Yesterday it was a rather warm day and today should be the same, with in the afternoon possible rain, strong wind blows and thunder storms. We'll see how we will be treated.
I am on a low flame with the designing stuff for the moment. I think I am too much into the story telling for the moment, searching for pictures to go with it and than scanning and making a layout. It's also a good thing perhaps, like this I will have a little family album digital for myself, that I can put together on a cd. If loosing the "old"pictures, I never will get them back. At least some of them are saved in this way.
What is it with us humans, to want to look at pictures and keep them around? We always want to remember things from the past and make new pictures of the things happening at the moment, so that we can look back at them again.
I like it very much for the moment looking through my old "paper scrap"albums with the pictures and choosing the right ones for the story telling and then making the layouts. It gives me a chance to go through my old scrapkits and finally use some of it myself. I like to use my own, although sometimes I take something from another designer. It's hard to choose at times!!
Well, let's put down another part and at the end I have a lovely freebie for you, a kit named "Douces Mémoires". I used some of it for the layout I made for my uncle Victor.
I may happen I don;t have a big freebie for you yesterday bt I make sure I will have something, okay? For now have a nice read perhaps and enjoy the freebie!
And have a great day, of course!
So my father was in Holland again and my mother still in Paris. I'm not exactly sure when she came over, but I think it had to be somewhere in 1946 or may be even 1947.My father still didn;t found a house, so they went living for the time being with my grandparents( parents of my father). They also didn;t had a big house, but somehow everybody did fit in.
As I told you my father was one of 9 children and some of them still lived at home with the parents. So you could imagine it wasn't always easy. On top of that, one of their sons came home with a Russian wife, divorced once, two children from her first marriage and then also the little baby . So in the beginning it was a bit tricky. My mother was "kept an eye on"for she had some other customes than a "good"Dutch family. One of the remarks made to her was""Well Kyra, now that you are in Holland, we have to make sure you become a "good"Dutch housewife!.!
Okay, they meant it well, so my mother just nodded her head, said not too much to it, but had her own ideas of that! It was lucky my mother had a good feeling for languages, so rather quick she learned to speak Dutch. Although she never did loose her Russian accent completely. It was also a kind of her charm and she knew it!
Finally they got married "for real", which still took some time, but pooh, pooh, it happened in.... 1950!!, which was also a relief for my grandparetns of course. My father found a regular job, at a wholesale trade in non-ferrous metals. His first day of work was on the 16th of October(remember that date!!!). He started there as bookkeeper and worked at that company for over 40 years.!
They found a little appartment and could start with their own lofe. At last there came a bit of peace and quiet in their lives. Slowly my mother also got accepted by the family of my father, they saw that although she did her household etc. in a different way they were used to, it also went very well and that my father was a happy man. The little girls went to school, the little boy also and they made some friends here and there. I don;t know how my mother did it, but she could move her self in any surrounding and was appreciated by a lot of people. So she made aquintances with people in high places in the government, the Home office and also with "normal"people like you and me. She always had that ability.
I just skip some years from time to time, otherwise it's becoming too detailed and too long. Then arrived the year 1953. And hey, a little girl was born, yes, it's ME!!!(In between my brother and me my parents had two more children, both boys, but sadly enough one was still born and the other one only lived for one day, he had a heartfailure). And yes, also that grieve they my mom and dad had to overcome.But now the little dolly was there and she was fine. Born about 8,5 pounds( say more than 4 kgs, I didn;t gain much more weight since that time, LOL)all healthy and well.
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In the time I grew up life settled itself a bit, my mother had too much energy to only do the household. In the neighbourhood there was founded a club for gymnastic, but they also though it nice, if the girls could lear a bit ballet. Well, you can gues who did organize that! My mother.
Till here we go again and tomorrow another part will be there.
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Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Aug [LA 11:19pm] - 20 Aug [NY 01:19am, UK 06:19am, OZ 04:19pm] ).
How do you do these kits so quickly? Takes me so long to do just one. Your talent is just fascinating.
And I love the history story. I have my morning coffee while I read it. Hugs, Edna B.
Thank you for sharing this lovely kit.
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