Goodmorning everybody!
Yes, although temperatures are a lot lower, we still have nice enough weather. Perhaps some 2 degress more would be perfect, but still we shouldn;t complain.
Painting is still on the roll, Jan almost done all the doors and such in the hallway(there are a lot LOL).
Still some to do in the living room, but that should be done quick, once started. Now I really hope to go real soon to the DIY for the wallpaint. Want to start with it as long as we still have the nice weather, I feel much more up to it when the sun is shining a bit.
As we still take some days off from the painting may be next week will be time to find the bushes with bramberries and raspberries, I have no idea if they are already good for picking, but perhaps Jan can take a little trip on his bike first, to see how they are doing.
I really like to go out some day for it, with some plstic boxes in a little bag, and collect a lot of them.
They will taste great as desert, with some yoghurt or quark or vanilla custard, and then want also to make some jam.
One of our neighbours has a prune tree in his garden, and lucky for us some branches are hanging over the fence in our garden, so we are entitled to pick them LOL. Still have to wait for them to be ripe, they are in the shade most of the time so it will take a bit longer.
It will not be a huge harvest, but that doesn;t matter. Taste is good, as we know from other years.
Still quite a mess at our street, the works on it continue, but will last at the least two more months.
Oh well, we can live with it, not really enjoying it, but I think all will look nice when ti is finished, some day!
Glad we still can watch some great detectives on tv, it really is a wonderful way of relaxing.
Some of them are re-runs, but I don;t mind, I love to see Midsummer Murders, Lewis, Spooks, Le sang de la vigne(a French detective about a wine expert who always encounters a murder when he is on a job), and then the great series of The Killing and Millenium. The last two Jan is taking on the dvd so that he can put all the parts together on a dvd disk.
In between we watch a quiz or two, also some nature documentairies, even sometimes some more serious stuff like a newsprogram, and there is some sports to watch too. Busy evenings hey?
Some of our regular programs are still "on holiday"they will be back by the end of the month.
So it seems there is a lot to see on tv, and there is, sometimes, but there also is a lot of crap on it! We really pick out the things that are a bit worthwhile to watch, it depends a bit on the taste of course.
Some evenings there are so much films and series on, that we have to make a "plan"LOL. Then other evenings it really is bad! But thank goodness there is a dvd and video so we can record some and watch that on evenings there really isn;t much on.
Have a nice kit for you, a bit in darker tones, but I think the combination of the colors works well. It is named"The Sweetest Dark", and has some magical feeling in it. Arlene has done another outstanding job with two clusters and a quickpage for you!
Have a lovely weekend!
Download HERE part one
HERE part two
Download HERE
Hello and Thank you for these lovely downloads...
What a beautiful kit, and Arlene's clusters are wonderful. I'm at work, but the surprise in my email has me smiling. I have Pogo with me today, and he's quite happy to be here with me. My favorite TV program is back on now and I just love it. "Project Runway".
Mrs is calling for her breakfast now, so gotta go. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
Good Morning, thanks for stopping by with the lovely comments! This kit is a lovely color combo and I thank you for it as well as Arlene's lovelies!
Hope your weather holds out for you and Jan to finish the painting. We are on day 10 straight (17 total) of the triple digits...tomorrow will be 11 and then on Sunday....woo hoo supposed to be only 98, but then on Monday, back to 100+....only 10% chance of rain sprinkles now and maybe 20 by Wednesday of next week. My poor yard looks fried since we can only water on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but with so many days in a row of the excessive heat...that doesn't help much, but I would rather have water to drink and to bathe and wash clothes, etc. Never ending, huh? Just north of us in Oklahoma and Missouri they have excessive flooding....hope some of the water will find its way into some of the rivers and contribute to our water supply!
Well, have plans again to stay in and read, watch TV (some I have taped I need to catch up on) scrap and sleep this hot weekend! Hope you have a great one too! Chat with you again on Monday!
Hugs, Mat
What a beautiful kit. Thank you so much for sharing.
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