Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh wow, another award!!

Goodmorning everybody!

We should really think a little bit about our Australian friends now, with the terrible bush fires and on the other part the enormous floods! All those people being afraid, loosing their home and possesions, and the worst already so many lives lost! You cannot beat nature, but their are supsicions, that some of the fires were delibarately done! Those people are not the good ones, and I say this VERY mildly! From the other side of the world we cannot do much for them, so a little thought and prayer is the least we can do to support them!

That was the serious part of the post!

Now a happy announcement. I have another award. I almost should make an extra page to put all the awards on, LOL!!

This one I received from Donna from http://tootlebugz.com/

Do visit her blog she has very nice freebies and some CU also(I snagged some, hahah).

This is the award and the rules:

The “rules” of this award are that I must:-

1. Put the logo on your blog or post. (Right click on the logo and save to your own computer.)

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award.

I am giving this award to:











I have of course another kit for you. In between I was also working on another one and I have a nice idea for a next one. So you see, I am busy all the time. The kit for today is not a big one, but might be nice to scrap some pictures from holidays or so, certainly you must have some pics of beautiful buildings or so, to go with these papers. Well, it's up to you of course what you do with it, but it was just an idea.

I wish you all a splendid day, I have lots to do!

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Anonymous said...

Merci beaucoup Kyra, je suis très touchée par ta gentillesse, je vais regarder comment faire avec les awards pour pouvoir continuer la chaîne, je n'aurai pax le temps cet aprés-midi, je m'en occuperai demain matin avant de faire mes images, merci beaucoup, bonne journée

suruha said...

These are nice! Thank you! Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.


Ashley said...

Thankyou for the award, your site is great! Ashley