Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Catching up a bit of sleep

Goodmorning everybody!

It really was a bit of funny day yesterday. When Jan and I woke up yesterday, we didn;t had actually the feeling we had a good night's sleep. That can happen sometimes. I know I slept quite some hours in a row, but I had the feeling I was awake almost the whole night, and Jan about the same. So we were rather lazy yesterday and in the afternoon we both took an extra nap. That did us some good and I slept a lot better this night.
I took my turn to feed the animals at Heidi's house, and it was even nice to take the little walk, got a bit of fresh air in the head. I had to do a cleaning job with the rabbit, cause when I tookhim out of his cage, to give him a cuddle I noticed he had a bunch of poop around his back-paw and around the area of his bump. Yak! Normally the rabbit has little "grains"of poop, but this was of a much softer nature. I guess he's not feeling completely 100%, because when I entered the room he wasn't standing up looking around curious who is there and that way he always asks for being caressed for a moment, it all .might have to do with his being all alone perhaps. Just hope it will be better with him today and he will hold out till Heidi and family return on Friday!

I think I will go out later today to get me some grocerie stuff, like fresh bread, cat food, and such.
So probably Jan will go to feed the animals again today. And I also must not forget to wake Jan up earlier tomorrow, cause he has his regular control-visit at the doctor. He is doing allright now, after all the trouble he had a few years ago with his stomach. Still drinking no alcohol, and with the medication he takes, all is working well again, he's back on his usual weight and feeling energetic again. Thank God for that. He only doesn;t like winter time, that always bothered him a bit LOL, and is always happy to say: "hey, we passed the 21st of December, so now the days will be getting longer and longer again."

That's about all I can ramble about, so I better post the freebie now and will play for a while in my PSE, have to try to finish another kit I am working on.
I have "Auntie's Lace" for you today.
Enjoy your day!
Download    HERE


CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Dec. 28, 2011. Thanks again.

Edna B said...

I'm guessing the little bunny is not feeling so good because it is lonesome. A week is a long time to be left alone when you are used to having family around.

It's wonderful that Jan is back to feeling so good. Winter will be over soon. A lot of us get the blahs during the winter months. But soon it will be Spring and we will be back to planting in the garden.

You have a great day, Kyra. Hugs, Edna B.

Orlie said...

Just wanted to let you know I got my sister hooked onto your site. Thank you for EVERYTHING !!!!

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good evening Kyra:)
So happy you and Jan got some good rest.:) Jim and I have nights where we wake up feeling like we haven't rested and that afternoon nap sure helps.:)
I think Heidi's bunny is only missing having someone around.It should soon get back to normal.:)

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely kit with me.I LOVE lace.:)
