Still a little time left before to start out again in the garden, I am already in a kind of panic! Why? I spend so much time on the computer to keep up on things, the housy things just enough to have the idea it looks allright, that I am wondering how to save time for the garden work! It looks pityful now in winter time, a lot will recover by itself, I know, but it has to be cleaned up, replanted a bit, lot of pruning to do and then I also want to buy myself a new program for the designing and learn how to handle that.! Anybody out there who can sell me some extra time?????
Well, as always it will all come to it;s place, as say they say, but Jan already started to push me yesterday, saying that soon I had to do something about the garden and that we had to do this and that in the house, etc. No saying it wrong, he said I had to do also this and that! Wow, men are so easy in that, always saying we women have to do this and that, and when I answer: "yeah, I know, but I cannot do it ALL by myself"thay looks astonished and say:"well, I can do some things, but most of it it's up to you, cause you want it to do it your way, and I am just bothering you, as always". Something like that! I know he will help when time is there, but it's always (almost always) up to me to start with something and then kind of reluctantly the men try to come to help. In this household it is like that anyway! Probably I spoiled him a bit too much in the beginning, LOL!!!
Although yesterday, without me saying anything he dusted the room and even did a hoovering, wow!
Enough complaining about the men I think, let's go to the freebie for today. For change one in a bit darker colours, in a native American theme. I named it "Chief's Spirit".Yes, I stumbled upon some material for it and just made this one. May be you can use it, who knows? Soon I will have to start on some kits for some holidays for March and April I think, to be ready in time. Yes, you see, we "designers"always have to plan in advance, hahaha.
So have a nice start of the week, I will just take one more day a bit easy, muscle thing almost over, so give it a day more rest and hopefully it will be gone, whoopeee!
Download HERE
This is a great kit, Kyra. Thank you so much.
You said it, we do spoil our men too much in the beginning, and then they seem to think we are wonder women, who can do it all by ourselves.
You have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning Kyra:)
Soo sorry you have a terrible cold.:(I hope your side feels better real soon.
If you are coughing at night a lot ..try a vapor rub on your chest.Christy(DD) had a bad cold one time and that was the only thing that allowed her to get some sleep.
I have been having computer issues and trying to get those ..I could use some extra time too.LOL I have soo much going on and needing done..that I feel guilty if I want to play with my paint program.:)My so far gone..I can't see it anywhere.LOL
Thank you soo much for sharing your designs with us and also the links to the terrific sites you find.:)How sweet!
Have a wonderful day and get some rest!!
I love your designs. This will be perfect to scrap pages from our trip out to New Mexico! Thank you.
this is beautiful! thanks so much
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