Goodmorning everybody!
Yes, today there seems to be a "heatwave"coming over LOL. No, don;t get excited, we only have around 9 C but that is feeling warmer than the last couple of days. Even there is a b it of sunshine, that however will disappear soon again and later we will have some rain, again.
And later this week temperatures will drop to "normal" of around 5C.
It is about time temperatures will stay warmer for a longer while and certainly we need some sunshine. It is good for people and certainly good for the soil in our garden, which is soaked!
We had a rather quiet week this time. One visit to the doctor for check up. he doctor is more or less satisfied for now, but still will keep a close eye on Jan for some time.
However she made another appointment in two weeks now, just to see how that will go and then she will have also a better view on how the medicins act. Next week Jan will have to do an echo of the belly, just for control and then the week after he will have to go to the doctor again.
Only thing is that Jan still has now a really good condition yet, although I suspected that to take a much longer time than he thinks for now!
It is only on two check-up visits ago that Jan really realized how bad he was and how tricky his situation has been. At that moment in november it didn't really came through to him.
Never mind that now, I am already happy with the situation as it is now, he is in steady condition, only has to loose a little bit moore fluid still, mostly in the legs. But that will go better and easier when he goes more for walks. A shame that most of the time weather is not great, he really needs spring to arrive soon so that it will be much nicer to go out.
Oh tomorrow Jan will have his birthday and he will have again the same age as me LOL!! Now we will have to hold on till next year May and then we will have our retirement with the pension money from the state and a bit we saved ourselves over the years when working. And then we will be free from the social benefit stuff. How wonderful that should feel!
Strange that in mind we still don;t feel the age we have. Only the body sometimes is protesting when we want to do too much LOL.
And soming to the end of this post I have a kit for you.
named it Looking forward. Hope you can have some fun with it.
Have a fantastic week!
Download HERE
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Two rather busy days!
Goodafternoon everybody!
It is already late afternoon and finally can sit down for a while.
Before I come to the reason of that, fist a bit general update. all still going okay with Jan. Still a bit switching with the medicins, but I think soon there will be a good balance found for him.
Tomorrow another appointment with the specialist in hospital.
Rest of the week I spent wsith doing the usual things like shopping, cleaning a bit, etc. And had to deal with some financial stuff, will be more important next year when we will have finally our pension and pension of the government, but it had to be dealt with. Oh, if only there was a good soul who could take all that stuff out of my hands...............would be sooooo wonderful. But...........some things we have to do ourselves, so okay, it is done with for the moment. Pfew.
Next thing is assembling all papers needed for my accountant for the tax stuff. That isn;t so hard, only needs sometimes somes phonecalls to companies or city council or something to ask for the papers in a bit of quicker pace.
Last two days Jan and I were busy re-arranging the place where we have our stock for the kitchen and such. You could call it the pantry, I suppose?
and why did we do that? simple, but not all too nice reason. We had..........MICE. Oh yes, they enjoyed some of the stuff we had there, like rice, or macaroni and so on. Well, I like animals, and the little house mice don;t scare me, but they have to keep away from OUR food!! On day I had to get something out of the pantry in the evening and I saw two or three mice sitting on the shelves, looking at me, and for sure enjoying a nice meal. Okay, that was enough!!!! Of course we have an old house, so there is always a chance on it, but there had to be a hole in the floor or so from where they came in. I couldn´t find it so probably it had to be behind a big cupboard(which is an old bookcase we don;t use anymore, and is very handy to put the stock in).
So I told Jan and yesterday we moved the re- used bookcase and voilà. there it was the damned hole! We had some stuff we could put into it and as we were busy anyway, we tried to close all the gaps we could find!
As we had to remove all the stuff from the pantry, we also put in some new floor covering(there was some really old lino and about time to get changed!). So that was done and it was also a good moment to go through the stuff in the pantry. We cleared away quite some stuff(like old pans I never use anymore, other "handy"things, that only caught dust) so good clearing away too.
Now it all looks bright and well organized again and hopefully it will be mouse-proof LOL.
Normally we would do a job like that perhaps in one day, but not at the moment!(we do feel we get somewhat older ROFL) Never mind, it took a bit longer, still it has been done now. And GLAD to be able to sit down now.
Weather isn't all too good. Last week I think it was Thursday, we had a really severe and dangerous storm, force of the wind at times 10 or 11 beaufort, which is really a fierce storm. There was no train traffic, almost no plain traffic at Schiphol, and there was a warning code red! It was adviced to stay at home if possible. Lots of people had damage of the wind, some really bad, like roofs that blew of their house or big trees that landed on their house or car.
We were lucky, no damage of the storm!
Now weather has clamed down, temperatures around 5C, but later this week we will have two or three days with 10-12C! Wow, that is nice in January. However, let's not cheer too much, it can change again into winterweather with snow and ice(hopefully NOT).
That was more or less the week. Last thing to do is showing you the preview of Arlene's clusters she made with the last kit and give you a download link.
Have a great week, stay safe and healthy!
Download HERE
It is already late afternoon and finally can sit down for a while.
Before I come to the reason of that, fist a bit general update. all still going okay with Jan. Still a bit switching with the medicins, but I think soon there will be a good balance found for him.
Tomorrow another appointment with the specialist in hospital.
Rest of the week I spent wsith doing the usual things like shopping, cleaning a bit, etc. And had to deal with some financial stuff, will be more important next year when we will have finally our pension and pension of the government, but it had to be dealt with. Oh, if only there was a good soul who could take all that stuff out of my hands...............would be sooooo wonderful. But...........some things we have to do ourselves, so okay, it is done with for the moment. Pfew.
Next thing is assembling all papers needed for my accountant for the tax stuff. That isn;t so hard, only needs sometimes somes phonecalls to companies or city council or something to ask for the papers in a bit of quicker pace.
Last two days Jan and I were busy re-arranging the place where we have our stock for the kitchen and such. You could call it the pantry, I suppose?
and why did we do that? simple, but not all too nice reason. We had..........MICE. Oh yes, they enjoyed some of the stuff we had there, like rice, or macaroni and so on. Well, I like animals, and the little house mice don;t scare me, but they have to keep away from OUR food!! On day I had to get something out of the pantry in the evening and I saw two or three mice sitting on the shelves, looking at me, and for sure enjoying a nice meal. Okay, that was enough!!!! Of course we have an old house, so there is always a chance on it, but there had to be a hole in the floor or so from where they came in. I couldn´t find it so probably it had to be behind a big cupboard(which is an old bookcase we don;t use anymore, and is very handy to put the stock in).
So I told Jan and yesterday we moved the re- used bookcase and voilà. there it was the damned hole! We had some stuff we could put into it and as we were busy anyway, we tried to close all the gaps we could find!
As we had to remove all the stuff from the pantry, we also put in some new floor covering(there was some really old lino and about time to get changed!). So that was done and it was also a good moment to go through the stuff in the pantry. We cleared away quite some stuff(like old pans I never use anymore, other "handy"things, that only caught dust) so good clearing away too.
Now it all looks bright and well organized again and hopefully it will be mouse-proof LOL.
Normally we would do a job like that perhaps in one day, but not at the moment!(we do feel we get somewhat older ROFL) Never mind, it took a bit longer, still it has been done now. And GLAD to be able to sit down now.
Weather isn't all too good. Last week I think it was Thursday, we had a really severe and dangerous storm, force of the wind at times 10 or 11 beaufort, which is really a fierce storm. There was no train traffic, almost no plain traffic at Schiphol, and there was a warning code red! It was adviced to stay at home if possible. Lots of people had damage of the wind, some really bad, like roofs that blew of their house or big trees that landed on their house or car.
We were lucky, no damage of the storm!
Now weather has clamed down, temperatures around 5C, but later this week we will have two or three days with 10-12C! Wow, that is nice in January. However, let's not cheer too much, it can change again into winterweather with snow and ice(hopefully NOT).
That was more or less the week. Last thing to do is showing you the preview of Arlene's clusters she made with the last kit and give you a download link.
Have a great week, stay safe and healthy!
Download HERE
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Short update message
Some people have a bit difficulty in reading my blog, because english isn;t their native language. So I added a Google translate gadget in the sidebar(top of it) and hope it will help people to read and understand my ramblings a bit better.
Google translate isn;t always very good, but it can help for certain.
Bye for now again.
Some people have a bit difficulty in reading my blog, because english isn;t their native language. So I added a Google translate gadget in the sidebar(top of it) and hope it will help people to read and understand my ramblings a bit better.
Google translate isn;t always very good, but it can help for certain.
Bye for now again.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Sorry for being somewhat late.
Goodafternoon everybody!
Oh I was so busy last week Sunday when I posted, because we wanted to get rid of all the Christmas decoration that forgot to mention that just a few days earlier I finally received the Christmasbox of Edna.
Yeah, it did take a very long time to be delivered. All due to our post office.
But never mind now, Jan and I had a belated extra Christmasday unwrapping all the presents. And we had such fun doing so and Santa has been very nice to use.
Then the Sunday Jan and I got ALL the Christmas decorations away! Yeah, it was a big job, but we managed. And it always is the same.
It is great when the decoarion is there, but it is also nice when it is gone again after about a month or so. Although...... to be honest... I do miss a bit the little warm lights. LOL.
Being late with posting just has to do with me not feeling all 100% yesterday. Nothing to worry about, I think I had a bit of a cold or so, making me feel a bit under the weather. Already okay today again.
Today Jan and I were at another appointment in the hospital, for control. It still is going okay with Jan, but the doctor is still trying to find the best balance in medication and loosing fluid(but this not too quick either).Well, next Monday he will have another appointment to see how the little change he got in milligrams of a medicine is having inlfuence. I think, this will need some more weeks.
But.... he is doing already some more walks, it only would be better if the weather was nicer.
We had a few days of rather nice weather, but now we have rain and wind again and temperatures of only around 5C. And it will stay like this probably all week.
I only did a little bit of designing last week, and I totally forgot to change the header of my blog. I will try to have another one next week.
But..... finally I have a kit for you. It is named A Step Back. Not a really big kit, but okay, I think.
Arlene has made some clusters from the kit, I will try to make a preview and downloadlink for next time I post.
Now I think i will take a small sandwich and then sit down for a while on the couch, watching something nice on tv. I already prepared the stuff for our dinner, only have to put it in the oven and fry a little bit of chicken filet(in the oven I have chinks of pumpking and onion and parboiled potatoes which will have a nice crust.
Here is the recipe for it(i cut a bit the roasting time by parboiling the potatoes a bit longer)
Try them out, it takes a bit of time, but oh, they are delicious this way!
Have a wonderful week.
Download HERE
Oh I was so busy last week Sunday when I posted, because we wanted to get rid of all the Christmas decoration that forgot to mention that just a few days earlier I finally received the Christmasbox of Edna.
Yeah, it did take a very long time to be delivered. All due to our post office.
But never mind now, Jan and I had a belated extra Christmasday unwrapping all the presents. And we had such fun doing so and Santa has been very nice to use.
Then the Sunday Jan and I got ALL the Christmas decorations away! Yeah, it was a big job, but we managed. And it always is the same.
It is great when the decoarion is there, but it is also nice when it is gone again after about a month or so. Although...... to be honest... I do miss a bit the little warm lights. LOL.
Being late with posting just has to do with me not feeling all 100% yesterday. Nothing to worry about, I think I had a bit of a cold or so, making me feel a bit under the weather. Already okay today again.
Today Jan and I were at another appointment in the hospital, for control. It still is going okay with Jan, but the doctor is still trying to find the best balance in medication and loosing fluid(but this not too quick either).Well, next Monday he will have another appointment to see how the little change he got in milligrams of a medicine is having inlfuence. I think, this will need some more weeks.
But.... he is doing already some more walks, it only would be better if the weather was nicer.
We had a few days of rather nice weather, but now we have rain and wind again and temperatures of only around 5C. And it will stay like this probably all week.
I only did a little bit of designing last week, and I totally forgot to change the header of my blog. I will try to have another one next week.
But..... finally I have a kit for you. It is named A Step Back. Not a really big kit, but okay, I think.
Arlene has made some clusters from the kit, I will try to make a preview and downloadlink for next time I post.
Now I think i will take a small sandwich and then sit down for a while on the couch, watching something nice on tv. I already prepared the stuff for our dinner, only have to put it in the oven and fry a little bit of chicken filet(in the oven I have chinks of pumpking and onion and parboiled potatoes which will have a nice crust.
Here is the recipe for it(i cut a bit the roasting time by parboiling the potatoes a bit longer)
Try them out, it takes a bit of time, but oh, they are delicious this way!
Have a wonderful week.
Download HERE
Sunday, January 07, 2018
At last we have some sunshine.
Goodmorning everybody.
Yes, sun is shining after days of grey weather. Curious to see how long there will be some sunshine. We had lots of cloudy days, quite some rain, and now temps are dropping again. It will not last for very long, In a few days temperatures will be up again to 5-7 C. and i am happy about it. Still not warm, but already better then snow and ice and frost.
Yeah, the older i get, the less I am charmed about the winter.LOL.
Last Monday Jan was at the appointment with his doctor(I was there too, of course) and in all she was quite satisfied with his condition. But there has to be found still a good balance between medication and loosing fluid and such. She gave him a raise of the urine tablets, to get rid of some fluid more rapidly. But we will have to keep an eye on the weight, that is doen'st drop too fast.
we had a good and rather long talk with the doctor,she is a wonderful women.! Oh and I felt so sorry for her, when we were at the appointment. The poor women had the flu!.Well, not hazardus for the patients anymore, but she still felt quite sick, but didn;t want to reschedule the appointment again.
Today Jan and I will be busy clearing all the Christmas decoration. I wonder if we will manage to do all in one day. It doesn;t matter, if not done today, there is always tomorrow.
And tomorrow Jan has another appointment with the doctor. She wants to keep a close eye on him for now, he may have an appointment each week or every two weeks for now.
First she wants him to be on a good balance and then the appointments can be less.
I am back into designing a bit. It will be on a much slower pace, but it is good that I am back to some creativity again. Now I will finish, because jan already started with the clearing and I don;t want him to do too much (and I have to keep an eye on it too, so that I can find back the stuff in the boxes next year LOL).
Wishing you all a great week to come.
Yes, sun is shining after days of grey weather. Curious to see how long there will be some sunshine. We had lots of cloudy days, quite some rain, and now temps are dropping again. It will not last for very long, In a few days temperatures will be up again to 5-7 C. and i am happy about it. Still not warm, but already better then snow and ice and frost.
Yeah, the older i get, the less I am charmed about the winter.LOL.
Last Monday Jan was at the appointment with his doctor(I was there too, of course) and in all she was quite satisfied with his condition. But there has to be found still a good balance between medication and loosing fluid and such. She gave him a raise of the urine tablets, to get rid of some fluid more rapidly. But we will have to keep an eye on the weight, that is doen'st drop too fast.
we had a good and rather long talk with the doctor,she is a wonderful women.! Oh and I felt so sorry for her, when we were at the appointment. The poor women had the flu!.Well, not hazardus for the patients anymore, but she still felt quite sick, but didn;t want to reschedule the appointment again.
Today Jan and I will be busy clearing all the Christmas decoration. I wonder if we will manage to do all in one day. It doesn;t matter, if not done today, there is always tomorrow.
And tomorrow Jan has another appointment with the doctor. She wants to keep a close eye on him for now, he may have an appointment each week or every two weeks for now.
First she wants him to be on a good balance and then the appointments can be less.
I am back into designing a bit. It will be on a much slower pace, but it is good that I am back to some creativity again. Now I will finish, because jan already started with the clearing and I don;t want him to do too much (and I have to keep an eye on it too, so that I can find back the stuff in the boxes next year LOL).
Wishing you all a great week to come.
Monday, January 01, 2018
Yes, New Year.
Goodafternoon everybody!
First of all I want to wish ALL of you a happy 2018!
And above all things I may wish you I wish we all keep good health, because having that we can cope with other things!
Let's all cross fingers and send up a little prayer for having a much easier year!
Jan and I spent New Years Eve at home. There were some nice things to watch on tv, I had a tasty but also easy dinner for us, and then we did watch a lot of nice things on tv. Midnight lots of neighbours went out to soot their fireworks, and we did stand fo a little while in the door to have a better view on the street.
There were some folks who did spent a lot of money on the fireworks!
But I love to see the fire arrows, they are beautiful with all the colors and different shapes!
After a few minutes we went back in and sat quietly on the couch and watched a great detective. So it was rather late until we went to bed. Oh well, for once a year it doesn't hurt.
Tomorrow we will see Jan's doctor. (We should have gone there already last week, but got a phonecall from the secretary, that the doctor had a funeral to attend abroad).
Hopefully with good results from the bloodtest.
Well, this is about it at the moment. We have rather good weather, at least temperatures are around 8 C daytime, at night around 5C, so not too bad. A bit too much wind to my liking and every now and then it is raining. I really wish there would come some more sunshine and dryer weather. The soil everywhere is truly soaked, much too wet do be able to do anything.
One good thing already there, we passed the shortest day of the year and are heading towards Spring! And let that come real early, I cannot wait LOL!
Have a great New Years day and week ahead!
First of all I want to wish ALL of you a happy 2018!
And above all things I may wish you I wish we all keep good health, because having that we can cope with other things!
Let's all cross fingers and send up a little prayer for having a much easier year!
Jan and I spent New Years Eve at home. There were some nice things to watch on tv, I had a tasty but also easy dinner for us, and then we did watch a lot of nice things on tv. Midnight lots of neighbours went out to soot their fireworks, and we did stand fo a little while in the door to have a better view on the street.
There were some folks who did spent a lot of money on the fireworks!
But I love to see the fire arrows, they are beautiful with all the colors and different shapes!
After a few minutes we went back in and sat quietly on the couch and watched a great detective. So it was rather late until we went to bed. Oh well, for once a year it doesn't hurt.
Tomorrow we will see Jan's doctor. (We should have gone there already last week, but got a phonecall from the secretary, that the doctor had a funeral to attend abroad).
Hopefully with good results from the bloodtest.
Well, this is about it at the moment. We have rather good weather, at least temperatures are around 8 C daytime, at night around 5C, so not too bad. A bit too much wind to my liking and every now and then it is raining. I really wish there would come some more sunshine and dryer weather. The soil everywhere is truly soaked, much too wet do be able to do anything.
One good thing already there, we passed the shortest day of the year and are heading towards Spring! And let that come real early, I cannot wait LOL!
Have a great New Years day and week ahead!
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