Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's day?????

Goodmorning everybdy!

Hopefully everybody who celebrates Valentine\s day had a great day! Jan and I agreed alaready long ago we just consider it as a ordinairy day and don;t celebrate it. Also for me this date has a double feeling. It's the day my mother passed away, years ago, so I just light a little candle that day and that's all.
Though it was a sad day when my mother passed away, I thought in a way it was a beautiful day to go, for her, and meet her beloved husband in a far better world!
As I said yesterday, I made the minced meat roll and it tasted good! I still have half of it left, so we're settled for this evening's dinner too LOL!

Jan had a flow of sorting out things-day yesterday hahaha. He tackled the place where we keep the dvd's and videao tapes and sorted them out, re-arranged them in some boxes, and it looks quit nice in the cupboard now again. Today it will be my day to get a bit busy, I first have to go out to get me some groceries, and then a good sweep with the vacuum cleaner will do some good to the room! Weather looks rather nice, some sunshine, also some rainy looking couds, but I think we can keep it dry today! It's also good that the sun is shining a bit into the room, it gives you a good view on the dust and stuff that is on the floor LOL!

There was a debat on tv yesterday between some leaders of diffferent political parties, because next month there will be elections again, this time for the government of the Provinces(sort of Counties) we have and they choose then the people who take place in our First Chamber( kind of the House of Lords in England). They have e.g. the task to look into a new law that the government wants to change or make a new one, so in fact it's very important how all the parties will be represented in it. If the parties of the "daily"government aren't in majority it could be very difficult to have new laws passed through. But the debat was a bit "hazy"and not really about the subjects that do matter the most, hmmmmmm!
I think we will go voting when time is there, but I find it always very difficult, because most of the time you don;t know anything about the candidates, so what you do isn;t voting for a person, but for a party and then hoping for the best of it LOL!

Okay, time for me to do some things and get busy! I have for you the second part o Victorian Circus.
Have a marvellous day!
Download    PART 2 HERE


Edna B said...

Your kit is looking really great!! Tootsie and I enjoyed our Valentines Day. Now it's back to the regular grind.

You remember your Mom in such a wonderful way. Lighting the candle is just perfect.

I will try to take some pix today of Tootsie in her new carrier. I think she liked the bigger one better, but oh well. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Simone said...

Hi Kyra,
I always get such a kick out of reading your blog, its like chatting on the phone with an old friend, thanks for your circus kit
it looks lovely