Friday, July 23, 2010

Hard men can be softy's too!

Goodmorning everybody!

Well, I didn;t make it to Heidi's house yesterday so that is a thing I certainly must do today. I could prospone it a day cause we had a bit of rain yesterday, which was a a good thing for her garden. I have no clou when they will be back, should be this weekend, so I think I will buy them a few groceries, like some bread you can bake off in the oven and a bit of  stuff to put on it, and little things like that.
I went to the re-build supermarket yesterday and I must admit it looks nice, but it was COLD inside, terrible! I was so glad I was in the sun again, I really needed a warming up!

Happened a funny thing yesterday evening. Jan went out for a drink( still without alcohol, whoopee) and a game of cards in the cafe. So I was alone with all our pets, one cat on the couch beside me and the guests of course. At the time I heard the key in the front door, cat, as always reacted on it, they hear it even before I do! But I looked at the birdie and he was reacting too, waving a bit with his little head, stretching out and also bunny, who was kind of sleeping, got all awake and hopped around in his cage, and sitting up with his head direction of the room-door. They really heard him(and Jan enters always very silently). As I told him that, he was a bit smiling, and when I told him the only ones who didn;t act diffently, were the two fish. He smiled again and said he saw the two swimming diffently too, so that he was sure they noticed it too LOL. But about being soft: Jan refreshed the cages and the fish bowl, and he said, that bunny could stay inside the evening, cause he had enough excitement already. I didn;t agree, and said he had to run around a bit. No, Jan said, he can wait a day. But after dinner, who was opening the cage for bunny? Yes, Jan! Hahaha, he has a big mouth sometimes, but a little heart! Oh my, guys are a special breed indeed!

Next week when our guests are gone, we'll have to give the room a good sweep with a mop and water, I am sure the water will obtain a strange colour after it LOL. But I am happy we have a wooden floor and not carpet all over the floor! It's a blessing really!

I think I have a nice freebie for you today, very colourful! It's named "Arabian Touch", that should say enough about the style. Have a real good weekend and see you on Monday!

Download     HERE


marzenna79 said...

Thanks very much for freebie. Beautiful.

Snowy said...

lol- I know what you mean about not having carpet -the only room where I have carpet is my bedroom! Yeah- I'm loving one of this "special breed" as well,lol. Hugs Snowy

Edna B said...

Kyra, what a lovely kit! The colors are just gorgeous! You seem to be having a wonderful time with your new program, and you're getting quite good with it.

I have found that lots of guys with gruff noises have big hearts sometimes. Especially to animals.
Moo is grumpy most of the time, but he goes outside and talks with Chippy and puts out food for him. And he loves taking photos of the sunset. Go figure!

You have a great day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kyra, Just want to thank you for sharing your beautiful kit. I love all your work. Sincerely, Cathy McCarthy