I promised you yesterday to start with another journal about a trip to York in England. And so it will be. But I think, I must do some explaining about it, to let you better understand some things I describe in the journal. I went to York with my dear pianoteacher, Josy, who passed away 2 years ago. At the time of the trip in 2003 she had the respectable age of 80 years! Why was it so important for her to make a last visit to York? Well, she lived there for a long time in ca. the 30's and 40's . She was married there to an Englishman, which unfortunately wasn't such a succes due to all kind of circumstances. I will not go into those details, I think it is a bit too private.But for al long time they stayd together. Never the less she had very good memories too. She also had a real romance with a man, during her married and later divorced life. It was a complecated relationship, but they were really in true love for eachother. This man cherished every footstep she made, and despite of the fact they couldn't live a life together they were in adoration for eachother. So there were a lot of memories for her in York and surroundings. Yes, this women had an extraordinary life and a very interesting. I know, because she left me her life story she had written already years ago. But I could read it only after she was gone. And boy, she lived a full life as she described it, and it covered the years from her birth till the 60''s when she married her second husband. And that was a very good marriage.
And with her second husband she went very often, for years and years on holiday to England, they both were real Anglomaniacs you could say. So perhaps you understand now a bit, why she so desperately wanted to make still one more trip to York, but she couldn't do it all by herself due to her age and therefore she asked me to join her. Also because I knew about a lot of things already about her life there. I had a bit of difficult time in that period, just lost my job etc. so in fact I couldn't afford to pay for the holiday. The dear lady made it no point, she just paid it all for me! I just had to bring a tiny bit of pocketmoney. She really was a very special lady. And with this in mind, you can imagine her excitement to be able to show me all she told me about over the past years.
Trip to York in 2003.
Sunday, 4 May.
I went a bit earlier to Josy than the appointment, because of course she was a bit nervous and worried about the fact that Sandra(her house maid for twice a week) shouldn't be in time. She would drive us to Europort for the boat. And if she didn't come, what to do then?? So Jan walked with me to her, because of the luggage and also to reassure Josy that all was okay. And of course Sandra was in time and off to Europort. She did drive a bit the wrong road but all by all we were plenty on time in the harbour. While waiting to embark we had a little drink and some sandwiches. And then we checked in on the "Pride of Rotterdam". That all went very smoothly and with a lift to deck 10, cabin nr. 10293. We were lucky in finding it so quickly, because it was a gigantic ship! I had the honour to open the door of the cabing with a Keycard. And you will not believe it but I succeeded the first time already. Josy in full admiration, hahaha. Very nice cabin, rather large, with a view at the sea. After struggling a bit with the second bed(you had to "fold"it open in a certain way) and we both crying tears from laughing because of the struggle, we left all things there and went on the search for a little drink. Oh, before that we gave the card for ordering morning tea or coffee at the reception. Hey Josy knew the trick. You don't get too much in the morning so we filled in 2x coffee for me and 2x tea for her. Then we went changing a bit of money in pounds and went drinking something in the Sunsetbar. Pfffffffff, finaly we could rest a bit. I too was happy to sit, because I am the one who carries all the luggage, of course, but also have to keep an eye on Josy, if she isn't too tired etc. During our coffee break a show started with two ladies, who tried to sing a nice song. Well, what to say about it? Let's just say they tried VERY hard for a minor result! So we didn't stay long and went to the cabin to lie down. We slept well but waked up rather early, which wasn't such a problem, because we should arrive rather early at the English coast and of couse Josy wouldn't miss the first sight on it!! She was all excited, like a little kid and almost couldn't wait!
So here ends the first day. I hope you will enjoy it a bit and will be there tomorrow for day 2.
Now back to to Alphabet Fun. Today you will receive all the matching ribbons for it. Still a few days to go till the end of the kit. As every day also today I wish you to have a smooth and happy day!
Thanks so much!
Thank you for the lovely ribbons.
Well, you've got me hooked again. I just love your stories. This one already sounds neat.
Hooray, another travel diary! ::sits back to enjoy another story::
I love reading your travel diaries, so thanks in advance for this one.
Thank you for the ribbons and the story, Kyra!
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