Goodmorning everybody!
Strange title perhaps but I'll explain. I almost didn;t get some sleep last night, how wonderful. No, suddenly, yesterday evening my nose was filling itself with ugly, yakkie stuff and then it started to drop out. And it kept coming! I think I almost spent half a roll of kitchenpaper. The little paper hankies aren't enough in such a case! So you could say I catched somewhere, somehow a cold! It's very exhausting when that lasts for at least 1 1/ 2 hour. Well, I gave up and went to bed. But that also was hopeless. Almost no air, mouth hanging open to get some air, of course it dries out because of it, but you cannot keep tanking water or whatever ALL the time, then sitting up again to have some big sneezes, cleaning the nose again in the hope to breath a bit more normal, for a while, etc.etc.etc.etc.
It wasn't a very pleasant night and it's still there, may be tiny little bit better, but if you should see me sitting now at the desk..........
BIG roll of soft and thick toiletpaper on it, a little plastic bag hanging on one of the draws for the dirty sheets, sniffing, and "raining"with little drops from the nose.
Pooh, I surely hope it will become a bit better and dryer during the day. Oh well, I suppose I will have to endure it, for a day or two, and then hopefully can forget all about it.
If that is all I will have this autumn, and winter I should be grateful. I cross my fingers and even my toes that the flue will not catch me this time.!
So Halloween is about over now and in some countries of the world they will be preparing for the next holiday, the Thanksgiving. As I like to be early and in time, I made you a Thanksgiving kit already. It has a very simple name"Thankful". Hopefully you can use it, I think there are some very nice papers in it.
Well, I will finish now, oh this afternoon the speed skating season starts off on tv, as you know, I very much like watching it, so I must arrange my day very well, to have your freebielist, watch the tv, make dinner, snif and sneeze still a bit and hopefuly get started with a new kit.
I hope you all will have a very nice day, relax from the Halloween, prepare yourself for the weekend.