Saturday, July 09, 2016

Doctor's visit and such

Goodmorning everybody!

Yes, I did go to the doctor, it was this Wednesday. I told him how  felt etc., and he had me have a bloodtest to start with.
Went back to him yesterday for result and oh surprise, in all it looked quite good. Hmmm, in a way a relief, in a way, I am not getting any further.
So now he wants me to have a gastroscopie, he just wants to know where thatkind of "burning"feeling is coming from and I am taking the stomach pills for several months now, and it is not getting really better.
For now, I will have to take two, but as soon as I notice or think it is going somewhat better, I can try with one a day again.
So I will ohone hospital on Monday to make an appointment for the scopie. Not the funniest thiing to undergo, but okay, then perhaps  will know more.
For now, I am feeling somewhat better already, hope it will go on, cause I am done with feeling akward, tired, etc.
One thing I am happy about is that slowly eating something is tastful again. For some days I was kind of feeling sick when eating something, had no appetite at all, but that is coming back a bit.

Weather here is still like a rollercoaster. Some days have some sunshine, but also lot of clouds and periods with rain, then one or two days temps rise to nice values like around 24C and then after a day, or may be two, dropping again to 18C. Strange, but perhaps we should be happy with the good moments? Still  would like to have a more steady weather now, with really days or weeks with about the same weather and temperatures.

This weekend it should get rather warm, so let's enjoy those moments!
As you can figure I didn;t do much of designing lately, I should start next week again, I hope.
But I still have some kits "on the shelf". Normally today you would get the clusters from Arlene from the last kit, but they are not ready yet. Arlene is going through a difficult time at the moment, and needs the time for other things. She will make them, but a bit later.
So for now I offer you a new kit and that isn;t wrong either, is it? LOL.
Have a wonderful weekend and week to come, stay safe and healthy!

Download   HERE


Edna B said...

Gosh, I hope you're feeling yourself again real soon. The weather, I don't understand. It seems our seasons are getting all mixed up. Hopefully, it will straighten out soon and you'll get some lovely weather for the rest of the summer.

Your new kit is lovely. Especially the doggies. Hmmm, I'll have to see if I can make a QP. Kyra, you have a lovely day, and feel better soon. Hugs, Edna B.

hummerdawn said...

Thanks so much Kyra. And in my favourite purple colour! I hope they can get to the bottom of your distress, easily and painlessly. Hugs.

Scarette said...

Thank you for another incredible kit!

Your health news sounds positive.

After blood work and tests I got this statement from my doctor: " You are a very healthy person.....on paper"

All the best

Mary T

Snowy said...

Hope you carry on feeling better. Have you tried chamomile tea? It doesn't taste that nice , but helps with stomach issues.
Hugs Snowy

Grandma Sarge said...

Thanks for the new kit. Love the colors. Hope the scopie goes ok. Is it anything like the "Colonoscopy"? Mine wasn't ok. They ran into a block of some sort. So I am doing all the prep work for a CT scan tomorrow.

Mean while I'm still playing around on the computer. Monumental task of sorting all the scrap book pages I've done over the last 8 years and making sure I'm lugging around duplicate copies of a bunch. So far I've deleted 200+ copies. I sort of forget where I put the one I'm looking for and so I make another one. Found about 500+ on my 4 shared account and that's what started me thinking. Better clean up the files. Lots of fun.

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Good Morning sweetie! Hope you are feeling somewhat better, the scope is not all that bad and it will ease your mind to know for sure what the problem is. I did my well woman exam yesterday and only problems was having difficulty with drawing blood...LOL! Now to get my mammogram and bone density, then I will be all set for another year. All my prescriptions have refills and I am doing great except for the arthritis.
Been so busy watching all the Olympic trials and reorganizing files on my computer and doing back up (as my hands will allow) that I haven't been doing much else other than feeding my fur babies...ROFL (can we say just being lazy)! Been glued to TV regarding the police ambush and 5 deaths that have me terribly upset as well. Can't seem to figure out why we can't all just live together and let hatred go!
Weather still miserably hot and humid here, so staying inside in the air conditioning! Until next time, stay healthy and happy! Hugs, Mat

Unknown said...

Hi Kyra,
Thank you for your lovely kit. I am sorry to hear that Arlene is havng a rough patch and hopefully will soon be back to her normal routine.
I just went thru the scopie thing and you will be amazed at how fast it is over and done with and are back home. I have had lots of burning and stomach upset and have an ulcer so Tuesday, day before yesterday they went with the scope to see if the ulcer is healing and it is. It is being slow about it but it is healing. Having this scope will help to erase any fears that are in the back of your mind.
Our weather is hot and dry. A bit too hot for me, but rain is a possibility for us today and tonight and I will be happy to have it.
You take care Kyra and have a wonderful day and week ahead. Beth

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this lovely download Kyra. I am playing catch-up again...

Shelli Cavatelli said...

Hi Kyra
Have the doctors tested you for H.Pylori infection in your stomach? I know its a long shot, but I get heavy H.Pylori infections which they used to think was ulcers so I was treated for it for years, but then they found that bug in my tummy and after taking the medication the burning has stopped.

JustJo63-AussieNut said...

Thanks so much for the lovely ftu kit. I hope this finds you a lot better now x x x