It wasn't an overall good day yesterday. There was that hated envelope in the mailbox with the tax amount to pay to the citycouncil again, a repeating event every year! When you have your own house you'll have to pay a percentage each year about the taxed value of the house and also the tax for garbage recycling and sewerage use tax. I'm sure I haven't used the exact words for it, but I think you'll understand what I mean. And they know how to calculate!!!! Then the dumbo's made the assessment not on only my name but splitted it up in two forms, one for Jan and for for me. Talking about waste of paper etc!!! Now I have to settle that again, and try to arrange a lower amount. I am not sure at all the request will be granted but as we have no income for the moment from work AND we are no bother to the community(not in social service, yes we are blessed with a little money of ourselves, not for long!), so in fact we are poor souls, perhaps there is a possibility. But I HATE to do jobs like this, dive into regulations of the taxes, which are always sooooo easy, as they say, but when you read them 10 times, you still haven't the exact rules that may apply to you. Then writing the letter, making copies of some forms, waiting for the decision, and probably at the end having to pay the full amount from the beginning. Jan will not do it, he says I'm better in writing letters than he, etc, which may be so, but I almost always have to to these dirty jobs. It spoiles my week-end , well, almost! Better to get it done quickly and we'll see where it ends.
Thanks for letting me blow off some steam, I needed that. LOL!
Hey I did make another challenge for the Magickal Scraps forum yesterday, just in time for february. It was a challenge having to do with two people on a picture, showing love. I searched in my pictures and found one, that I scanned and made it look a bit older, although the event on the picture took place already about 25 years ago. It's a wedding photo from my Polish friends and I used the last kit "Old Photo Album"of mine. Here is the result:
And now I will give you the second part of Old Photo Album. I really hope you can do some beautiful layouts with it.
Ladies, the weekend is almost there an yes, I am taking the break from the blog again for two days. I still don;t like it deep in my heart, to leave you without a freebie, or list or some rambling from me, but it is good for me for the moment to do so. It gives me some rest and a bit more time for the designing and also to look around on internet for material I could use. So I wish you all a very nice weekend, and hope to "see"you back again on Monday!
Adios muchachas!
Download PART 2 HERE