Friday, July 15, 2011

We had autumn yesterday!

Goodmorning everybody!
My God, yesterday it really looked s if we already had autumn overhere! It rained ALL day( well, almost all day), and there was a lot of water coming down! And as extra "treat"the weather Gods threw in a stormy wind! I think temperature didn;t come higher than around 57 F!! It was NO fun at all, a dark and grey day, it made you wish to stay in bed.
Okay, I didn;t do that, but I wasn't very energetic, abd didn;t do too much around here.
Now today it looks much friendlier, even some sunshine, still rather windy, but less than yesterday, so I suppose I can go out in it without having to carrie a couple of bricks in my pocket, LOL!

I'll have to do some grocerie shopping today and I must not forget to buy some treats for our bunny and bird guests, and food for the cats.
It still is a disaster with the cats! Especially Brodski is feeling himself so pityfull! He refuses to enter the room, cause he has to pass the bunny cage then. He however found a solution, he installs himself on the bed at the moment. Well, perhaps not the best thing to let go, but we let him for now. Specially with the weather like yesterday.

I didn't go look into the garden yet, but I surely hope the wind hasn't damaged too much! The good thing is, that we have a bit of sheltered garden, concerning the regular wind direction. I suppose the only ones that had a good time, were the snails. So another little job to do today!
I won't bother you too long with my rambling, I want to do my shopping a bit early and then tackle later the house a bit. Still no idea what we shall eat this eveniing. Fridays and Saturdays we mostly do it "easy", meaning I don;t really cook. Perhaps I can get some grilled spareribs, then I only will have to warm them up in the oven.
Today I have a little kit for you "Jolly Day". Have fun with it.
And have a wonderful weekend!
Download    HERE


VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good morning Kyra:)
Sounds like your garden got lots of watering...and so happy you can go out without carrying bricks in your pocket.LOL Too funny.:)
Aww...glad your cat found a safe haven from the bunny.LOL Christy's cat hides in my room on my bed when the grand kids come over.She thinks she owns the bed during the day.:)
Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend!! Stay dry and wear heavy shoes if needed.LOL


Edna B said...

Oh you poor thing! I think the idea of heavy shoes is probably much more comfortable than pockets full of bricks. Whatever you do, do NOT use an umbrella when you go to market. Who knows where you might land!!

Make the best of the bad weather and stay indoors and play with your new visitors. I'm hoping it warms up a bit more for you. Try to have a good day. Hugs, Edna B.