Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Oh I am happy with the progress!

Goodmorning everybody!

Yesterday I did the shopping and I must say it was gorgeous weather! Coming home, it was really too warm to get busy digging and pruning in the garden so I left it to be for another time. Jan went to the centre to have some pictures made, soon he'll need to renew his identity card (and checking mine, I also have to do that soon). With all the new rules for pictures it;s no fun to have your picture taken. ou are not allowe to smile a bit anymore and it has to be taken striaght "en face". So you can imagine how these will look. They mostly are already not the best pictures but now you almost look like a hooligan. So better not show Jan's, I don;t like the picture too much!

Him out of the way I got a bit busy in the house, and then had some real quiet time at the computer. Even put up an old LP with an Italian singer, oh so romantic! It was a LP I received years and years ago from an Italian boyfriend I had. Ohhhh, those careleass and lovely times, where have they gone??? ROFL

I could fiish the kit I was busy on, had another half done waiting, so I finished that one too! And then even could do a bit more on the new project of the Gemstones ABC challenge we have at the forum. Of each letter I have a page with the gemstone and a little description of the stone and a backpaper and a few elements. So each letter or stone, is a little mini-kit. I could show you one of them, and why not, this is the letter A. First is the preview of the whole "kit"next just the stone paper.

I try to have each stone on paper in the colour of the stone, well, as much as possible. It's a big job, but I Like it. You should go over to Snowy's blog, she has also some picturres of her project of it, in an all different way, but beautiful. If somebody is really interested in gemstones and especially in the meaning of them and healing capabilities it should make a great album.

Today I have the last part of the Botanical project for you. And then tomorrow we go back to the "old"routine, there will be a kit for you!

Hope you all have a grandilicious and superlicious day!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 1 post on Sep. 09, 2009. Thanks again.