Sunday, May 24, 2020

Will I have a few sunflowers later in summer???

Goodafternoon everybody!

Today it isn;t such nice weather, off and on there is a bit of rain, it is cloudy and temperature is around 17C or something like it.
We had some fantastic really warm summer days earlier this week. And it felt so good. Think it was around 25-27C, for certain here in the garden.
But..... next week we will have better times again, temperatures should go up to 20-23C, with very little wind, almost no clouds. So better times are ahead again.

Looking back to past week, I really cannot remember doing a lot of things LOL!
I know I did things, and I know I took one or two days of almost doing nothing at all and just enjoyed that !
But .... one day I just needed something I could only get in city centre. As we don;t have to use face maks yet, and trams are still very little used, i thought it might be a good idea to quickly go to the centre and back. Gosh, how disappointing it was to walk there! First still lot of shops were still closed, but in front of the ones that were open there were rows of people waiting to get in. My goodness, what a sight! I was lucky that the shop I needed to go to, had almost no waiting row so I was ready in rather short time. Quickly went to another, I was lucky again and I went home again. Specially some large shops for clothing had loooong rows! No, at the moment it isnlt the same to have a nice shopping outing as it was before that Covid -19 stuff!
And I am afraid it will still last for some time. It is a strange world at the moment, don;t you think so????

I am happy we have the garden, there were already lots of days we could enjoy the sun and look to the blossoms and the birdies. We have quite some color already from different flowers, and the borders come alive every week a bit more.
Oh, I've tried something I saw somewhere in a gardening program.
It isn;t anything special, probably many people tried it, but I thought it could be fun. As I have birdseed, it contains all kind of seeds, most of it I guess is from grasses and such, but there are also sunflower seeds in it and it seems they are of several species. So i took some of them and put them in a little pot with some soil. And nature performed it's miracle! In about 3 days already I had three seedlings popping up there "heads". Now I will have to wait still for a long time to see if they will grow enough and if they will give flower. But I was happy has a little child, really. Now I've took some more and put those too in a little pot. Who knows, may be I will have sunflowers late summer and may be even different kind of sunflowers, that would be really awesome!

We already have some beautiful bushes and plants in our garden, but there is still
some space left here and there for something more. And after I saw that more or less jungle or tropical small garden in Gardeners World programm I would like to do something like it also with my garden, hahahaa. I already know I will not succeed in that extent, but I could try, couldn;t I????
There are quite some plants that look jungle-like or tropical like that can cope very well with our climat in Holland. So now I am searching and looking around on internet to find out which plants and flowers I could use and of course looking at lots and lots of examples of little gardens in jungle-tropical style.
To achieve the best, I think I would have to digg almost all up and re-position things and so on. Well, I will not do that, It would be too straining and too much work. But with small adaptions and changes I think I could achieve already something. So first I will arrange parts of my garden just in my head(the best thing to do ROFL),  and look more on internet etc. And may be some day, hopefully already this year, hahaha, I will make a start with it.
First of all I would like to have one or two plants-bushes with big leaves, that already makes a big chenge, I think I have already two ferns that grow really well and are of some size, that are good starters already for the look.
Okay, let me dream, may be part of it will happen, may be not, but it keeps me busy.

Yesterday, by the way, I made a simple, but very tasty and also quickly done dinner. I found in a Polish supermarket a Ukrain Borscht(that's a soup), made of freshly frozen veggies, so you could say it was a freshly made soup. Just had to put some water and a stock cube in a pan with the frozen veggies(lots of beetroot, some carrot, some bell pepper, celery). Boil it for abut 15-20 minutes and ready! And it tasted really good.  Worth repeating it every now and then.
Following that I made two portobello's (rather big mushroom) , seasoned it with a bit of salt and pepper and filled them with chopped ham and mozarella. That in the oven for about 15 minutes. And two other, plain mushrooms that had some size, I filled with herbal butter(with lots of garlic in it).
They had to be in the oven for about 10 minutes. We had a tasty meal, yeah!

And after I've made you feel perhaps a bit hungry I will finish my post now.
Hope you are all safe and stay that way.
Till next week.

1 comment:

Edna B said...

Take a photo of your garden. I'd love to see it. Those seeds should give you some interesting plants. I once got a couple of sunflowers growing beneath the bird feeder. They were from the seeds that got dropped to the ground. It will be fun to see what sort of plants you get with your seeds.

There are long lines at our stores too. Even at the bank. I think I'll stay home for quite a bit longer. Although a ride or two through the park will feel ever so nice.

Your dinner sounds nice except for the mushrooms. I don't do mushrooms. Strange, huh? The treed side of my yard is full of mushrooms. Ah well, I'm off now to take Pogo outside for a few minutes so he can bark at the squirrels. It sort of makes his day. Enjoy your garden and stay safe, big hugs, Edna B.