Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Still waiting for real improvement

Goodmorning everybody!

Just a few words about Jan. I thought there was going on a tiny little bit of improvement, but I am afraid that was wishful thinking. Jan isn't really improving yet, he's not feeling well, as far as I can tell. Perhaps we are a bit too unpatient, you cannot expect that all is suddenly gone and improving in just a few days, I know. We'll just have to give it more time, but it's no fun I can tell you that.
Stubborn ox as he is, he does;t talk about it, but I rather would have it the other way. Oh sigh, I know how he is and have to deal with that LOL.
Worst thing is, that it effects me, of course, but it shouldn;t. I have a bit low energy in undertaking things, just the normal things that have to be done in household e.g.
I try not to give in to it, but the fun and real drive for it is gone for the moment. Oh, we still have our moments of laughing about something and humor isn't too far away, and that's great.
Okay, enough about this, let's just keep up hope that soon there will be a change for the good!

Important day it was yesterday in the US, with the elections. I think I am happy with the result, that Obama stays for another 4 years. Not that I am a real attentive and understanding follower of the politics there(we have our own problems here in Holland to deal with LOL), but I believe he can make a change, but needed more time for it. He has that time now, hopefully it will be used well. A lot is depending too on the fact, if Democrats and Republicans can find a way of working together, trying to understand eachothers point of view and find a good compromise in it, that at the end will be the best for all the nation.

We too have our new government now, but the program they revealed more or less now, isn;t one to jump of joy. We are going towards hard times, lots of people will have a lot less to spend, for one thing. And that is caused by several measurements that will be taken, just to fight the crisis and the shortage in money in the governmental wallet ( meaning the state debt) so to say. So the big word is "cut back" in a lot of things. We'll just have to deal with it, it's understandable for a part, but not for all the new government is planning to do!!!

It's a bit gloomy blogpost till now, I see LOL! Are there any things that might give a positive sound? Yes, a small thing but still important in daily life.
Problems with phone are gone. It wasn't a provider's problem, but in our phone itself.
I found it out by having a call with the service desk of our internet provider, very nice guy at the phone, and it seems that on our phone there was button for "pulse"and "tone"and that probably somehow it has been touched and put on the "pulse".
So I tried to change it again, which sometimes succes, but I am afraid some connetction of the button or so isn;t working well anymore. Okay, a phone is important, so Monday I went on the search for a new one. I have found one, for a real small price, I found a picture of it:
Looks nice hey? Now let's hope this one will work also for many years ! It's really a phone for "elderly"people, with a good display with rather big letters and numbers, also the buttons are of a nice size and very good to see and manual is really easy. So it's perfect for me yeah!!! ROFL.

Well, as we are again in a brighter mood we should keep it that way and what better way than to finish the post with the freebie?
This time a one colorpallete kit, named "If I Could Tell You", and the matching clusters from Arlene.
Have a wonderful day,
Download    HERE

Download     HERE


Edna B said...

It's sad to hear that Jan is still not feeling so good. I'll keep wishing him a speedy recovery. When the governments get done making all the cut backs possible, I wonder where they will get theier money then? I think we need more women in office. lol. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Good Morning, sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery for Jan so that you will feel better too.
I guess all governments are in upheaval now. Not too happy with the results but will just have to live with them. God will protect us all if we will just allow it!
Try not to worry too much so that you don't get down...keep good attitude that it will all be okay real soon.
Thank you so much for the lovely kit and Arlene's beautiful clusters. Have a great day, Check in with you on Friday!
Hugs, Mat

Anonymous said...

Yes your new phone is nice, and I should have the same, LOL!
Well, you have 444 followers + all the anonymous like me, so it makes many people who can cheer you up!!
Your new kit is so sweet, everytime another surprise : thank you very very much!!!
You could create a new blog layout with it, why not???
I send you a little bit of our sunshine! Have a nice day,

HappyScreens said...

Thanks for the pretty blues. I pray that quite soon Jan will feel better. You are both worried, naturally, and that drains your energy making everything harder to manage.

Anonymous said...

Hello and Thank you for this kit. I hope things are go better for you both soon and your new phone keeps working well...