Sunday, August 05, 2018

Love to watch European Championships

Goodmorning everybody!

Still very warm here, although it might be today a little bit less, but then next two days we will have very hot weather, temperatures even here at the coast around 30-32 C!
Then later on in the week temperatures will drop qujite a bit, to may be around 22-24C and we even might get some rain towwards wend of the week. We'll see about that. It isn't bad that temperatures will drop some, because lately it has been too much, I think. Then it might be nice if we could stay on temperatures of about 22 till late November or so????? Probably I am wishing too much, but who knows?

With those warm /even hot/ days we have had, you can imagine that I didn;t do a lot and tried not to move too much. I am in a position I can do that now, but I really pity the ones that have to work in those temperatures. That isn;t always very easy, although people working inside most of the times have airco, so it isn;t all too straining, but there are people who have their jobs outside and that should be hard!

Just before the weekend there started a combined event: European Chamionships in both Glasgow and Berlin. In Glasgow they have cycling(insideon track and outside on the road), swimming and rowing and gymnastics(hope I didnlt forget anything there) and in Berline there are athletics.
Love to watch almost all events, and there is coeverage almost all day till around 10.00 in the evening. Well, we don;t watch ALL day but we spent quite some time inside(just as good with the real warm weather, our living room is quite cool), picking out the events we like best.
I really like the gymnastics, yestrday there was the team event of the ladies and our team got bronze medal, which was more or less out of expectation. Our girls can be very proud of themselves.

Yesterday we had a scrumptious meal of boiled mussels, It was really yummie, and together with some french bread and garlic/herbs butter Jan and I had a well-filled stomach with it!
Have to think of something for dinner for the next two days, when temperatures will be really hot! I might make a potatoe salad and then we can have some cold meat with it, or perhaps some boiled eggs cold or warm. Nice thing about such a salad is, that you can put in almost everything, also good to use left-overs of vegetables and such.

Okay, this is about it for now, I have a cluster and quick-page for you from Arlene, which she made with the Close to the Seaside kit.
Have a lovely week, stay safe!
Download HERE


Edna B said...

I'm with you. If we could have days in the seventies right up into late November, it would be simply awesome. Actually, I could stand it year round. But then that IS asking too much! hahaha.

So glad your living room is cool enough to enjoy watching the Championships on television. Pogo and I watch TV a lot on these wicked hot days. We are having a few more wicked muggy days too. Thank goodness for the A/C. It helps to keep it cool indoors.

I hope it cools down soon for you. We might get some cooler temps later in the week. I hope so. Those meals you are making sound so delicious. I had a salad last night for supper. They are easy to make.

As usual, Arlene's work is lovely. Thank you. Now I'm off to get a nice cold bottle of water. You have a wonderful week my friend, hugs, Edna B.

hummerdawn said...

So happy to hear your life is now uncomplicated and you can enjoy the rest of the summer without worries. Besides the heat, that is!! We have up and down temps too and unfortunately out in the country there was a tornado the other night. Very destructive. We never used to get them but now with global warming and such they have become a real nuisance. You inspired me with the potato salad as the end of the week is going to be extreme heat again. Take care both of you.

Linda said...

Hello Kyra and Arlene and Thank you for these lovely clusters.
Kyra, I agree with you about the salads on hot days - you can make so many versions just by using a few different ingredients...

Grandma Sarge said...

Hello Kyra & Arlene, Thank you for the kit and the extras from Arlene. Just lovely. I could use some nice seashore breezes about now. Yesterday was 109 but I didn't leave the house. This morning I did but buddy at the bank says only 89 today. That's nice. I'm all into Autumn and Spring. Starting to cool down the hibernate like the bears and come out when it starts to warm up. And I eat Salads O'Plenty in this type of weather. Good for us any way.

Scarette said...

I'm in Michigan and I think I've spent most of the summer staying inside. This hot and humid weather is very draining.

I must thank you again for your creativity and generosity!

Grandma Sarge said...

Thank you to Arlene, am still catching up.