Oh boy, is it going to be BIG, the new kit! I am a bit falling in love with it, poooohhh! But I may like it now that it is progressing, it is up to you, LATER, to decide and give me your opinion. I have done the papers now and the ribbons and tags and some elements, but now I will have to do the "extra's", like some more embellishments, probably some frames and some more things. It isn;t going to be ready yet. I hope I am making you a little, tiny bit curious? I must hold myself back not showing you something of it, or the colorscheme, but no, I will wait.
Hahahaha, a bit of teasing is allowed, hmmmmm?
Now I have to show you this:

and you should go to her blog because she makes terribly nice things and gives them as freebies!
I am happy with it and also I am happy that the rules are very simple, just pass it on to 5 others who didn't receive it yet. So there we go:
Edna, http://missednasplace.blogspot.com/
Deltapdawn, http://scrappingtildawn.blogspot.com/
Cat, http://paisleycatscrapsfreebloglayouts.blogspot.com/
Valinda, http://vjscraproom.blogspot.com/
Linda, http://bonscrapatitdesigns.blogspot.com/
Do you know that it's only a day waiting till you can go to the blog of the Worldwide Christmas Scrapbook freebies? The first of December they are supposed to publish the whole list of blogs where you can collect Christmas freebies! Oh boy, I am too curious how it will be. You probably will need some free time, and something to drink on the side and then go over the list and be sure you have enough space on your discs! I think it must be huge, that list!
What is there today for you in store? I made a kit in a graduating color scheme, going from a green to a lilac, and suddenly this name came up : "Sugar Sweet". Don't know why, probably something to do with the color. Hope you will enjoy it and I think tomorrow I will have a kit for you that will be in two downloads again. Suddenly I am in some bigger or "heavier"kits, strange.
So today I will continue on the new kit( with some moments off, because some laundry is waiting to be ironed, yakkie!), and while busy on that I will have to think of the subject of a new kit already. If there are suggestions, put them in the shoutbox, or comment section. You never know it may work, hahaha, and it's a good thing for me too, to have "refreshed"ideas.
Okay, I wish you all a fine and quiet and happy Sunday!
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