Friday, January 15, 2010

My courageous friend Edna!

Goodmorning everybody!

Just came from Edna's blog and oh my, she has a way with words that always leaves a smile on my face. She decided that she needed to loose some weight, so dragged herself to a gym! Yes, she went there actually! She hopes to burn some calories with the excercises she is doing! Poor thing, it didn;t start off too well, she was starting determined but instead of a 15 minute work-out on the bike, she did it for about 7 minutes and wasn't all to happy about the amount of calories she burned with it. I told in her shoutbox, that she was a brave girl, but probably doing a good vacuuming in the house e.g. would burn more calories than the bike excersise, LOL!!! I know, I am wicked from time to time!! But... keep the spirit high Edna, in a few weeks you should do the 15 minutes!!

Well, I lost some energy too yesterday. I washed the curtains from the front window( strange colour the water had after it ROFL) and also cleaned the windows and also did the small curtains I have in the kitchen and cleaned the windows there. Then I did a good vacuuming and felt rather happy with myself after this. I was looking at this ork already for a few days and finally did it and the look at the window is much nicer now! Still have to do the outside of the window but I am honest to you: I think it is still a bit too cold for that. Yeah I know, I am a sissy!
In the mission of cleaning I also broke the little mirror we have in the kitchen! So I will have to go out today to find another one, because it's so handy to have a little mirror there! For some of us of Magickal Scraps the year seems to start with problems, we with the heating installation, now Snowy's water kettle gave up and just after she returned after some shopping. Hmmm, may be we will all have to deal with such stuff this month and may be the rest of the year we will be free of misery( keep on dreaming LOL).

Well, time for the freebie, named "Loving Memories". Have a great day and happy weekend!

Download    HERE


Scrap and Tubes Designs said...

Coucou Kyra ici une revenante qui passe te donner de ces nouvelles !

Je suis désolé si je n'ai pu passer avant mais j'ai attrapé une très mauvaise grippe qui m'à presque cloué au lit durant le nouvel an. Je commence à peine à m'en remettre !

Mais bon, comme je suis accro à mon ordi, je n'ai pas pu réssister à poster quelques petits trucs sur mon blog de scrap... mais mon dieu que c'était pénible (lol)

Ceci dit, j'espère que tout va bien pour toi et que le ménage avance bien chez toi (lol)

Passe une très bonne fin de journée et un excellent week-end.

Gros bisou et A+

Edna B said...

You are such a sweetie!!!! Today I shall take your advice and maybe push the vacuum cleaner around for a bit. I wonder how many calories that will burn?

Tomorrow I shall give the gym another try. I figure by summer, I might be up to 15 minutes on each machine. (tread mill and bike). The trainer there wanted me to get into one of the exercise classes, but I said No NO NO! lol

Catch you at the chat. Now I must go and post my blog. hugs, Edna.

Timi said...

Thanks freebie! Beautufull work.