I am a bit slow this morning in getting started. Don't know why. Not all too important. We had a lovely weekend again, with on Friday indeed another rather long walk! We went first to see if there was anything nice in the shop as couch, didn;t see something, so we went on walking in the direction of the centre. I was smart this time and took my camera with me. Not that I took a lot of pictures, but I have some. I'll show them in a few days, have to scrap them first. So we walked in a slow pace to the centre of The Hague, and as we don;t come there too often anymore, it;s nice to see what has changed. We were also at the houses of Parlament, the "Binnenhof", where on the innder square they were preparing all kind of things for Veteran day on Saturday. Jan got me laughing again there. The buildings are from way back in time, really old, a bit castle like. And he was looking up on a part of it and said that that part would suit him well as an appartment and that it was easy from there to climmb on the roof and be like Quasimodo, the hunchback of the Notre Dame!! He fully explained to me how he would do it and I even got him so far he acted it. But I wasn't quick enough with my camera, such a pity!!
Then after a while we landed in a little coffeeshop, with real Vienna cakes and so, yammie, so first we took a coffee and then I took two pieces of cake with me for in the evening. That was a treat!!! Finally we arrived home again at about 17.00 o'clock. Pfffff, but it was nice.
Saturday in the morning we got a visitor, the daughter of an aquintance, she's a very nice girl and we had a nice chat in the graden with some coffee. It was as if I forfelt it, because real early for me I alreary hoovered the house, dusted, cleaned some things up already starting at about 9.30 !!! But I was glad I did that. The afternoon I just split the time up between the computer and the garden and yesterday we took it real easy. Lovely weather, still, so some coffee in the garden, Jan with the newspaper and me with a little book. And when it got too warm I went back to the computer. In the afternoon we watched a good detective and also had a nice evening.
Yes, I'm feeling okay after this weekend.
Now first I have to ask your attention for a nice blog I was pointed at, and it's really worthwhile to take a look there, because Rosa, of http://rosa1.vefblog.net/ makes delightful things for us scrappers, all for free. She has already a lot of stuff, so take your time to linger through, I'm sure you'll find something you like. If you do take something, leave her a little love, that would be nice.
What else? Well, I was already busy with the daily downloads for october and november and even december, as I told you. I will give you just a little sneak peek for the Halloween, this are just two of the papers. But I have already more. And I saw also some contributions of the other participants. Wow, it's going to be a GREAT daily download for October, believe me!!!

Well, what do you think???
Good, that's that. Now the freebie for today. I;m sure it will be for some of you a great little kit. Do you like strawberries? And do you like chocolate??? Then it;s something for you! I named it Summer's Delight. Have some fun with the kit, scrapping some pictures of yourself, indulging in strawberries and/ or chocoloate, LOL!
Hope you'll have a nice day and till tomorrow.
Download HERE