Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brrrrrrrrr, still too cold for me !

Goodmorning everybody!

I promise I will not start this post as depressive as yesterday. I know it's an illusion, hoping, wanting to have peace all over the world, but also thanks to people who believe that war isn;t a real solution, there are parts in the world where we have some peace, so we need this wishful thinking!
It is very interesting at the moment to see going on all the changes in different countries in the Middle East at the moment! I really hope for the people over there that the changes will be for the good and that slowly it will bring them a better way of life.
No, no more politics, I promise really!

Oh my, I was a good girl yesterday. I did the laundry, did the ironing and gave the house a real good sweep with the vacuum cleaner. It was a real thourough one, moving around the couches to really reach the places under it(amazing, what is collected under them in due of time LOL), going also into the little corners, well you know the trick. So that took me really some time, but then looking around it gives you a good feeling.
Then in the later afternoon I first made the freebielist, did also a little bit of blog hopping and commenting here and there and then finished off a kit, only have to upload it.
But that will have to wait till later this afternoon, cause first I will have to go out for the groceries and also to the bank, to get rid of some money, sadly enough. Bills have to be payed.
I also did a very quick tour in my garden yesterday and oh my, it was real cold! But I saw more tulips coming out of the soil, and some daffodils already have thick buts, ready to bloom soon! Still loads of snowbells are blooming and on several bushes and climbing plants I already saw little new buds, ready to become fresh green leaves! Now the only thing they need is a bit higher temperature.
I really hope that in a couple of weeks temperature will be nice enough to be able to work a bit in the garden, may be with a thick sweater and such, but there has to be done some serious pruning!

I think today I will make a real winter dinner. A mish mash from mashed potatoes and sauerkraut, well stirred together, with little bits of smoked bacon, first fried a bit in a pan and then hop, into the mish mash, and I will accompany that with a real good tasting sausage, a smoked one, so you only have to warm that up in just not boiling water for a while. Yeah, it sounds good and I always make it enough for two days, so tomorrow it will be real easy, and if there would be still a left over it will taste good if you fry it for a moment in a pan and then put it on a white sandwich! Are you getting hungry already?? LOL!
Okay, today we will start again with a small daily download, I have 4 parts for you to collect over the next few days. I think it's a kit that will be okay for some heritage scrapping, but of course it will suit other themes as well. I named it: "Almost Forgotten".
Have some fun  with it and also have a great day!
Download    PART 1 HERE


jzayler said...

oh, the thought of tulips and daffodils we just got dumped on with 10" of snow on Sunday and they are saying more is on the way...And I never thought sauerkraut could sound good at 8:00 in the morning but your mish mash sounds really good. I might have to try that this week. Thanks for the file too!

Edna B said...

Mmmmm, mmmmm. Your food is making me hungry!! And I'm starting to drool a bit at the mouth just thinking of your flower buds getting ready to bloom soon. Oh my! There is still three feet of frozen snow covering my little garden.

Tootsie's doctor forgot about our appointments today and went on vacation. The nerve of her!!! (Tootsie is sooooo happy!) We will have to reschedule for later in March.

The sun is shining now but it is only about 20 degrees F, so no fear of the snow melting today. We've been lucky so far - there has been no flooding in the basement so far from the melting snow and ice.

Well I'm off now to see what kind of mischief I can get into. You have a magnificent day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [23 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria