I slept a bit longer than I usual do, suppose I just needed it. Well, nothing catastrophic happened, LOL. So not too long rambling around today should be helpfull. Ha, but do I manage that??? We'll see.
I did made a layout I can show you now, concercing the thing I couldn;t tell you yet yesterday. It needs a little explanation(you see, there we go again, tadaaaa)
Jan is not the greatest handyman in the world, oh, he can do things, but sometimes takes a bit long before he actually does them. It can be two ways around: or he does it the minute you talk about it or.......I have to push for some time. LOL.
But I start at the beginning, which is the most logical to do.ROFL!!
You know n Sunday we took that long walk. Arriving again close to home, there was a big containes at the sidewalk with all kind of stuff people threw away. I suppose they re decorated their house or so. I am ALWAYS curious to see what's in it, sometimes you find great stuff and all in perfect condition still! So Kyra walked around it(Jan doesn;t like that too much, hahaha) and saw some roller curtains of bamoo or rotan. Hey, I was looking for that kind of thing already for a long time! Let's see how they are! They were in good condition, all worked still as it should with the ropes, so..... I took two home! Now in our kitchen we have a part where the central heating and warm water kettle is placed and where I put the garbage thing in and there is also a smller closet standing with all kind of kitchen stuff in it. But it's not the nicest view when you enter the kitchen. So Jan and I had the same idea: we hang one roller curtain there to hide it a bit. And the other we thought would be wonderful for the kitchen door looking at the garden. And hey, Jan actually hang them already on Monday. Yes, I was all happy! And to have that as evidence(Jan called it a picture for blackmailing him, LOL) I made a pic of him working on it and the endresult. This is the LO, made with parts of the DD of August"Men at work". Just perfect for it!
Better view http://i30.tinypic.com/117ac2h.jpg
I had it easy yesterday for dinner, wow! The wife of the owner of the cafe where Jan goes from time to time, gave us a big portion of soup she made, brwon bean soup, really a Dutch soup for winter. It was so well filled that we ad our meal with that! And it tasted perfect, yammie! Sadly enough we ate it all, so today I have to come up with something myself. I think that it will be meatballs, in a good gravy and just plain cooked potatoes and some veggies. Yammie too!
And what have I cooked up for you today? Another fantasy kit, yes, but with a different subject, name says it all"Fearless Dragon". Not a very extended kit, but I made you two nice frames in it and also a quickpage! So I hope you can make something nice with it.
Now all that is left is posting the preview and first wishing you a lovely day!
Download HERE
1 comment:
Ooooooh, love dragons!!! My Audrey collects dragons. Can'twait to see what's in this kit.
One of my Michael's favorite things to do was "trash picking." He would alway stop if he saw goodies on the sidewalk. You'd be surprised at some of the nice things he found.
Your Jan did a nice job putting up the bamboo rollers. The layout is really nice.
Have to go do some laundry now. Have a great day. Hugs, Edna.
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