It was a nice day yesterday, I even did a few things LOL!
I must say I am most of the time busy creating for Minky's place at the moment. Somehow I am lacking a bit of inspiration for general kits, although I've made a few last week or so!
But I have to admit, though I am 57 years old, I LOVE working with fairy stuff! The body may grow older slowly, but the heart and spirit is still in it's youth hahahahaha!
I got such a nice comment on the Christmas Memory game, it made me feel so happy. One of hte members of the special blog could use it for her son, who had a braindamage and it could possibly help him on his training of memory and concentration. Now isn;t that nice to hear, that something I just came up with is actually helping a kid? Reading that I decided to make another memory game, this time a Forest Fantasy memory, and here's the preview:
And then I was thinking: "What could I make more for the real young kids? And I found a template for a puzzle( not really many pieces, just enough for young kids) and made first a card and then put on the layer with the puzzle pices. It's a bit of work for the parent to cut out the pieces, but it could be fun.
This is the puzzle:
These things and much more you can get if you do this:
I've started another project, but it's only just starting, so I first want to see if I can manage to make it work and if it does, I will show you.
While writing this post I am thinking of Snowy, who is on the plane now, she will arrive home late this afternoon, I think she will be a bit exhausted and she must feel very sad. Let's hope she soon will receive some good news about Erik!
It seems that my friend Heidi has again internet connection, I received yesterday in the mail a new mail address! Now just have to wait when her telephone line will be connected!
Now somewhere this week I should start with wrapping up a few Christmas presents that have to be send by post! Time is moving on so quick, and I like to have it done and posted on time, better to have it done a bit too early than too late! In about two weeks it should be time already to start with the Christmas decoration of the house! I always like to start just after 5 december, which is the day of Sinterklaas holiday. So you see, always news things announce themselves on the TO DO LIST!
Well, today I should go for some shopping, sad to see the weather has changed a bit. I think it is even raining a bit. Adn although you never can fully trust the weatherman on tv, they said that may be at the end of the week there will be some snowfall and temperature will be only just above the zero point! Brrrrrrr, for me that is much too soon! Fresh snow is lovely to see, but that's all! I am much more a fan of the weather we had in summer, nice warm, sunshine, it makes you feel much better! But I suppose we will survive the winter again(as long as it doesn;t last too long LOL) and we can think again about spring weather.
Till that moment we will have to hold on and make it as cosy as we can in the house I suppose.
Now the freebie for you, which is a little kit, named "Some Time Ago". Hope you will like it. This time I've uploaded it on 4-shared, cause during the weekend there was some trouble with Mediafire! Impossible to upload! But the support team responded rather quick to my cry of help and I don;t know what they did, but it seems to be fixed again. Bless them, I like Mediafire best, cause the download links come quick and don;t have a waiting time like on 4 shared or others!
First I think I need another coffee and then I should get busy!
You all have a magic day!
Download HERE
Ik ben echt ontroerd dat je nog een memory gemaakt hebt.Mijn zoon en ik deden dat al samen toen hij nog een kind was.Ik heb zelfs de oude kaartjes van vroeger nog.Hoe moeilijk het ook is voor mijn zoon soms is ie echt nog dat kleine jongetje van vroeger en speelt ie graag dit spel voor zijn geheugen te trainen.Toen hij 13 werd kreeg hij geheugen problemen en epilepsie.Hij heeft een zeldzame hersenziekte die zijn geheugen heeft aangetast.Hij is dus als het ware ook in zijn pupertijd blijven steken en zal eeuwig een puper blijven.Sinds een dikke week woont hij om hem toch het gevoel te geven dat hij alleen mag wonen zelfstandig maar onder begeleiding.We zijn super trots op hem en we moeten ook vaker lachen als hij na een lange dag bezoek plots zegt: hey mam ben je der allang want ik wacht al de hele dag op je.Is hij weer vergeten dat ik er al de hele dag ben.
Mercikes het zijn deze dingen het in leven zoals een memoryspel dat je toch weer superblij maakt:-)
grtz jacqueline
Good morning Kyra:)
Thank you so much for stopping by again.:) I have been soo busy the last week or so.Christmas shopping and getting ready for Thanksgiving...I have not had time to read your blog and catch up with what is happening in your life lately. I promise..I will come by and catch up as soon as I have a few hours.hehe Hope all is well!
Huge hugs,
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