Goodmorning everybody!
I told you Friday, that my computer was acting wierd, but finally I could post again. Well, that also was the last thing the computer did, after that, nothing worked again! OH NO! Well, I'll try to keep it short:
I called Rob, my brother in law to ask for help. He came early afternoon at about 13.30 or so, and installed himself at the computer. Whee, nothing worked anymore, the only thing still working was Mozilla Firefox, so I could send a message via the forum to announce that probably I couldn;t make it to the chat. Okay, Rob tried all kind of things, and I got more nervous when time passed. This kind of thing isn;t really not good for my health, no kidding! Only good thing was that I still could burn my photo's, so they are safe. As I was dummy enough not to make backups, you know what is the consequence! Finally nothing else we could do than re-installing Vista from the recovery-dvd, glad I had that! So I lost EVERYTHING, all my scrapwork, all resources, etc.etc. Rob is such a sweet guy and so determined to make it allright, so he stayed reparing and installing till all worked again and he left us at about 03.00 o'clock at night!!! I don;t know how to thank him for his help, but he doesn;t accept anything!!! Well, Jan and I have to think about something, we will find something, I am sure!
So ladies, I will have to catch up designing slowly again(I was happy I already had uploaded all kits from december to mediafire, so I have those links again) and my friends Snowy and Edna right away offered to supply me with new stuff if I wanted it, Snowy said to me to keep my eye on the postman next week and Edna will zip all I want and send the links to me. Aren't that great friends??? I told them to take it easy and not overdo it, I already started yesterday downloading all kind of CU freebies again, and brushes too, so I can start making my own overlays and so again, and I am sure I will have loads of resources again in no time.
Don;t know what caused the crash but Rob thinks it might have been a virus or something like it. Although I have good protection on the computer it always can happen.
Okay enough complaining, I am so happy I can use the computer again, may be it was somehow a good thing, I can start over again, organize all things right away better and the computer is faster again.
During the weekend we got really serious snow! Although I am not a real snow lover, (because of the mess it gives when it starts melting, yak) it is a beautiful sight looking out the window and seeing this white world. I know, it gives also a lot of trouble, but putting that aside for a moment it is great to see. So yesterdayI was brave and went out for a little while to get me a fresh nose!
As I live at the coast, we didn;t have the biggest snowfall, but still it was a good cover!!! I made a few pics, I will show you and I have even a layout with a picture from me, made by a nice gentleman who was standing in a street(Jan stayed home, the chicken!). Here some of the pics:
First view out of my window, when I opened the curtains:

A little parc in the neighbourhood

A duck a bit confused of all the snow and the water that was frozen!

A nice place near to us, look at the sky!!! More snow coming!

This is a house just around the corner, where they make a big effort every year to decorated the house to the spot! You cannot see enough inside, but the elder couple living there, have a beautiful Christmas-home. And every year, when they are done, I stop in front of the window to have a good look and when they are home I give them a wave and a thumbs-up! It has become a kind of little tradition, LOL

And this is me, with my friend the snowman!

You can click all the pics to have a better view if you like.
And yes, I do have a freebie for you, not a Christmaskit(I will have them later in the week) but a nice one I think. It's named "Magic Wonderland". Now you all have a great day, I will be busy enough, LOL! And still I don;t have to forget that there are also other things to do, besides the computer, ooops, sometimes hard!! But I will be a little bit a good girl, okay? Only today and three more days left to Christmas! And then I can look into my presents, whoopeeee~!!!
