Sunday, November 10, 2019

Has the weather something to do with our mood?

Goodafternoon everybody!

At the moment we  cannot complain about it, it isn;t very warm, around 8-perhaps 10C, at daytime, but mostly we have sunshine periods, not too much wind, although there are sometimes some rainshowers, of course.
But on the whole, it isn;t yet very bad.
Nevertheless..... I am wondering.
I know that sometimes weather can play with our moods, but although we have rather bright weather(disregarding the fact, that it becomes dark already in the late afternoon, yak!), it seems that the lowering in temperature has effect on some husbands moods!!
Jan is very irritable the last week or so, any minor thing that happens, makes him fall out, I cannot say anything or he reacts not too nice, and as reaction to that, I also say sometimes things not in a nice tone, well, you know how that works.
But really, the most small thing can have this effect on him at the moment, so it is rather difficult to sail through his moods at the moment.
But I had a phonecall just two days ago with my friend Heidi and she has the same problem with her husband, LOL!
so we both wondered if the weather had something in it to cause it.
I know I sometimes can be picky on Jan, him being rather a stubborn person, not giving in quickly, I am keeping a watching eye on him, because I just worry and want him to feel good and as healthy as possible with his medical conditions.
Perhaps I am doing that at times too much, but good heaves, sometimes he can react at things, .............................................
I think everybody recognizes it, it happens to all of us at times I suppo, and it solves itself most of the times without problems, but you know, there are times that it is just too much and I feel like exploding ROFL!
Good, that's off my chest, it will not really help, but somehow it's feeling nice, hahaha. I think next week it is time for Heidi and me to meet, have a cup of coffee, talk about that problem, and all the things happened, and after that chat we both feel a LOT better. You just need sometimes someone to talk to, about anything that happenes in your life and Heidi and I have that kind of friendship.
I am lucky to have her as a friend.

Between all those irritation moments(giggle), it was also a rather nice week. I cannot mention anything really special that happened, but I managed to get quite some things done, that were already on my list for some time, mostly things in the house, a few little jobs in the garden, etc.
 I hope to be able to go shopping for my laptop next week, time is running a b it out now, for changing to windows 10.
It would be nice to have a laptop that will start withing 5 minutes or so(mine is taking around 15 minutes or even a bit more!) and where I can work again with my Photoshop elements program(hopefully it will work on windows 10, because it is already quite an old version, PSE 8).
I already have made our dinner, I've made cannelloni in bechamel and tomatoe sauce(the cannelloni are dried ones, that you can fill with minced meat or whatever you want, and they will cook in the oven in the sauce in about 20 minutes). I will make a simple sald to it from cucumber and tomatoe to it and for dessert we have stewed pears. We both love them and it is the season to buy and prepare them. It is easy, doesn;t take very much time.

My bottle gourd was delicious, and I still have enough left to make one or two more meals of it. Oh, last week I also made once stuffed peppers, which is also easy to make. So you see, I am busy also with cooking, I just love to have that oven again, it makes life easier. You can prepare a meal or part of it in advance and you just have to finish it in the oven in the evening.

The parakeets are coming back again too. First, some time during summer, we had just two or three visiting us, but nowadays there are sometimes 7 or 8 at a time! To it the tits(not always, but they do come) a lonely robin, lots of sparrows, it is sometimes real traffic in the garden. And there are also lots of pigeons and crows or perhaps jackdaws(is that a birdname?). That are the ones i donlt like too much, because the snatch away the food for the parakeets and others. I know, they also have to survive, but they sometimes scare away the little birds and I don;t like that. So at times I am like a guard, watching into the garden and when I see those pesty birds, i scare them away LOL. It is almost an impossible job, but helps a bit.

Good, that is it for now, I hope to soon type a blogpost on a new laptop, where everything will go much faster way. It also takes ages to start up my email, so that would be nice too to have a quicker upload of the program.
I wish you all a lovely week and that everybody stays safe( I saw the bushfires in California and Australia on the news, aweful!) and healthy!
Till next week.


Edna B said...

Good morning Kyra. I think you are right about the weather and changing moods. Would maybe a soothing tea help Jan? Sometimes aging doesn't help either. When we find out that we can no longer do the things we used to do, we sometimes get rather moody. None of this helps us though. When the going gets tough, have a nice warm cup of tea and curl up with a book. Or knitting. Or just take a short walk in the garden.

I know, I'm babbling. I wish I could help you. Your visit with Heidi will be very comforting and soothing. I wish I had lots of Parakeets coming to my garden. They are such beautiful little birds.

Your dinner sounds delicious. My hubby's favorite fruit was pears. When you get your new laptop, I'm sure your PS Elements will work with it. My old puzzle program works in mine.

Now I'm off to do my daily blog reading. You have a good week my friend. Sending you big hugs, Edna B.

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for your updates Kyra. It sounds like Jan is getting a little frustrated with not being able to do very much. Hopefully he will be feeling a lot better soon.
I hope your computer search goes well and you are able to get one that does all you want it to...

Grandma Sarge said...

And I think the weather up here isn't too nice either. The mornings are really heavy with fog and my lungs don't tolerate fog at all. But I have one errand to run this morning. Bank opens up at 9 am and I need to get there and back again quickly. Her friend works in a bank and she said they couldn't get any of the money out of the account I made for her. I looked this morning and the account isn't frozen at all but I will get the tellers to withdraw the funds and put them in an envelope and get back to the house. My Oxygen man will be here today sometime to change out the O2 bottles in my house and bring me more cannulas.

My Granddaughter/caregiver is moving out after a really nasty fight. She got down and dirty on me. A tong lashing of about 2 hours and then yesterday while she was loading her car (that I bought) and she claims that I said it was a gift and her friend says she heard me say it was a gift so she wanted the spare key to it. I reminded her that my name was also on the title and she went into ballistic mode. I finally gave in and said I would have the title fixed and they would send her a new one. But before I gave in she threw the keys at me and hit me in the chest. Very hurtful. Anyway, I'm getting it together and moving on with my life. I'm not sure where but for now it's here in Walla Walla.

Wasn't that some sort of pity party. I think I just need to get it off my chest and from here on out should all be Sunny even if it's snowing.

Hugs and stay warm.