without much success. May be he can give it another try this evening. But I suppose it will just come to up to me to find something nice and a bit out of the ordinary. That's hard at times, specially when you don;t know somebody too well.
Today also it's my turn to post the weekly download for October at the forum. It's still a bit funny feeling to only post once or twice a month, when you were used to do it for a week long or even more. But it has been a good idea to change this, otherwise it was really too much work for the small team we have.
I have the feeling I am forgetting something to tell, but cannot get a grip on it, hahaha. So I better hop on to your freebie, which is the result of the brush challenge of this month. Hope somebody can use it.
Have a happy weekend, everybody and see you back on Monday
Download HERE
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Surprise for me!!!
Goodmorning everybody!
I had a rather early rise this morning, not completely planned, but to go back to bed after a while, wasn't really an option, although I could have done that. But do you know the feeling: it's actually a bit too early to wake up but on the other hand it is then already too late to step into bed again. LOL! It would have been a bit too late for me to wake up again and then I would have the feeling the whole day is messed up. Yeah, I am a strange character at times! Think today I just will go to bed a bit earlier than usual.
Yesterday not too much happened, I went out for a moment, the cats needed a bit of food again and it was just good to have a sniff of fresh air. Wasn't too bad outside, today it looks much more grey, may be we'll even have some rain. That's the time of year, like it or not, it just is.
But I had a terrible nice surprise in my mail yesterday!!
Cathy, of made a so sweet Mavka that carries MY NAME!!! How COOL is that??????? Thanks again Cathy! If you like her, you can get her in Cathy's shop, Just for $ 1,00 at the moment!!! (Hey, but I got it as a gift, nanananana, and I am working on something with my Mava Kyra in it!!!) Look at the preview of this lovely poser figure:
You should go and visit her blog, whee she offers great freebies and in her shop you can get for a little price also the most incredible things. And if you take something, don;t forget the little thank you!!!!
At the moment I am very busy making all kind of stuff for Minky's special Creative Club blog and today there is an contribution to find there from someone we know quite well, my friend Snowy!! Yeah, welcome to the club, LOL. She has an all different style , but oh so beautiful, the QP's she made. Take a look overthere and you'll see what I mean!!
I can tease you with more, hahaha, by showing you some of the stuff I've made recently.
Yeah, we try to keep the brain creative.
I think I soon will need some coffee again, I can still feel the too early rise! And I have so many things I started, that I don;t know where to carry on and there are still some challenges waiting too, that I like to do. Oh, where can I find extra time????? LOL.
To stay a bit in Fairy land I have a small kit for you, named "Fairy Sweet", hope somebody ca use it.
Have a fabulous day!
Download HERE
I had a rather early rise this morning, not completely planned, but to go back to bed after a while, wasn't really an option, although I could have done that. But do you know the feeling: it's actually a bit too early to wake up but on the other hand it is then already too late to step into bed again. LOL! It would have been a bit too late for me to wake up again and then I would have the feeling the whole day is messed up. Yeah, I am a strange character at times! Think today I just will go to bed a bit earlier than usual.
Yesterday not too much happened, I went out for a moment, the cats needed a bit of food again and it was just good to have a sniff of fresh air. Wasn't too bad outside, today it looks much more grey, may be we'll even have some rain. That's the time of year, like it or not, it just is.
But I had a terrible nice surprise in my mail yesterday!!
Cathy, of made a so sweet Mavka that carries MY NAME!!! How COOL is that??????? Thanks again Cathy! If you like her, you can get her in Cathy's shop, Just for $ 1,00 at the moment!!! (Hey, but I got it as a gift, nanananana, and I am working on something with my Mava Kyra in it!!!) Look at the preview of this lovely poser figure:
You should go and visit her blog, whee she offers great freebies and in her shop you can get for a little price also the most incredible things. And if you take something, don;t forget the little thank you!!!!
At the moment I am very busy making all kind of stuff for Minky's special Creative Club blog and today there is an contribution to find there from someone we know quite well, my friend Snowy!! Yeah, welcome to the club, LOL. She has an all different style , but oh so beautiful, the QP's she made. Take a look overthere and you'll see what I mean!!
I can tease you with more, hahaha, by showing you some of the stuff I've made recently.
Yeah, we try to keep the brain creative.
I think I soon will need some coffee again, I can still feel the too early rise! And I have so many things I started, that I don;t know where to carry on and there are still some challenges waiting too, that I like to do. Oh, where can I find extra time????? LOL.
To stay a bit in Fairy land I have a small kit for you, named "Fairy Sweet", hope somebody ca use it.
Have a fabulous day!
Download HERE
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Done all kinds of things!
Goodmorning everybody!
It was yesterday a day filled with all kind of activities, LOL.
After my posting I played first a little bit on the computer and then got busy. First I cleaned all the vegetables and had 3 pans on the furnace to rapidly cook them. Well, just till water boiled and turned it off again. Oh whee, just the cleaning of the beans and brussels sprouts took almost half an hour or so. Then i let it cool off and in the mean time I could hang up the laundry. Doing that I also put some dried stuff, like towels and sweaters and so in the closet. Then I did some serious dusting and also cleaned some frames with pictures and such that are hainging in the room. The paper I cleaned them with(and of course a product specially for cleaning glass) had a very strange colour after I was finished. You just cannot believe what a mess comes off it!
By the time that was done I could fill some plastic freezer bags with the vegetables. Wow, we have a bit of stock now!
Then the kitchen was still in a state of little mess, so washed all the pans and some cups and saucers etc. and suddenly that place looked much better LOL.
In the mean time Jan was doing his best too, he took care of some window cleaning. What a nice guy, hey?
Writing this down, it doesn;t sound much was done, but it takes all more time than you think. By the time all that was done I thought it was enough for that day, so could return to the computer and made some more quickpages for Minky's blog again. I have lots of inspiration for that at the moment, a bit less for regular kits, but that will return again.
Then it was dinner time and funny how quick a day passes!
Just finished with dinner the door bell rang. Jan went looking and it were two neighbours asking if we were missing perhaps a red cat. Well, we didn;t really, but I went with them to check on the cat they found on the street. It wasn;t one of ours, but also a very nice looking cat, rather young and a bit distressed. Still I could easily pick the cat up, it wasn't a street cat, definately belonged to somebody, but couldn;t find it's way home. We supposed that the poor thing in some way got on the street, but normally is walking through the gardens.
So I went with one of the nieghbours(also having cats) and the found cat in my arms to his house and release it in his garden. Perhaps the cat could find his way back to his ome again. And yes..................right at the moment I put him on the ground he fled , right through a little hole in the fence and I think he found his way. Otherwise he never could have fopund the hole at once as he did. Still, the neughbour and I will keep an eye on our gardens to see if we see the cat around. But I think it's okay with him.
So much for the "cat-adventure"LOL
Perhaps today I will peep out for a moment, just to sniff a bit of fresh air, although the weather is definately not as good looking as yesterday. For the days to come there is expected some rain, but most annoying is that they say temperature will go down. Hey, I am not ready for that yet! It should stay like the last few days, bit of sun, around 65 F or so, that till the end of April next year and then it can go up to 80 F. However, I am afraid it will not happen this way, brrrrrrrrr. Okay, winter has its charm too, I even like snow, but that for a day or two and then it can disappear fast again haha!
Time for the last part of Halloween Fever. Then I still have time to finish something I started and then it will be time to put some clothes on and get moving.
Have a wonderful day!
Download HERE
It was yesterday a day filled with all kind of activities, LOL.
After my posting I played first a little bit on the computer and then got busy. First I cleaned all the vegetables and had 3 pans on the furnace to rapidly cook them. Well, just till water boiled and turned it off again. Oh whee, just the cleaning of the beans and brussels sprouts took almost half an hour or so. Then i let it cool off and in the mean time I could hang up the laundry. Doing that I also put some dried stuff, like towels and sweaters and so in the closet. Then I did some serious dusting and also cleaned some frames with pictures and such that are hainging in the room. The paper I cleaned them with(and of course a product specially for cleaning glass) had a very strange colour after I was finished. You just cannot believe what a mess comes off it!
By the time that was done I could fill some plastic freezer bags with the vegetables. Wow, we have a bit of stock now!
Then the kitchen was still in a state of little mess, so washed all the pans and some cups and saucers etc. and suddenly that place looked much better LOL.
In the mean time Jan was doing his best too, he took care of some window cleaning. What a nice guy, hey?
Writing this down, it doesn;t sound much was done, but it takes all more time than you think. By the time all that was done I thought it was enough for that day, so could return to the computer and made some more quickpages for Minky's blog again. I have lots of inspiration for that at the moment, a bit less for regular kits, but that will return again.
Then it was dinner time and funny how quick a day passes!
Just finished with dinner the door bell rang. Jan went looking and it were two neighbours asking if we were missing perhaps a red cat. Well, we didn;t really, but I went with them to check on the cat they found on the street. It wasn;t one of ours, but also a very nice looking cat, rather young and a bit distressed. Still I could easily pick the cat up, it wasn't a street cat, definately belonged to somebody, but couldn;t find it's way home. We supposed that the poor thing in some way got on the street, but normally is walking through the gardens.
So I went with one of the nieghbours(also having cats) and the found cat in my arms to his house and release it in his garden. Perhaps the cat could find his way back to his ome again. And yes..................right at the moment I put him on the ground he fled , right through a little hole in the fence and I think he found his way. Otherwise he never could have fopund the hole at once as he did. Still, the neughbour and I will keep an eye on our gardens to see if we see the cat around. But I think it's okay with him.
So much for the "cat-adventure"LOL
Perhaps today I will peep out for a moment, just to sniff a bit of fresh air, although the weather is definately not as good looking as yesterday. For the days to come there is expected some rain, but most annoying is that they say temperature will go down. Hey, I am not ready for that yet! It should stay like the last few days, bit of sun, around 65 F or so, that till the end of April next year and then it can go up to 80 F. However, I am afraid it will not happen this way, brrrrrrrrr. Okay, winter has its charm too, I even like snow, but that for a day or two and then it can disappear fast again haha!
Time for the last part of Halloween Fever. Then I still have time to finish something I started and then it will be time to put some clothes on and get moving.
Have a wonderful day!
Download HERE
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Lots of pans to use today!
Goodmorning everyone!
It was ever so nice weather yesterday, so we did take a walk to the market. We returned back with a shopping cart full of stuff! And for so little money! I have potatoes, 5 kg, that was the most expensive. I find potatoes everywhere rather expensive at the moment. It was € 4,00 for that quantity.
What more? A colliflower, buch of green beans, bunch of Brussels sprouts, 3 cucumbers, a few apples, some bananas, onions, fresh parsley,a big box with grained black peper(much cheaper than in the supermarket).
So today I have to prepare the vegetables for the freezer, give it just a quick cooking, they still have to stay a bit raw, and put it in bags. And whenever I need some I just take a bag out of the freezer and cook them completely.
We could have taken more, but there is only a limited space in the freezer and some of the things you cannot put into the freezer, like mushrooms or tomatoes etc.
It really saves you a lot of money in this way and you have good stuff!
I only cut the parsley already yesterday and it's in two boxes in the freezer. So handy!
I promised yesterday to show you some more of the stuff I made for Minky. She posted it also, so they are downloadable on the special blog.
That's about all for today. I will take another coffee, and then first will pop into the kitchen to do the vegetables, and may be I can turn on the washine machine too, and then see if I am in the mood for some more house work LOL .
I have the second part of Halloween Fever for you. Enjoy!
Have a great day!

Download HERE
It was ever so nice weather yesterday, so we did take a walk to the market. We returned back with a shopping cart full of stuff! And for so little money! I have potatoes, 5 kg, that was the most expensive. I find potatoes everywhere rather expensive at the moment. It was € 4,00 for that quantity.
What more? A colliflower, buch of green beans, bunch of Brussels sprouts, 3 cucumbers, a few apples, some bananas, onions, fresh parsley,a big box with grained black peper(much cheaper than in the supermarket).
So today I have to prepare the vegetables for the freezer, give it just a quick cooking, they still have to stay a bit raw, and put it in bags. And whenever I need some I just take a bag out of the freezer and cook them completely.
We could have taken more, but there is only a limited space in the freezer and some of the things you cannot put into the freezer, like mushrooms or tomatoes etc.
It really saves you a lot of money in this way and you have good stuff!
I only cut the parsley already yesterday and it's in two boxes in the freezer. So handy!
I promised yesterday to show you some more of the stuff I made for Minky. She posted it also, so they are downloadable on the special blog.
That's about all for today. I will take another coffee, and then first will pop into the kitchen to do the vegetables, and may be I can turn on the washine machine too, and then see if I am in the mood for some more house work LOL .
I have the second part of Halloween Fever for you. Enjoy!
Have a great day!
Download HERE
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lots created, and visit on Sunday
Goodmorning everybody!
It's a bit akward typing for me at the moment with Dikkie Dik on my lap LOL! But we try to make not too many mistakes.
Weekend had some lovely weather, but we didn;t go on a long walk or so. But we could open the garden doors and let some fresh air into the room. I did went out for a moment on Saturday, and it felt really good outside.
And yesterday I thought to give the room a quick sweep with the vacuum cleaner, I always wonder from where all the dust flocks and such come from. Of course with two cats, it also adds to the mess on the floor.
Just started with it yesterday and then the door bell rang, and it was Heidi with Séverine. It was nice to see them again and we had a nice chat about all kind of things. When she left, she had a lot of stuff to carry with her on her motorised bike( not a motorbike, but a bike with and little engine, it's a different thing). We had still a complete new electric gourmet, never use it, but she sometimes has a dinner with that. So she could use it, her current one wasn;t working anymore as it should. Remeber the little helicopter Jan won in the cafe? Oh whee, that was something for Séverine! I also had a completely new fleece vest from Jan, he never wears it, so we gave that to Heidi. I know she loves that kind of stuff, it's so comfy and warm at home.
I believe we gave her another thing too, can;t even remember, hahaha.
It was a nice break on Sunday, after she left, I finished the vacuuming and then made kebab from minced beaf meat for dinner. And there was a bit of time left to play on the computer too. Also Saturday was productive.
Made lots of stuff for Minky's special blog, hop over to her blog and you'll know what to do if you like to have some of it.
This time I made several quickpages out of the treats and giftbags Minky offered on her special blog. I show you some of it:
I have more but that will be for another day.
Also finished the November weekly download for the forum and already started on the month of December! Yeah, the flow for the forum is coming back again!
I still have to do a big part of the challenges there, but slowly they will be done.
I am also busy on different kits, and even started on a Christmas kit. I add every now and then something to it, it will be a more or less "traditional"one, but have also plans for another one in a different way. Idea is forming, but not yet completely clear LOL.
Weather looks rather nice today too, bit windy, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'm not making real plans(you know what happens hey?) but it might be a good day to go to the market. perhaps I can persuade Jan to it. I need to have potatoes and some vegetables and it's really worth buying them there. It really has a big difference with the prices in the supermarket! But berfore even thinking of that, I would like to have another coffee and then a nice shower to wake up completely. And of course I have a freebie for you, and it's again something for Halloween. I've made some bragbookpages, 6 in total (I have a crush on bragbookpages at the moment, don;t ask me why!) and today I have the 1st two of "Halloween Fever". I hope I've made them "spooky"enough hahahha!
Well, that's the start of a new week, let's see how it will devellop!
Have a great start of the week!
Download HERE
It's a bit akward typing for me at the moment with Dikkie Dik on my lap LOL! But we try to make not too many mistakes.
Weekend had some lovely weather, but we didn;t go on a long walk or so. But we could open the garden doors and let some fresh air into the room. I did went out for a moment on Saturday, and it felt really good outside.
And yesterday I thought to give the room a quick sweep with the vacuum cleaner, I always wonder from where all the dust flocks and such come from. Of course with two cats, it also adds to the mess on the floor.
Just started with it yesterday and then the door bell rang, and it was Heidi with Séverine. It was nice to see them again and we had a nice chat about all kind of things. When she left, she had a lot of stuff to carry with her on her motorised bike( not a motorbike, but a bike with and little engine, it's a different thing). We had still a complete new electric gourmet, never use it, but she sometimes has a dinner with that. So she could use it, her current one wasn;t working anymore as it should. Remeber the little helicopter Jan won in the cafe? Oh whee, that was something for Séverine! I also had a completely new fleece vest from Jan, he never wears it, so we gave that to Heidi. I know she loves that kind of stuff, it's so comfy and warm at home.
I believe we gave her another thing too, can;t even remember, hahaha.
It was a nice break on Sunday, after she left, I finished the vacuuming and then made kebab from minced beaf meat for dinner. And there was a bit of time left to play on the computer too. Also Saturday was productive.
Made lots of stuff for Minky's special blog, hop over to her blog and you'll know what to do if you like to have some of it.
This time I made several quickpages out of the treats and giftbags Minky offered on her special blog. I show you some of it:
I have more but that will be for another day.
Also finished the November weekly download for the forum and already started on the month of December! Yeah, the flow for the forum is coming back again!
I still have to do a big part of the challenges there, but slowly they will be done.
I am also busy on different kits, and even started on a Christmas kit. I add every now and then something to it, it will be a more or less "traditional"one, but have also plans for another one in a different way. Idea is forming, but not yet completely clear LOL.
Weather looks rather nice today too, bit windy, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'm not making real plans(you know what happens hey?) but it might be a good day to go to the market. perhaps I can persuade Jan to it. I need to have potatoes and some vegetables and it's really worth buying them there. It really has a big difference with the prices in the supermarket! But berfore even thinking of that, I would like to have another coffee and then a nice shower to wake up completely. And of course I have a freebie for you, and it's again something for Halloween. I've made some bragbookpages, 6 in total (I have a crush on bragbookpages at the moment, don;t ask me why!) and today I have the 1st two of "Halloween Fever". I hope I've made them "spooky"enough hahahha!
Well, that's the start of a new week, let's see how it will devellop!
Have a great start of the week!
Download HERE
Friday, October 08, 2010
The stereo adventure. LOL
Goodmorning everybody!
Jan, courageous as ever, (grin grin!!!) did start to install the"new"stereo. I hate things like that, it always makes in a few minutes such a mess in a room, you know, taking out the old stuff, put away on a couch and the floor, to be able to turn the closet where it is having it's place, etc.
So I asked him if he needed any help from(I hoped he would say "no"), but I could give him a little hand with removing the stuff and then I took off, doing some shopping and really taking my time for it.!!
As I finally came home again, oh wonder, the stereo was installed, only.................................not a single sound came out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not good at those things, but together with Jan we checked all the connections, and I couldn;t find anything weird, so Jan was completely puzzled. I must say, that I am completely dedicated to a very SIMPLE kind of stereo, just a button for off and on, a button for searching the radio stations, perhaps with a memory button, to easy get the ones you like, some possibilities to get the right sound mix(bass and higher tones level), etc. and not all kind of extras.
Why do they have to make things sometimes so complicated, with all kinds of buttons and install memories and whatever, a lot of things a simple human being like for instance ME, never uses that! Now it might help, if you have a manual or simple instruction booklet with it, which we didn;t have!
Can you guess what happened after some time??????
YEAH WE PUT BACK THE OLD ONE, CAUSE THAT WORKED!! The only thing that we kept and changed was the cd player. LOL!!!!
Probably we just overlooked some little button or had a connection not at the right place, but for the moment we can play music on a turn table, radio, cd player and tapes, on easy to handle stuff. The one from Jan's brother will be put away for a while and when one day Rob will visit us, may be he can check it out and get the other thing working. Jan was rather pissed off, cause he couldn;t understand what he might have done wrong, his remark after the whole operation was: "Why aren't these things working with us the easy way? You know, plug in some connections, which isn;t too hard, and you turn the thing on and it works? We ALWAYS have trouble, there must be hanging a spell above our heads!"
Okay, this was............. the stereo, wheeeeee!!!
I can laugh about this, well, as long as we can play some music if we want, all okay with me.
We still have really nice weather, it seems to stay a bit this way the next few days, only temperature may go down a bit, well, as long as it is staying around 60 F with sunshine and not much wind we have no reason to complain yet.! Although the days are shortening, it makes a difference when the sun is shining at the time you wake up. I don;t like it too much to wake up in the morning and it still is dark outside, it seems, as if it makes it harder to really wake up LOL!
There is a new download at our forum again, a new part of the weekly download of the Vintage Halloween. This one will be from Snowy .Don;t forget to collect it.
Today I have a little fantasy kit for you again. Yes, can;t help it, just love to make fantasy things with fairies and such. Is it because I still have somewhere in my systems a child's soul and mind? You know what? I am happy with it. The kit is named "Fairies love Autumn too". Make some nice things with it!!
And have a wonderful weekend!
Download HERE
Jan, courageous as ever, (grin grin!!!) did start to install the"new"stereo. I hate things like that, it always makes in a few minutes such a mess in a room, you know, taking out the old stuff, put away on a couch and the floor, to be able to turn the closet where it is having it's place, etc.
So I asked him if he needed any help from(I hoped he would say "no"), but I could give him a little hand with removing the stuff and then I took off, doing some shopping and really taking my time for it.!!
As I finally came home again, oh wonder, the stereo was installed, only.................................not a single sound came out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not good at those things, but together with Jan we checked all the connections, and I couldn;t find anything weird, so Jan was completely puzzled. I must say, that I am completely dedicated to a very SIMPLE kind of stereo, just a button for off and on, a button for searching the radio stations, perhaps with a memory button, to easy get the ones you like, some possibilities to get the right sound mix(bass and higher tones level), etc. and not all kind of extras.
Why do they have to make things sometimes so complicated, with all kinds of buttons and install memories and whatever, a lot of things a simple human being like for instance ME, never uses that! Now it might help, if you have a manual or simple instruction booklet with it, which we didn;t have!
Can you guess what happened after some time??????
YEAH WE PUT BACK THE OLD ONE, CAUSE THAT WORKED!! The only thing that we kept and changed was the cd player. LOL!!!!
Probably we just overlooked some little button or had a connection not at the right place, but for the moment we can play music on a turn table, radio, cd player and tapes, on easy to handle stuff. The one from Jan's brother will be put away for a while and when one day Rob will visit us, may be he can check it out and get the other thing working. Jan was rather pissed off, cause he couldn;t understand what he might have done wrong, his remark after the whole operation was: "Why aren't these things working with us the easy way? You know, plug in some connections, which isn;t too hard, and you turn the thing on and it works? We ALWAYS have trouble, there must be hanging a spell above our heads!"
Okay, this was............. the stereo, wheeeeee!!!
I can laugh about this, well, as long as we can play some music if we want, all okay with me.
We still have really nice weather, it seems to stay a bit this way the next few days, only temperature may go down a bit, well, as long as it is staying around 60 F with sunshine and not much wind we have no reason to complain yet.! Although the days are shortening, it makes a difference when the sun is shining at the time you wake up. I don;t like it too much to wake up in the morning and it still is dark outside, it seems, as if it makes it harder to really wake up LOL!
There is a new download at our forum again, a new part of the weekly download of the Vintage Halloween. This one will be from Snowy .Don;t forget to collect it.
Today I have a little fantasy kit for you again. Yes, can;t help it, just love to make fantasy things with fairies and such. Is it because I still have somewhere in my systems a child's soul and mind? You know what? I am happy with it. The kit is named "Fairies love Autumn too". Make some nice things with it!!
And have a wonderful weekend!
Download HERE
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Our visit to Rob.
Goodmorning everybody!
Oops, we had our visit to Rob, Jan's brother, yesterday evening.
We took with us my shopping cart, cause we had some stuff for him and why doping difficult and carry things in bags when you have such an easy help around? So we took on time our bus, but had to get out a bit earlier than the stop we wanted, cause there was a diversion, some work on the road. Not nice. And therefor we were for a moment a bit lost inthat nieghbourhood(we don;t come there often). But... after a few times asking where the street was, we arrived. ( I asked Jan to take with him the little road plan I had, to be sure to know how to walk, but he didn;t take it with him LOL).
We had a nice evening, and are all up to date again from the things of his life. He has a little appartment, big enough for him and his son(just 17, difficult age!), he tries his best to keep it in good shape, but still you can see it's the home of two guys LOL!. But I admire him really, how it tries to make a living for himself and his son, he had to bring him up alone, didn;t always have easy times financially and with work. But he manages and the boy never was short of anything.
Rob is such a sweet guy, he hasa real good heart, always ready to help out, without expecting anything back for it.
You might expect we had an easy travel home! Wrong! First, we returned home also with a full shopping cart, because Rob had a complete stereo installation for us, it's was his former one, all in good order and all fitting together. He knew our stuff was a bit a mess of all different labels etc. so he gave this one, It almost all fitted into the cart, one piece I had to carry in a bag. We had to walk a few minutes to arrive at the busstop, were lucky to have to wait only a couple of minutes and then saw the bus coming.............................hey, what's that? ..........taking a turn into another street!!!!!! Oh whee, we forgot that there was a change of route cause of the road repairs! And to walk to the next stop wasn't so far, but the next bus only should come after half an hour! LOL! But not to dispear, we walked a little further and could take the tram there, only had to change from line a few stops further to have the right one that stops close to our house. We were lucky to have right away the connection, but it was a bit chaotic travel back I can say!
Okay, now the stereo stuff is standing on the table here and I suppose Jan is going to install that today and remove the other one. May be I should try to be away, and let him be busy on it and hopefully it will be ready by the time I return, hahahaha! It seems to be easy to connect it all together and in fact, it is. But things never go the simple way in this house LOL, I am almost convinced that one thing or another will not work right away.Am I a pessimist? No, I think more a realist, and........learned from the past wheeeeeeee!
We'll see if I can report tomorrow that it only took a short time to get it all in place and working as it should.!
What about a freebie after this story? Not the worst thing to end a blogpost with. Today I have a little kit for you, a Halloween kit. I named it "Goose Skin". Hope you can make some wonderful layouts with this kit.!
And as it is still quiet here in the house, I may be can get a bit more more work done on a new kit I started and then I have to be out of here!!!
Have a lovely day!
Just to tease you I will show you a backround of the kit in full size!
Download the kit HERE
Oops, we had our visit to Rob, Jan's brother, yesterday evening.
We took with us my shopping cart, cause we had some stuff for him and why doping difficult and carry things in bags when you have such an easy help around? So we took on time our bus, but had to get out a bit earlier than the stop we wanted, cause there was a diversion, some work on the road. Not nice. And therefor we were for a moment a bit lost inthat nieghbourhood(we don;t come there often). But... after a few times asking where the street was, we arrived. ( I asked Jan to take with him the little road plan I had, to be sure to know how to walk, but he didn;t take it with him LOL).
We had a nice evening, and are all up to date again from the things of his life. He has a little appartment, big enough for him and his son(just 17, difficult age!), he tries his best to keep it in good shape, but still you can see it's the home of two guys LOL!. But I admire him really, how it tries to make a living for himself and his son, he had to bring him up alone, didn;t always have easy times financially and with work. But he manages and the boy never was short of anything.
Rob is such a sweet guy, he hasa real good heart, always ready to help out, without expecting anything back for it.
You might expect we had an easy travel home! Wrong! First, we returned home also with a full shopping cart, because Rob had a complete stereo installation for us, it's was his former one, all in good order and all fitting together. He knew our stuff was a bit a mess of all different labels etc. so he gave this one, It almost all fitted into the cart, one piece I had to carry in a bag. We had to walk a few minutes to arrive at the busstop, were lucky to have to wait only a couple of minutes and then saw the bus coming.............................hey, what's that? ..........taking a turn into another street!!!!!! Oh whee, we forgot that there was a change of route cause of the road repairs! And to walk to the next stop wasn't so far, but the next bus only should come after half an hour! LOL! But not to dispear, we walked a little further and could take the tram there, only had to change from line a few stops further to have the right one that stops close to our house. We were lucky to have right away the connection, but it was a bit chaotic travel back I can say!
Okay, now the stereo stuff is standing on the table here and I suppose Jan is going to install that today and remove the other one. May be I should try to be away, and let him be busy on it and hopefully it will be ready by the time I return, hahahaha! It seems to be easy to connect it all together and in fact, it is. But things never go the simple way in this house LOL, I am almost convinced that one thing or another will not work right away.Am I a pessimist? No, I think more a realist, and........learned from the past wheeeeeeee!
We'll see if I can report tomorrow that it only took a short time to get it all in place and working as it should.!
What about a freebie after this story? Not the worst thing to end a blogpost with. Today I have a little kit for you, a Halloween kit. I named it "Goose Skin". Hope you can make some wonderful layouts with this kit.!
And as it is still quiet here in the house, I may be can get a bit more more work done on a new kit I started and then I have to be out of here!!!
Have a lovely day!
Just to tease you I will show you a backround of the kit in full size!
Download the kit HERE
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Still blessed with lovely weather!
Goodmorning everybody!
As I planned I did the shopping yesterday and oh gosh, what a nice weather it was! You had no idea it was already October! Hmmm, today it looks a bit less, it even rains a bit, I only hope that will stop in the evening, cause we are going to visit Jan's brother.
It was actually an ordinairy day yesterday, and I can;t remember anything worthwhile to tell LOL.
There are always things happening during a day, or there's often enough some news that is important or interesting etc. but that are usual and even boring things.
I can show you something I;ve made again for Minky's blog ( look for link in sidebar"Minky's Things"), it really is fun to make these.
Oh whee, this is going to be a really short post, no writing inspiaration at all today, and that doesn;t happen too often I think! I better finish up and give you the last part of the |Back of the Roots, then may be I will have a bit of inspiration to start a new kit or so and later today I will prepare already dinner for this evening. We will have to eat a bit earlier, cause of our appointment. I will make my potatoe salad and with it I have yummie shrimps in garlic, that I only have to stir fry in a wok for a few minutes.
It will be a feast meal!
Have a fabulous day!
Download part 5 HERE
As I planned I did the shopping yesterday and oh gosh, what a nice weather it was! You had no idea it was already October! Hmmm, today it looks a bit less, it even rains a bit, I only hope that will stop in the evening, cause we are going to visit Jan's brother.
It was actually an ordinairy day yesterday, and I can;t remember anything worthwhile to tell LOL.
There are always things happening during a day, or there's often enough some news that is important or interesting etc. but that are usual and even boring things.
I can show you something I;ve made again for Minky's blog ( look for link in sidebar"Minky's Things"), it really is fun to make these.
Oh whee, this is going to be a really short post, no writing inspiaration at all today, and that doesn;t happen too often I think! I better finish up and give you the last part of the |Back of the Roots, then may be I will have a bit of inspiration to start a new kit or so and later today I will prepare already dinner for this evening. We will have to eat a bit earlier, cause of our appointment. I will make my potatoe salad and with it I have yummie shrimps in garlic, that I only have to stir fry in a wok for a few minutes.
It will be a feast meal!
Have a fabulous day!
Download part 5 HERE
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