Goodmorning lovely people!
Well, the break did last a bit longer than I thought, but it was good for me. I just needed it. Last week was in fact a quiet week, but... also with a lot to think about. I try to make it short. Jan and I visited the doctor on Thursday and we had some good news and also some not so good. The good news was, that with the last test they took again other samples from his gullet an other things and no bad cells were found. So that was a reassurance to us. Then the doctor told us some things, we already new deep in our heart. Jan's liver isn't in a good condition, he is suffering of a cirrosus(do I write this okay?). He was offered a few options. Keep on drinking his beer will not be good for him, his life will be very much shortend to say it mildly. Or stop immediately with all alcohol, it will not heal it, but then he could celebrate a lot more anniversaties of the wedding day. He also is still holding fluid in his body, specially his belly. He already has medicin for it, but she adviced to cut on the salt in his food. Not necessary to start eating completely without salt, but a drastic cut down would help. So I will have to start cooking quit different. Okay, I can do that, I think, with still being the food tasteful. Jan still isn't eating much, he lacks of appetite and then I know it isn't easy to swallow donw something. But as result he lost quit some weight and that has to come back. As result of the weight loss he lacks of energy and as result of that his muscles are diminishing of power etc. etc. etc. The doctor suggeted he comes in the hospital for a time, perhaps a week, may be more, so that she can keep a good eye on him and can try to feed him extra. I would love that, but for him it is a big decision. He, with his abhorrence of hospitals and such, doesn't like the idea at all, but he is thinking about it. He knows, he has to do something but for him it will be very difficult the coming time. Oh, also his bloodpressure was too low. So you understand we had a rather tensed week and certainly the last few days. I know he wouldn't be pleased (to say it mildly) that I write this all down, but why keep it hidden? He already told it to soe friends, also in the cafe, that the coming time he will not be often there because of the situation. He isn't a man of drinking lot of soda or that kind of stuff, so it will be better to avoid the temptation. But I know, a lot is going through his mind now and I cannot help him much to make decisions. He has to do it himself, otherwise it has no result. But it will be hard for him, especially the first few weeks. He likes his beers, and he is a social drinker as they say. So he is afraid also to loose his contacts, and to stop from one day to another with it it as hard as to stop with smoking. It needs a lot of persevarance. But if your life is depending on it, I don;t think there is much choice.
Well, one thing is for sure, our life will change and I will try to help him in anyway I can, no doubt about that. But I will be prepared on moments, the mood will not be so bright and happy. I am sure it will come. Well, then there will some lightning and thunder here, and afterwards the clouds will dissappear again and we will go on. What else is there to do?????????
So now I bothered you enough with our upcoming problems.
For the rest I ussed this week to travel a bit on the computer, did some designing and had a good time. I must say the weather isn't so bad either, not too warm, but still quit some sunshine. I was planning to work a bit in the garden, but I hadn't the energy for it. The next cople of weeks I will have to do some in it, preparing it already for the wintertime. Well, once I get started, it will be done rather quick, I hope.
You know what?? I started crocheting again! I bought some woll, very nice soft one and started to make a bedcover. I make large squares, all will be made with different stiches and that is my project this autumn, when I sit in front of the tv. It will take some time to make, but I don;t mind. I have the colors of a soft yellow and a bright kind of olive green, very nice and happy combination. I will crochet the squares together with white wool. I am happy I started crochet again, I like to do it.
So you see, I always try to be busy with something. I can sit sometimes, doing nothing more than watching tv, but never can keep that up for a long time. I think, am very much like my mother in this.
Okay, you are briefed again, so it will be time for a new kit. No, first I must they thanks to all you wonderful ladies for your kind messages! It was so nice to receive and read them. You are just marvellous. A big hug for you all!
Now I am coming to the new kit. I have some in stock again, not as much as I wanted to, but I took it easy, as you know. Todays kit is a country related one. I named it "Smell the country air"and surely hope you will like it. Anyway, I am back again, not sure if already today I will have a new freebielist for you, but for sure there will be one again tomorrow. Just depends a bit on what I will do today, I want to make something nice for dinner, without salt, or almost without it and that will be a different way of cooking, you know. And still make it taste. But I know, I will have to use more herbs etc, I also bought a little boxx with "low salt"for Jan. It contains about 70% less natrium than the normal kitchen salt. That's a start.
I want to wish you all a very nice and pleasant Sunday, and I can say now: till tomorrow!!
Hugs and a cuddle to all!!!

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