Monday, September 10, 2012

Mess at our front door today!


Well, if I wanted to or not, I just had to wake rather early today. How come? The guys that are repairing or changing some pipelines, started this morning just in front of our house! The noise waked me, because they first had to lift part of the tiles and then dig out the sand, with a machine that makes NOISE!
Oh well, I hope they will be ready by the end of the day, one can always hope, isn;t it?
The weekend was ever so quite.
Jan worked Friday morning, so i did my things, but he washome a bit earlier than I thought, so I wasn;t even ready, had to give the house a good sweep with the vacuum cleaner. And then he told me, he also had to do an eveningshift that same day. Okay, nice for the money, but I had to change a bit the plans for dinner.
So the evening I was alone, but it passed real quick. I watched the match of our Dutch soccer team, they won with 2-0, that's good, but the team still has to grow a bit.
Then there was The Voice of Holland, which I didn;t see. No, I watched some debating from our politicians, which can be sometimes interesting. And it's good to do, cause coming Wednesday we have the elections!

Then Saturday- and Sunday evening Jan had to work too, so during all the weekend I was alone in the evening, sniff! It's not dramatic, but some programs on tv are nicer to watch when you do it together, like a quiz or so.We always try to give the answer on questions before the other does, LOL, and if we have the right answer and the candidate on tv doesn;t we always look at eachother with a look like: "How is that possible, he(or she) gives the wrong answer? It was sch an easy question! "
It's just more fun together.

During the day we just sat in the garden, it was beautiful weather, and I also had some computer time and really was in a creative flow, wonderful!
Today it still should be nice weather, although it is changing. It rained a bit, and still is cloudy at the moment, but later today the sun should come out again. May be a good time to go out for a little walk together, who knows?

Friday I promised you a sneak-peek of a kit I was working on. I did finish it and yes, I have a sneak-peek for you. Here it is:
Any idea what kind of kit this is? It was fun to make this one, and I am happy with it.

Oh, have to get something of my chest! Last weeks there were the Paralympic games. And I thought it a real shame that on tv they only had about two sessions of half an hour to show just flashes of all events! Remeber the Olympics some weeks ago? Every evening there was one channel that covered all events  as much as possible live, during the whole evening and during the day there also were some flash backs and so on.
Shame on the people who just gave the Paralympics a few moments on tv. It should be left to the choice of the public, weather they want to watch it or not, we have several tv channels so they could do it on one and give the other programs on the other ones, isn;t it? But I think the athletes perhaps deliver a bigger effort than the valid athletes, one should admire their determination and will power and they achieved great things. And you know what? Sometimes you feel a bit akward to watch handicaped people, let's be honest about that. But watching a good volleybal match, or a sprint of any sport, you just forget about their handicap, it are very exciting matches and I have great admiration for all those athletes!

That said, I think it's about time to finish this blogpost.
So here are first some clusters from Arlene, made with the kit "Petit Coin".
Download    HERE

And my kit for you is a versatile one, I think, good for some heritage scrapping, as well as a lot of other subjects, it's name is"Never Ending Story". I will take my second coffee, and play a little in PSE, perhaps I can finish the kit I started on in the weekend.
Have a lovely day!
Download    HERE


CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 4 post on Sep. 10, 2012. Thanks again.

CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 4 post on Sep. 10, 2012. Thanks again.

Edna B said...

What a pretty kit! I love the title. Yes, the weather is changing. The mornings and evenings are cooler, but the days are still wonderful.

I agree about the special olympics. The handicapped athletes deserve as much air time on TV as the other athletes. These young folks have to work so much harder to achieve what they do. They deserve so much more credit.

I'm off now for a little nap. YOu have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

good morning and thank you for the Never Ending Story kit, I will use it a lot in my genealogy quests! Thanks to Arlene as well for the lovelies. I created a cluster on Miriam's blog using you Early Morning and Chilly Dawn kits, hope you like it! Have a terrific week ahead! Hugs!! Mat

marniejo's house of scrap said...

Wonderful kit. Thank you Kyra.

Anonymous said...

Hello and Thank you for both of these lovely downloads.
I have to agree that the paralympians should be acknowledged more than they are. It is a lot harder for them than it is for able bodied people...