Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sometimes a bit like spring, then wintery again.

Goodafternoon everybody!

Yes, I am very late today. First I took a longer sleep in the morning( sometimes I don;t yet sleep too well at night) and then I did a laundry and also helped Jan a little bit in the garden. I cannot do too much yet, because of my knee, although it is going better. But still will need some weeks I guess, to get in the usual shape. It was a bad fall, taking it has been 4 weeks ago now. Oh well, I suppose it also has to do with getting a bit older, healing goes not as fast anymore.

We had some strange kind of weather here this week, it looked quite nice outside but once outside, it didn;t feel so good, mostly because of some nasty, colder wind.
Now the last two days temperatures went up again, and it was not too nad ouside today. There is some sunshine every now and then and less wind.
Jan already has been busy in short "shifts"in the garden to clean it up, arrange some things, cleaning out some of the pots and containers, even planting some bulbs for summer flowering.
He also bought a climbing rose this week at the markent, it is a yellow flowering one, we planted it in a bigger container, so it will not grow too big. I only know it is a climber and with a yellow flower. On the package it didn;t say a name, or what kind of climber it was. So it will be a surprise to discover what it is.

For one reason or another i didn;t get to the computer much this week.
I did make one kit again, have to upload that one still, but okay, there is time for that.
And Arlene pointed out to me that I forgot to post the clusters for the
Delight in Everything kit. And yeah, she was right and I just don;t know how I could forget to post those. Well, I'll make it up to you today. You will have those clusters and also the ones of the Nocturnal Poem kit.

Oh, Jan was at his doctor this week and she was really pleased with his medical condition. He now has his next appointment in two months, which is a lot better. It feels that way, at the least.
Now crossing fingers nothing will happen in the two months to come, and that it all will go steady and well.

Almost time for me now to prepare our dinner, which is easy today. I had some left overs from a stew for Jan and yesterday I made a potato salad and had some fried fish with it. There is some left over from that too, so I will have that. Easy, peasy!!!!! I LOVE that, LOL.

So, that's it, folks. Let us all hope that nasty winter weather will disappear as ever so fast and that we will have some real Spring weather instead(with perhaps tempes around 15C or even some more?????? We always can dream, hahaha).
Have a wonderful week and stay safe and healthy!
Download  HERE

Download   HERE


Edna B said...

Awesome news about Jan!! So glad to hear that he his finally on the mend. Sadly though, your knee will be taking a much longer time to heal. Maybe a walker would make walking a bit easier for you? One with a seat so that you could sit down when you need to. You could even hang your shopping bag from the handles on it!

Seriously, I hope your knee will heal soon so that you can be yourself again. These long "down times" tend to slow us down more than we like.

I can't wait to see how Jan's plants are coming along. I love yellow roses, so I'll be waiting for a photo of your new rose once it blooms. You take care my friend, and have a super week. Hugs, Edna B.

Gala said...

Огромное спасибо за прекрасные-очаровательные кластеры!!!

Scarette said...

These are gorgeous. Such vibrant, rich colours! Thank you very much!

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you Kyra and Arlene for these wonderful downloads.
Kyra, with all that life has thrown at you for last few months, it is not surprising that you forgot to upload the clusters. You have certainly had enough other things to keep your mind busy.
Hopefully all will again run smoothly for you soon...

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Hello lady! I'm still around, but not sure why? LOL! I was in a major spring cleaning mode and got busy with changing/washing drapes and windows, etc...well, with this artificial knee, sometimes it does not allow me to bend my toes exactly right and I fell off the ladder AGAIN...injuring that leg and knee...swelled up immensely and bruised terribly, but nothing broken (except my pride)! We've had yo-yo weather and now another 2 days of rain (making me ache more) that has been really needed, but too soon, the humidity is climbing again! Glad you and Jan are doing fairly well, and yes, getting older does make it harder to spring back and takes longer to heal! LMBO! Anyhow, thanks so much for the kit and the clusters from Arlene! hugs, Mat

Grandma Sarge said...

Thank you and Arlene for the lovely add on to the kits. I always look forward to these. Isn't the Spring being a little finniky? One day it's cold and then it's really nice outside. We had a pretty big wind storm but not much rain with it. It did try taking my large Trash barrels down the driveway. Banged them up against the house and scared the fur babies living here.(2 dogs and 2 cats), We don't discriminate. One cat is a Pure Black Egyptian and I think many a 'witch' would love having her around. The oldest one, cat that is, will be 16 yrs old in 18 days. She's cranky and doesn't like any of the other animals. I'm just hoping the move in June to another different house (I think I might have some gypsy blood)isn't going to traumatize her too much.
Well it's time to jump in the shower.
Hugs from Washington State...soon to be Colorado.

Anonymous said...

Thank You For Your Stunning Art Work Kyra Love What You Make & Thank Arlene To .Hope You & Jan Will Soon Have Great Health.Take care & Hugs To You Bless You R.B:)xxx