Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It should be a real nice day!

Goodmorning everybody!

Oh my, I was awake so early this morning, around 6 oçlock. I thought a bit about what to do(that is hard when you are just awake LOL). Decided to take a cup of coffee and watch the news on tv.
Then I noticed that after a while, my eyelids fell down, grin. So I thought it might be best to grab another 2 hours or so of sleep. Did that on the couch and woke up around 9.00 oçlock. Wonderful!
Looked outside and it is all bright and nice there with sunshine. Temperatures should go up to about 64 F and tomorrow they expecti it to go up even a bit more! Whoopee, that is nice. Only I looked at the forcast for the rest of the week and they wrote that temperature on Friday could go down by about 8 to 10 degrees. It is unbelievable! No wonder people are confused, but nature too a bit. Well, we will try to enjoy today's and tomorrow's nice weather, and we will see what comes after.

Told you about my epilepsie specialist, that it was sooo difficult to get an appointmet, just for yearly control, but that she should phone me, on Monday. First it was said it would be between 11.00 and 12.00 oçlock. As I didn;t heard anything yet around 1.00 o'clock afternoon I phoned the hospital appointment desk. Hmmmm, there they said that the doctor would call me probably after 16.30 o'clock. Okay, so I had time to go out for some shopping,just a few things, and when I came back. Jan told me, the doctor called. Ghee, what a nice planning. Now she said to Jan she will phone on Wednesday, so today. But I have no clou at what time. This is sooooo frustrating! I hope she doesn;t expect that I stay home all day near the telephone. Hmmmm, if I should be out when she calls, I better make another appointment, even if it is somewhere in June, and have face to face contact.
I can understand the doctors have a lot to do, but it shouldn;t be tooo hard to take an hour or perhaps two a day for their phonecalls, so that people can take it into account, and won;t have to be around the telephone all day.

Gosh, Jan worked well in the garden, we will have to put another load of garbage sacs outside this evening. I think there are 5 more with garden stuff and just one with the house-garbage LOL!
But when that is gone from the garden, whee, we will have a lot of space and actually start planting some stuff, like some of the seedlings and perhaps I will be able to afford a few euro's for some blooming plants, we'll see. Yes, finance is still a bit tight, but with some magic and creativity we will survive this period and will it come all to more normal level.

Oh it looks really good outside, I should get dressed and take a look into the garden and perhaps even drink a cup of coffee in the sun. Seems to be a good plan to me!

Did you know that next week we will experience a little part of history( for people our age this is the second time)? Then our queen will abduct in favour of her son Willem-Alexander. After more than a 100 years we will have a king again!
It will be broadcasted all over the world I am sure. Well, the 30th of april we will sit in front of the television from early morning already. And although our queen and now our king have no real political power, they our an important factor in the feeling of togetherness and they are still important for contact between countries, promotion of our country specially for the business etc.
The monarchie is one of the l;ast constant factors in our society and I hope it will stay so for a looong time!

Today there will be another Nutshell kit! It's all in a teal color palette, and named "Sogno"(meaning Dream). Hope you will like it, together with Arlene's clusters( one clusters and one beautiful page border!).
Have a wonderful day!

Download     HERE

Download    HERE


Anonymous said...

mais le lien ne fonctionne pas BItly ????

Kathy said...

It is very frustrating with the doctors. My husband has epilepsy and it is the same with him. Last month we actually had our coats on and were heading out the door to the hospital when the doctor called. So glad we hadn't left yet!

I think it is exciting about your new king. I will be watching on TV also.

Edna B said...

It sounds like Spring has finally come for you. We are supposed to have a nice day today too.

I agree it would be nice for the monarchy to continue on for a long time. I will be watching for the news of your new king.

I'm hoping that Joe will be able to plant a lot of our seedlings this week so that we don't lose all of them. They reach a certain size then they fall over and die. They need more room I guess.

Ah well, now it's time to post on my own blog. You have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Thanks so much for sharing this lovely nutshell. Adore the colors! Hope your good weather holds out for you! Ours is really on a roller coaster right now!
Hope you make connection today with your doctor!
Have a good day! Catch you again on Friday! Hugs, Mat

hummerdawn said...

Beautiful kit! Love teal. Here's a link to my layout.

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for these lovely downloads...