Goodmorning everybody!!
First the news about Jan. Till now they didn't find any tissue or what else that is bad looking. Pffffff, that was a relief. With the test of his gullet they still found an infection, causing part of the trouble. For now he has to take some pills to bring back the acid of the stomach. That pops up all the time in his gullet ) and irritates and probably caused the infection. With the pills the doctor hopes to get it down. He still has a narrowing in his gullet, also part of the trouble. Well, if the narrowing still stays they will perform a little operation and bring in tubes, in one oparation several width, to stretch it up. If that should not help, they can bring in a kind of tube from gauze, that keeps it stretched. Not pleasant, but if that helps, okay. Nothing to worrie further about the stomach and intestines, nothing found. WHOOPEEE! But the doctor also wants to make an echo of his liver in about 4 weeks. It will not show up very healthy, I am afraid, he likes his beer and that already during his whole life. And there is still the question about his anaemia, the doctor doesn't understands that till now. As fas as tested till now, it has not to do with some internal bleeding or so. They will probably test his blood again. But all by all, I think, Jan is a bit more re-assured now, and so am I. All is not well yet, okay, we know, but they try to find it out and some day there must be an answer and hopefully a solution to all this trouble.
So far, so good. HOORRAAAAYYYY!!!
The we installed the new tv yesterday. Boy, that went quick! We even did it TOGETHER, how about that. It is a wonderful screen to watch, and I am so happy with it. Now today part two has to be done, the dvd! Let's hope that will be as easy as the tv.
Then something all different.
I received TWO awards yesterday. Isn't that sweet and wonderful? This is it:
I received them from it's up to me to nominate some other blogs. I suppose I just have to give 7 new ones and not 14, because I received it double! But I have some more than 7, so sorry!
First here are the rules for the passing on:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated
Now the blogs: Hey girls, this one is for YOU!

The two blogs of Laura
Blog of Irene
Blog of Kubivet
Blog of Gunhilde
Blog of Edna
Blog of Vicky
Blog of Lil
So that is done too! And now you are probably curious about the new kit. I believe it is a little bit funny one, but you know, I just like.....................penguins! They are so funny and adorable. Last year I did one kit about penguins, but there is so much to find about them, that a new one could not hurt! I surely hope you will have fun with this one, called : "Waddle, Waddle".
Nothing more to be said, I can wish you a fantastic, wonderful, enjoyable and happy Friday.