Yes, I had a nice weekend till now, quiet but nice. I say till now, because I totally lost track of days!!!! I was in full conviction it was already Monday! I AM DUMBO! SO FULL ENERGY I POSTED AND THEN AFTER A WHILE REALIZED IT WAS JUST SUNDAY! Well, I leave it on, you have a nice surprise this way. LOL!
Friday afternoon I finally managed to visit Heidi and I picked a good time, because she was all alone at home. So good for us, we talked about this and that, merely girl things, nothing really interesting, but still nice to do!
It was about time we had a real chat again together, without husbands around. Much more releaxed, LOL
Saturday was just a Saturday, I was all free, yeah. No shopping to do, great. So instead I turned on the washing machine, so that's done too. I took time to scan a few pictures, which will match my family history.
In the afternoon Jan said he wanted to take a walk, I went with him and we went walking to another area of The Hague, where lots of beautiful(expensive, most of them) houses are and a lot of green, nice gardens and so. It was a nice walk, in a quiet pace, chatting along about all kind of things, a great way to spend your time. I took my camera with me, but didn;t take much pics, but one of them I will certainly show you and it;s a kind of joke for my friend Snowy!
Now it''s time to give you another part of the family history.
Before going on I'll show you a picture from my mother and her brother at the Russian scouting group. The quickpage is from, a nice blog with lots of great freebies.
for better view
This QP is from
Then a day she met an Egyptian man, and married him. He was well fortunated and at first it went well. They had two children, girls, Vera an Anja. But as things happen in life, they seperated and had a divorce. Now my mother had to go back dancing, to earn money of course, and the little girls stayed with her parents when she wasn't home bacause of the performances> So again life didn;t bring only happiness.
As she was a strong women, she survived and the family held together. Years passed by and slowly another nasty period in worldhistory approached: the 2nd worldwar.Everybody knows it was a difficultand at times dangerous period. A lot of people had to do "Arbeideinsatz", in Germany. It meant, you had to work in Germany for the Germans, if you refusedthat, you had a very big chance to end up in prison or more like in a "Lager", a camp. And that was worse, cause you probably wouldn't survive that.So also my mother had to go to Germany. aAs she was Russian se was already looked at very suspiciously. A day she was summond and came to the office of an officer. He asked her what she could do, what her skills were. She answered she had finished the gymnasium, could do e.g. administrative work and that she was very good with different languages. The officer looked into her papers and saw she was Russian. He said: "We could make you an interpreter, because we have a lot of Russians working here at the fabrics and living in a camp nearby. But we have trouble understanding them when we have to interrogate them. And because you speak very well German, French, English and Russian you could be useful to us in that way, also for translating official papers etc."But the nicest thing was, that this officer had a Russian grandmother(talking about coinsidences in life!) and said to my mother: "I can arrange such a job for you, you will not have it too bad, you can live in a little appartment and not in a camp, and I must do this because if I sent you to camp(and for a women there were happening very nasty things) I will never be forgiven by my grandmother". So somehow there was sitting a little angel on her shoulder, I suppose!So said, so done and despite of the war situation, she hadn't such a real bad time there, and just had a lot of luck. With her job she also was able to help sometimes some prisoners, to get them a better job, in a better situation etc.
Next episode will be of the war time and how my parents got together. Almost not to imagine this all happened for real, because sometimes it just looks like a suspence novel!
Today I have a kit for you I made for the colour challenge of May on the forum. It's named "A Magickal Wedding". I think you can make lovely layouts with it.
I give you a little preview of some of the papers too:
Download HERE
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements or Papers post on Aug. 16, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for this freebie and for sharing your story...
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