Thursday, July 21, 2016

Suddenly we have summer around here.

Goodmorning everybody.

Yes this week we really had summer weather around here. It never goes smooth and graduately, no in a day or may be two, suddenly temps jump to 28-30C from before 20C.
Your body cannot handle these quick and radical changes all too well, so although I love warmer temperatures and sunshine and all, it is a bit too much of it.
Okay, that has been two days, today, also will be rather hot and sticky, with a bit less sunshine and one or two degress lower, then it will drop a bit more to around 25 C, which is fine.
I pity the people who are taking part on the 4 days March of Nijmegen, they have hard times in the middle of our country at these temperatures!
This year is a bit special because it is the 100th time it's taking place.
I have a link for you where you can read a bit more about it and see some video's and / or photos of it.

With this hot weather, you can imagine I wasn't very active, although  did some grocerie shopping( that's always needed), but i did it earlier in the morning when temperatures were still bearable.
Then every other day I go to Heidi's place, to feed the fish and arrange the mail and give water to the house plants and these days I also water the garden, cause it is very, very dry now.

Finally I've made some necessary phonecalls, glad that is taken care of. I also had my first appointment for my dental, making an imprint. Next week I have next one, then 3 more, but all together it will take around 6 weeks to have my new one. Seems a bit long but it is a smaller company and okay, I can live with that.

There also was a kind of excitement this week. One morning the doorbell rang and i saw a BIG policeman standing in front of me.
Right away he said not to be afraid(which I wasn't LOL), but they had some kind of tip that perhaps in our surroundings there was a weedplantation and if he could check our electric meter with a guy from the electric company. When the guy was checking the policeman asked about the appartment above us and he started to smile as we started to smile LOL. well, we've told him what we knew, that it used to be a little sexstudio, but that we werent sure if it still was.and that they had a large renovation this year. I don;t know if they reached the owner, but they were busy quite some time near our appartment. I guess, nothing was found, I didn;t see any real busy activity later on.
Our meter, by the way, was in good order and there was no strange thing about it(if there was a weed thing close, they could tap our electricity you know).
Still I am curious if anything came out of the neighbourhood search. But I guess, we will never hear anything about it.

Okay, as it seems to be a little less warm today, perhaps I will have a biit more energy and some serious "housework"can be done.
Like some dusting, vacuum cleaning, mopping the kitchen floor and bathroom one, and if I can do all that, I think I already will be happy.

With that sudden temperature rise, I also have not too much appetite, ot too good for me. But these two last days I've made a potatoe salad and that is a great thing to eat when it is very warm. yesterday I had some smoked chicken breast with it, tasted real good.
But today I think I will cook more properly, like some boiled potatoes, a bit of a green with tomatoe salad and a little sausage. Should be enough.
That's about all the "news"for now.
 have a kit for you, 'Behind the Attic Door".
Have a wonderful day and upcoming weekend and stay safe and healthy.
Download HERE


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Grandma Sarge said...

Thanks for the look into the past. I have a couple of pics of me 60 years ago and even older that will work with this kit. Thank you very much.

Still no word on the scopie date. Grand daughter will have to take a day off work to drive me up to Spokane and at least she works for Red Lion Hotel so she can get a super deal on a room for an overnight stay. I think we're supposed to be reimbursed for our stay and gas and meal. I'll find out when they make the appointment. And it won't be until late August or so anyway.

Thank you again for the new kit.

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this lovely download. I am still attempting to catch up for the time I was not on the computer...

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Thanks for the lovely kit Kyra....I just purchased a new app called Photomyne ($5) that allows you to use your phone or pad to scan older albums or photos and digitize them and your kits are going to get lots of use once I get some albums uploaded to my computer. I just finished some of my black/white photos from the late 60's when I lived in Turkey! Hoping my hands will allow me to do some scrapping of these memories. My oldest friend (since moving to TX in 1976) was by for a visit this weekend and we've had a blast just "reminiscing" and eating too much!..LOL! It is too hot to do anything outside yet so it was nice to have the diversion!
I think the weather all over this earth is "crazy weird" this year. So much heat and either too much rain or no rain and wildfires! Hope yours calms soon, but who knows what comes next?
I, understand your curiosity about the police investigation. Not knowing is hard...thankfully, our "drug dealer" has been run out of this neighborhood. Now it is nice and quiet without all the 5 minute visitors to our cul de sac. as well as the constant police presence!
I agree, this world has turned so strange with all the hatred and killings...the devil's work MUST STOP! We have got to stop being so "politically correct" and get back to some law obeying! A world with no rules to follow will totally deteriorate!
You and Jan have a marvelous week ahead! I think I will take a rest now from this computer, fix some breakfast and maybe try making a few pages later...after the NASCAR races! LMBO!! It takes so little to keep me happy! Hugs!! Mat