Yesterday I did some of the things I planned to do, so I am happy it was done. The rest of the day and evening was a bit not too good for me, I had some problems because of my epilepsie, that happens sometimes. I suffered from what you call a few absences, which isn;t a great feeling. You get very tired of it, and so I went rather early to bed, the best thing is having a good sleep. I hate it when I have that uncomfortable feeling, but nothing to do about it. Don't you worry too much, it's not that bad that I pass out completely, which could happen too, but you just have a strange feeling in your head, like if you are very far away. difficult to describe. I hope it will pass away soon, it mostly take one or two days and then it's back to normal again.
Oh well, I learned to live with it, and if that's all there is I should be happy I only have that to cope with. There are people coping with much worse things than this in their lives, so I am not really complaining.
Oh let me show now our advertisement for our Magickal Scraps forum birthday. It starts the 1st of October with a kit-hunt in the shop, every day there will be a free kit in there, all about it you can read a the blog of Snowy, who is giving you the clous,
On the 3rd of October we have a blogtrain with free QP's planned for you.
Read this so you will know what's going on then: >

On top of that we have a new daily download starting at the 1st October, called 'Halloween Town"! There are marvellous contributions from our team and if you could use more there is of course the shop-addon to get for a very low price! Have yourselves a little treat next month! Here is the preview of the store kit of Halloween Town, made by Snowy. There was so much stuff in it, that not all is shown on the preview, but you get the idea~.
As you can see we work hard with the team LOL. Starting 1st October I will have the slideshow up for Halloween town from the daily downloads. Also wonderful stuff!
After all this reading and watching you landed at today's freebie, the 3rd part of the Nella Cuccina kit. Have a great day and clean your harddisks to make room for the upcoming events LOL.
Download Nella Cuccina part 3 HERE