Thursday, June 10, 2010

Results of the election

Goodmorning everybody!
It stayed unsure for a very long time which party should become the largest. It seems now that the VVD (you could say liberal-democrates, so tension to the right) will be the biggest but it's only with a difference of one seat in the chamber from the PvdA( more social orientated party, so to the left). Hmm, neither one of them has the majority to govern at their own and also together they don;t have this. Another big party , the CDA(Christian-Democrates) lost really almost half of their seats in government! The worst thing that happen, well, in my point of view, is that a rather new party, the PVV( very much to the right side, almost a bit extreme) gained a lot of votes and are the nr.3 in the list. I am not much of a politic- expert at all, but this party is shouting a lot, has a very intolarant way of thinking about several issues, and okay, in a democracy they have the right to express their view, but the worst thing of all is, that they have no, or silly solutions for all the problems our ountry is having at the moment. Hey, only my idea, but I don't think I am totally wrong! Still I was glad some smaller parties gained a lot of votes, resulting in seats in the chamber, that are a lot more based on a social-reform base.
But I have the feeling a lot of people weren't happy with the government as it was, and blame it for a part on the CDA, and not knowing what to do, they either didn;t go to vote or gave their vote to the parties on the right, expecially the PVV( caling itself the Partij voor de Vrijheid, roughly it means Party of Freedom).Bad thing I think.
Now their has to be formed a new coalition to govern, which will be not an easy task, as several parties already annouced(till now!! you know politics!) not to be willing to form a coalition with this PVV. Hmmmm, I am very curious how the big parties will solve this problem. Not an easy task is laying ahead of them!! Getting this country back on track again is a difficult job, question is how the necessary savings or economies will be spread. One thing is for sure, everybody will feel it in the wallet, only question is how much and who is going to give the most? The strongest shoulders, as people who have a real big income, and perhaps the banks, or everybody, and then in those "everybody"the common man will be the one who will have to pay the bill at the end.!
We will see what happens in the next few weeks!

After we did out voting yesterday, the temperature was so nice, that we took a little walk around. Only thing that wasn't so nice, was that it started to rain again. By the time we arrived home again, we were a bit wet! I don;t know if it's the cause of the cold Jan seemed to have caught. He has some problems with a bit of soure throught, even seemed he had a bit of temperature yesterday evening. I hope it will be better with him today. May be I should buy a coughmixture, that's about the only thing he would take in as a medicin. You know, men are difficult most of the time, taking some medicine!!!! LOL.
Well, enough rambling done, don;t you think? Time for a second set of quickpages(yes, at the moment that is all I have to offer, the designing is having a break down at the moment LOL, yes, inspiration is there, but not for the designing of kits or even quickpages, I have to admit).
Have a lovely day!
Download    HERE


jacqueline said...

Kwas bijna vergeten je te bedanken voor je fantastische quickpages en shares:-)

jacqueline said...

hey Kyra,
Mijn zoon heeft PVV gestemt en ben er helemaal niet zo verzot op .Mijn zoon heeft een hersenbeschadiging en is extreem rechts door zijn ziekte,pff krijg zijn ideeen maar niet uit zijn hoofd gepraat.Het is juist zulke personen die de PVV de kop zot maakt.Ik begrijp je standpunt volledig maar de PVV kan toch alleé denk ik toch geen coalitie maken,niemand wil met ze samen in één partij.Vele problemen die ze schreeuwen hebben ze géén oplossing voor.Idem dito hier in belgie,gelukkig hoef ik hier niet te stemmen want ze maken er een zootje van.

Edna B said...

Good morning Kyra. Now that the elections are over, at least things will settle down a bit while the new government pulls itself together and starts it's work. Hope it works out.

I have a late start today. Spent last night doing my research on Holland for my layout. I really did have a grand time.

Gotta go now, you have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.