Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I am a bit relieved

Hello everubody!

I am late today, but you know why. The doctor's appointment for lungs. Well, as I already knew inside, they are not in tip top condition, but as far as it looks for now, nothing really bad happened. I have shortage of breath, yes, and I did a short lung test today. The outcome of that was not good, but also much better than everage outcome for people with the same complaints. So, that was already something. Next Monday I will have to do an extended test, back to the doctor on 28th of April and then we will know what has to happen or what medication perhaps I will need. I've lost some weight, so I;ll have to work on that, that also will bring back more energy. And of course I had the advice to stop smoling, then the capacity of my lungs would stay longer on the same level as now, which is still not real bad, although not brilliant. I have a puffer now, which for the moment I will have to use 3 times a day, it's called Berodual CFKVR 2000. It might be that in some time, when it goes allright, I perhaps will have to use it only one or two times a day. But if you have somewhere in the back of your head that the doctor might have some real bad news for you, this is kind of uplifting. Yes, I know, I have to take care but you can live a long time with it. So let's be happy and some day in the very near future I will have to quit smoking, it should be the best to do. I had a kind of warning now, from the body and also the doctor, and then you will have to do something with it.
I know Jan was a bit nervous too, he went with me, of course, and I saw on his face also the relief. First of all I think is to gain a few kilo's, which will be hard enough for me.

So all together I cannot complain too much. After this tension gone, you suddenly feel a bit tired, LOL, but that's a normal reaction, I guess. But can you imagine my feeling, having a much worse scenerio in mind and hearing "just"this???? Pffffffff, I can be happy.!

Just a word about the daily downloads and the links of the forum. I am not real sure which one to post today, because they were mixed up a bit in t,he beginning, but all files are uploaded now. So I will have to ask Snowy which day in real she will be posting and then I will post then each day, if possible. Okay?

Your freebie for today is part two of the bragbookpaes Fairytales. Have a great day, I think I can say my day was still blessed, now I have to work on it, and it will ask a few days of preparation LOL, mentally, and also some storage, like candies, chips, that kind of thing, to replace the smoking! But if Jan could do it with the alcohol from one day to another, I must have the same determination and willpower to do it with no more smoking! But I know it will not be easy, certainly not the first few weeks or even months.
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Edna B said...

Such a relief, Kyra, that the news was sort of good. I agree, you probably should quit smoking in order to breathe better and longer. When you do, I'll do what I can to help you.

These pages just keep getting prettier. Have a grand day, hugs, Edna B.

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [07 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good morning Kyra:)
I am so sorry you are going through this with your lungs.How awful for you..but am soo happy that you got some good news too.I agree with probably should try to quit smoking.I know it must be hard to do though.:( I have never picked that habit up..thank the Lord!!:)I am allergic to the smoke breaks my face out and makes me itch.:( I don't mind people smoking if they want to ..just not around me.LOL
Thank you so much for the pretty bb pages.I can use them on Christy's polymer clay fairies.:)


rabbitrun said...

I tried Magickalscraps last night and the site was still acting wierd. I scanned for viruses and it was cleaned, but it started scrolling something like I hate myself across the title above the url, and blinking and I quickly shut it off. I am in love with the feathered friends and hoped I could get the rest there but not yet.

Hope your day goes well. I agree. Stop smoking and give those lungs a break. Your work is beautiful and we don't want to lose it!